Monday 12 September 2022

An honest salesman/woman.

I spent this past week in permanent pain. It started with a stiff neck and became a really nasty migraine. The only thing I could think of was PILLS, and more pills. I couldn't move my head, and sleeping was impossible.

I had taken the last of my Super-Dooper-Neurofen tabs, and was desperate for more, so I went at once to Boots (a large UK pharmacy chain). 

I asked the nice lady for a big pack of her finest Mega-Fast-Acting-Neurofen and was quoted a price of about £15 for a pack of 32. When I gasped with shock/horror she advised me that instead I should buy their own label Ibuprofen tabs which were on offer at 45p for 16. If I bought two packs for less than £1, she assured me that it would produce EXACTLY the same result as having bought one large pack of Neurofen. She said they contained EXACTLY the same thing. She also advised me NEVER to buy such branded products.

It's very refreshing to find a salesperson who was so honest, and I told her how much I appreciated her advice. If you are a shareholder in Neurofen I make no apologies; I shall never buy them again.

So, I had saved myself £14. I then needed to do a small amount of shopping at M & S which came to just under £10 which I considered to have been FREE, with another £4 remaining in my pocket for later.

The pain has now subsided thank goodness. I have no idea what it was, or what brought it on. I have no idea either if the pain killers helped, but at least there was some placebo effect.

N.B. Boots Ibuprofen tabs (above) modelled by Alphonse!



  1. I too have recently been suffering from pain in my back and neck and in the meantime I am trying not to be tempted to take the pills that the doctor prescribed for me. I found that walking helps me a lot.

    1. I could hardly move without making the pain even worse. For a few days it was really nasty.

  2. The stiff neck indicates the headache might have been from the muscular tension, but at least you got relief. And great advice too. I always get the generic if one is available, same product, much less $$$

    1. It's all those 'Fastest ever pain relief' and 'Nothing more effective' words that used to make me buy Neurofen. I had no idea that they simply contained plain-old Ibuprofen.

  3. Replies
    1. It was horrible, it made me feel miserable all week.

  4. Doc told me to take them for my arthritis. After a while I went back to him cos of stomach pains.Sent me for a scan.He thought I might have gall stones.Fortunately I didn't. Came off the tablets and felt ok. They aren't for the long term. (nsaids or anything similar.)

    1. I don't really know if they did any good or not, they certainly didn't noticeably stop the pain.

  5. I'm amazed that so many people buy expensive brands of medicine and other things. All you need to do is read the label to see what's in them. Good old Paracetamol is another example which is sold under a number of expensive brands.

    1. I wasn't thinking correctly, I just wanted anything to stop the wretched pain.

  6. I take strong painkillers when my arthritis is at its worst. I think I may as well take Kool Mints. I don't even get a placebo effect. It doesn't take much once you are of a certain age to aggravate something. Sleeping too soundly and not turning over often can even trigger something.

    1. I simply accept most of my meagre pains, but this was horrible. I really needed some opiates.

  7. Thank goodness we can find the cheaper varieties here. Our chemist is very friendly so we get that sort of advice too.

    1. Most of the big name products are a con. There are usually much cheaper versions available.

  8. Sorry to hear about this episode Cro. If the pain re-emerges you should visit a doctor or go to the Brighton Station NHS Walk-In Centre.

    1. That is one half of my surgery, the other half is in Boots, and is much better. The one by the station is more for residents of Whitehawk (wherever that is).

    2. Whitehawk is north east of Kemptown and west of Wilson Avenue near East Brighton Park. When you get your new car you should drive over there "on safari" and buy some chips from The Ocean Fish Bar - guaranteed not to be McCains!

    3. I hope you're not suggesting that I 'gawp' at the residents or eat their meagre rations.

  9. Very refreshing to have someone sell you something cheaper rather than the most expensive ! My friend had exactly the same symptoms a couple of weeks ago. Her doctor said she had strained a muscle in her neck but maybe there is something going round ? Wishing you a speedy recovery Cro..... a glass of something nice should help ! XXXX

    1. I did worry that it might have been Covid; but no. Unfortunately, I've also given up wine drinking during the week, so I couldn't even anesthetise myself.

  10. Solid advice, you will be back as a customer

    1. One of the pharmacy staff there has even phoned me 'out of the blue' to ask me about my prescription. She was far more informative than my doctor.

  11. Aren't generic drugs required to be the same formula as the name brands? I almost always by generic "store brands". Of course the price of all drugs is horrifying'd have a stroke if you saw what we have to pay for prescriptions!

    1. As an older person I pay nothing for my prescriptions, but younger people don't pay much. This is all because of our wonderful NHS.

  12. It could be a pinched nerve that is causing your pain. A friend gets this occasionally. Sometimes it goes away in a few days. When it does not resolve, she sees her PCP or chiropractor. We also have generic over-the-counter drugs that carry the same contents as name brands. My view is: Why pay more, when you can pay less?

    1. I certainly shan't buy Neurofen again. 15 times the price of generic; crazy.

  13. Don't take them for any longer than necessary and stop as soon as you can. They really mess up your stomach.

    1. I stopped taking them on Saturday. I never normally take pills unless absolutely necessary.

  14. I don't think I've ever bought a branded medical tablet where a generic one is available.

    1. I have noticed that my daily Diabetic pill (Metformin) comes from all sorts of different manufacturers these days. I suppose the pharmacy simply buys the cheapest in order to make the most profit.
