Tuesday 23 August 2022

Why Not Quit the Rat-Race?

Anyone reading Rachel's post of 20th August will have seen about a current French property invasion.

So, here's an idea. Flog your £2 Million 1950's semi in Croydon, and exchange it for a beautiful, stone-built, 18th C, French farmhouse with plenty of land and outbuildings, at a cost of about €250,000

Once here, set yourself up as a gardener (mower of lawns). As long as you have a tow bar on your Land Rover, all you would need is a decent trailer, a pair of ramps, a good quality ride-on mower, and a plastic petrol can. In time you may need to build an above ground inspection pit, to get underneath the mower. Overall cost about €5,000.

Clients will beat a path to your door; me included. You will never be short of work.

No more office, no more smart suits, plenty of fresh air, plenty of work, be your own boss; and make a reasonable amount of money.

Wine is €2 per litre here, you can grow plenty of fruit and vegs, and enjoy all the sunshine and wonderful bucolic lifestyle that Southern France has to offer. 

Just say Cro sent you.


  1. Sounds like a good plan for anyone with a 2million euro house to sell.

    1. House prices in the UK are crazy; a basic £2 Million property is not uncommon (not everywhere of course).

  2. I'm too old and too poor, so too late!

    1. I thought you been there, done that and got the t-shirt anyway.

    2. Me too Potty, otherwise I would have had a Gardening empire by now.

  3. "Just say Cro sent you."

    To ensure the kickback goes to the correct person.

  4. Why bother mowing lawns if your house sells for that much.

    1. Exactly. Get 'a man' in; if you can find one!

  5. Two big down sides about living in France. You will be surrounded by French people and they all speak French.

    1. Neither of which personally worries me. Some of the worst behaved people here are ex-pat Brits.

  6. I know someone who did just that. Try Frugal Queen in France. They document their house and garden renovations.

  7. In my area, home prices are still high but not quite as high as they were. There are fewer houses available for purchase and not much new construction. Finding good and reliable help for work on the property is often difficult. These individuals, regardless of skill, also want to command top dollar. Did you find someone to oversee/maintain your property in France?

    1. Everyone we contacted was either too busy or couldn't be bothered to get back to us. Luckily we have a friend coming to stay so he'll make sure it doesn't get too overgrown.

  8. so tell me again why you must leave the home you own in france for a home you own in england.

    1. Since Brexit there is a 90 day stay rule, unless I was to buy an extension visa or become an official full time resident; neither of which I wish to do.

    2. Cro, you have said this before.

      The question remains, and I am turning into a veritable Agatha Christie here, WHY NOT [apply for an extension visa or become a full time resident)? Murky past? Flying under the radar? Hmmm. And what of Lady M? Does she have a say in this?

