Tuesday 30 August 2022

Sue. A battle lost.


This is my dear friend Sue. She'd been going through a very rough time recently. Following what should have been a routine back operation about a month ago, things went very wrong and she ended-up in a Johannesburg ICU with her life being seriously at risk.

We met 'way back' at Art College. Sue was the nicest, kindest, most caring person you could ever hope to meet. She had an enticing natural femininity, and a simplicity of character that very few 'beautiful people' possess. I think it can be seen in her photo.

Things had not been going well, and during an X Ray her Doctors discovered a huge tumour in her pelvic area, which they said was inoperable. It spread, and quickly became 'stage 4'. This was all devastating news for her family, her friends, and of course for myself. Procedures were tried, but soon abandoned.

Sue was a highly talented artist. Her pottery is meticulous and beautifully understated.


And her miniature Bears are totally delightful. The tiny one at the front would fit into a matchbox.

Regular reports from Johannesburg suggested that her condition remained extremely serious, on top of which she also developed Pneumonia, and suffered a 'bleed on the brain'. I moan occasionally about my own minor aches and pains, but before doing so again I shall think of poor Sue and her untimely suffering.

I am simply writing this to inform friends of hers who may visit here, that she lost her battle last Friday. A WhatsApp group had been set-up by her lovely daughter and the response has been amazing. I send my love and best wishes to her husband, her children, and her extensive family in S Africa, Barbados, and the UK.

There are certain people who one would never imagine dying before oneself; Sue was one of those. She always looked healthy, always had a smile, and was always happy. I shall really miss knowing she's no longer with us.

Sue's empty pottery wheel, with flowers.

RIP dearest Sue, the world has just lost one of its very best. I am devastated. xx


  1. I’m very sorry cro
    This sort of news is unfortunately more common the older we get…
    I hate that fact.

  2. I do not know Sue, but I am sad at her passing. Too many go too young.

  3. This is very sad. You have obviously been in touch with her for many many years. Her pottery is exquisite.

  4. Please excuse me if I don't reply to your kind comments; I find it all too upsetting.

  5. Cro, I am so sorry to hear that you have just recently learned of the passing of your dear friend, a talented artist and a much loved wife and mother. Endeared so, as she was by you, I am hoping that you can find some comfort and peace in knowing that her memory will be long cherished by her family and by those within her circle of friends. As John Gray pointed out in his comment to you we are receiving notice of the death of friends and family more frequently as we become older. Cro, may her passing be a blessing.

  6. My sympathy to you and the loss of your friend. Her creations are lovely. Cherish your memories.

  7. My condolences Cro, what a terribly sad thing to happen. Always seems to happen to the best of people too. Just shows that we never know what’s around the next corner and to make the most of every minute we have.

  8. I am very sorry, Cro. It is hard to lose such a good person.

  9. So sorry Cro. It seems so wrong when the good go first.

  10. Your heartfelt words have done her proud. Rest in peace Sue.

  11. RiP Sue...sad to lose friends

  12. Sue wass very attractive. But character is more important and it seems she had the lot. The painting on her pottery is exquisite. I'm very sorry about your loss.

  13. Why do the nicest people go first. I have a neighbour who is the nastiest person I know and he is still going strong, there is no justice in the world.
    the pottery is wonderful.

  14. What a beautiful person she was. She would have loved the words you wrote about her. It reminds me to cherish the time we have with the people we love. I'm so sorry for your loss.

  15. How sad to lose someone so lovely, so young, and so talented.
    She's remembered with much love though, and in the great scheme of things, that's wonderful.
    Sleep Well Sue.

  16. Sympathy and prayers for the loss of Sue
    Understanding death will always be impossible. Sharing love and admiration for those that leave us, gives lift to their wings.

  17. You have written a lovely tribute to her. I hope sharing memories with friends will bring you some comfort.

  18. This was beautifully written. I'm sorry for your loss.

  19. So sorry to hear your sad news Cro ..... what a beautiful person in so many ways. Thinking of all her family and friends. XXXX

  20. My heartfelt condolences Cro, and a beautiful tribute to a treasured lady who will be missed.

  21. RIP Sue. You will be missed and always remembered. Cro, I'm sorry for your loss. You've written a lovely tribute.

  22. I hate stories like these. Why is it the gentle and sweet ones? I am so sorry for this terrible loss to her family and friends. :-(

  23. Yes, a talented artist who should still be at her pottery wheel. I am sorry.

  24. Your pain is in your words. Hugs Cro.

  25. What a sad story. I'm sorry for your loss, Cro.

  26. I add my condolences. Sue showed inward beauty in her face.
