Wednesday 3 August 2022

My Life in 60 seconds.

As I mentioned recently, I have just 'celebrated' my 76th Birthday, and as usual I become contemplative. Those 76 years can be summed-up as follows.

Summer 1946; born Lingfield Surrey England. Nice home, nice parents.

My first playschool-kindergarten was in an old Gypsy caravan in the woods by Hobbs Army Barracks in Felbridge, Surrey; it was run by a young lady who I think may have been called Phoebe. We played with Plasticine and she read stories; it was like living in a real life fairy tale.  It's been all downhill ever since.

Pre-Prep' School East Grinstead Sussex. Prep' School Ashurst Wood Sussex. Upper School Cambridgeshire (Latin Scholar).

1964 moved to London. 'Blue Button' Stock Exchange, Gallery manager, Antiques dealer. Man about town.

1968-ish Horsham School of Art (to assemble portfolio of work). West Sussex College of Art. West Surrey College of Art (1st Class Hons degree). Offer of place at the RCA which I ignored. Married blonde Swedish beauty (three lovely children Kimbo, Tenpin, Wills).

Teaching Moreton Hall, Shropshire, and Windlesham House, Sussex.

1973 Moved to France.

1981-1984 temporarily returned to England to care for dying parents. 1982 visiting lecturer in Caribbean. 1984 moved to Brighton. Live in France 9 months of the year. Slowly return to France full time.

2021 Brexit regulations are enforced, and am restricted to 3 months in France. Return to Brighton for 9.

May 2022 return to France for the prescribed 3 months, which is where I am writing this. What the future will hold remains to be seen!

That's it. My whole life in a few typed lines. Of course one or two other things did happen in between the major events, but they're of no real interest (as probably is none of the above).


  1. I found this resume of your life most interesting Cro and feel I know you quite a bit better after reading it.

    1. Yes, very little to me. I'm not well travelled, well read, or of any particular interest. A very ordinary life.

  2. An interesting enough life, without the thrills and spills of dangerous undertakings. A calm life.

    1. I'm something of a hermit. I enjoy the quiet life, and staying home.

  3. A good and happy life - you should be 'well proud' of it.

    1. I would say I'm 'proud' of it, but it's been good fun.

  4. Happy Interesting Art flavored Birthday!

    1. Thank you, I actually tried to ignore it on the day.

  5. I do enjoy discovering other people's stories. Other lives so different to my own.

    1. I think most people who quit the UK in those days went to NZ, Oz, or Canada. Not many came here. In fact we were the only Brits here at the time; now they're everywhere.

  6. I can understand your choice of the quiet life in France. You also have the possibility to live such a different life in England and that is wonderful.

    1. It's a wonderful contrast. I've just been sent a video of Brighton which I'll post here; maybe tomorrow.

  7. An interesting life story. Now you have the best of both, rural France and busy Brighton.

    1. Yes, but not by choice. However, we loved being back there last winter.

  8. You used too many words. It can all be summed up with: Born. Lived. Died... though the last one has not happened to you yet. Watch this space.

  9. You are indeed an interesting man. While reading your summary of your life I, for some reason, was reminded of an old BBC favorite series called Lovejoy. His life was an adventure and I think yours as been one, too. Hope you enjoyed your day. Iam just starting mine. Adieu.

    1. I used to like 'Lovejoy', having been in the antiques business it all seemed so real.

  10. You were 18 when you moved to London on your lonesome. We have things in common. So by the timeline, your children mostly grew up in France. Did you take your family with you to the Caribbean?

    1. No, I was only there for a few months. A short term contract. Yes, the children went to school here and learned to speak French.

  11. I think all bloggers should make such a list

    1. Only if it's not too long, and equally as boring as mine.

  12. A life well lived. Doing it your way. All is good.

    1. Everyone together now "I did it Myyyyy way"

  13. It flies by so quickly especially now as I am older...
    Most important - it sounds like you have been happy...

    1. I'm very lucky to have been born happy. I wake happy, and as long as no-one gets on my nerves, I go to bed happy.

  14. Adventurous and interesting life. But I am missing a magna occasione. (s) indeed. I believe 6x. Some of them are quite magnum by the look of it.

  15. It's 39C here. I'm slowly melting.

  16. I know! Or youngest son Alex whatt's apped us: far too hot. 40C. I think they are probably in the pool a lot. They have done cycling and canoeing as well and visiting places in the neighbourhood. Lovely photos.

    1. We almost live in the pool at the moment; far too hot for anything else

  17. Thanks. We all really do like knowing everything about fellow bloggers we like. It's like gossiping over the back fence. I know men natter, too, over cars and cards and beers and whatever they can find to occupy themselves.

    1. I think everyone 'gossips', even children.
