Friday 12 August 2022

La Grande Bouffe


When family visit for just two weeks, it's difficult trying to fit everything into the tight schedule.

They want to eat, drink, make merry, have fun, do a spot of tourism (maybe), and most of all to 'relax'.

We tend to eat together only in the evenings. The boys don't eat breakfast; or if they do, it'll be at 2 pm. Lunch we always eat alone. Then Dinner is when we all get together, and enjoy the best of what S W France has to offer.

We BBQ huge steaks, we roast wonderful legs of Lamb, we visit our favourite restaurant (above), eat at the village weekly marché des producteurs, and go to a fun lake-side evening of moules frites. The tricky bit is planning the schedule. This year I think we've just about managed to fulfil all our desires and expectations. 

I must admit that my son, my grandsons, and I, are a bunch of traditional male meat-eaters (with a couple of more refined female meat-eaters watching from the side lines), there's nothing we enjoy more than a nice meal with a couple of bottles of wine thrown in. It makes life so much more pleasant if one appreciates good food and wine.

The house has been very full for the past two weeks, but we've loved every minute of it.

Unfortunately we've also put-on a few ounces, so diets begin next week.


  1. Sounds pretty good. Legs of lamb and steaks. We have just had eye fillet for lunch and had roast shoulder of lamb at the weekend. Very cold here this morning 4 degrees but a beautiful day. Not long now and it will be back to roast lamb in Brighton.

    1. Yes, just a couple of weeks more, and we'll be heading north for winter. I just hope it'll be as good a winter as last year.

  2. You don't need diets, just slip back to your regular schedule and the extra pounds will take care of themselves.

    1. I haven't actually weighed myself, but my shorts feel a tad tighter. I'm sure the extra pounds will soon disappear.

  3. Only a few ounces? You'll soon shift that.

  4. Do grandchildren all over the world start their day at noon? (on vacation of course), it's the same here.

  5. How lovely that your normally quiet house has been filled with family life and laughter. The pictured meal looks scrumptious.

    1. It was a lovely evening, and the steaks were amazing. I really need to know where they buy their meat!!

  6. I am not really a meat eater but the mere mention of mussells sends me into ecstasy!

    1. We're going for the Mussels this evening. It's one of those places where they continue to bring round huge bowls of them. I can hardly wait.

  7. It sounds like everyone is having an outstanding time. You are the perfect host! Great steaks, chips and veg with copious amounts of wine - What could be better?

    1. We've had great fun; we always do when they visit. Sadly it comes to an end tomorrow, as they head for home.

  8. There's nothing better than having the family around the table and being able to enjoy that easy banter. Even better when it's over fine food. The best of the summer

    1. We had a wonderful final evening together last night over 'moules/frites'. They're leaving this morning.

  9. It all sounds wonderful! Glad you were able to spend this time together...

    1. Sadly it's now come to an end, but we had a wonderful two weeks together.
