Saturday 6 August 2022

Saturday market.

Our tiny local Saturday market is not the best. There are a few vegetable stalls, some fruit, and a few hippy-ish folk who sell home-made biscuits, honey, nuts, wholemeal loaves, etc.

However, it's a very friendly market. Everyone knows who you are if you've visited them more than once. And the products are always extremely fresh; often picked early that morning.

All the traders are nice people, but one is a cut above the others. He is pitched by the church door and sells fruit-n-veg. I always buy beans from him, and my weekly purchase always turns into a long chat between seemingly old friends. He has a very nice smile, and has the look of an educated professional, rather than a very small market trader (yes, I'm sure lots of small traders have Oxford degrees, etc).

I forgot, yet again, to take my phone with me. I'll do so next Saturday and post some better pictures.



  1. I love a local market selling real local produce and not stuff bought in from elsewhere.

    1. That's 99% what ours is like; local people, local produce.

  2. The snap sound from very fresh beans is good.

    1. We just had some cooked and left to cool, for lunch. A spot of mayo' is all they need.

  3. That sounds so lovely ..... I've just had an Ocado delivery and the runner beans are all dry and brown .... I've got my money back and have a back up of some lovely home grown courgettes from a friends veggie garden ! XXXX

    1. I haven't eaten Runner Beans for decades. I brought some seeds with me years ago, but they didn't seem to like the climate. I think I prefer the French Beans anyway.

  4. That sounds an ideal local market

  5. Nothing is better than fresh produce locally grown.

    1. Absolutely, and at this time of year it's all wonderful.

  6. I love browsing local markets, even when they're small. Nothing is better than fresh picked fruit and veg, and getting to know the people who grow it!

    1. Of course you grow your own, and it looks superb. I don't have that luxury any more.

  7. Our market is small too. Besides fruit and vegetables the only other stall is honey. Fresh local. But everything is fresh and mostly local. We do have an apricot man who comes in from further afield. Now he's selling grapes. They are ok but I reckon need another week to be a little sweeter.
    The market is not cheap, although you can usually buy seconds for jam or winter bottling at half price.
    Like you we know most of them. K spends a lot of time chatting but then it's a gathering place on a Friday morning

    1. Peaches were everywhere this morning. We all buy boxes of them, and they get eaten almost at once. My own should be ready soon.

  8. How small are these market traders? I guess they work in panto in the wintertime - "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".
