Sunday 14 August 2022

Essential Kit.

This clever little device is a miracle of Chinese engineering.

It is a battery operated fan/cooling spray. You fill the bottom half with cold water, pop an AA battery into a slot in the back, and pull trigger. A fine cooling spray of water can then be directed at whatever part of the body (or dog, or pony) that requires cooling. 

I like the way the Chinese always mark their products as being made in the PRC, which I always thought referred to some type of Pony Racing Club.

It does work, and I would recommend it to people with small children/babies on the beach. It works on me too. With our afternoon temperatures around 38 C, we need these things. They should be supplied by the state; I'll have a word with Macron.

After an afternoon swim just now, I was visited by about 50 Swallows all swooping down over the pool for a drink; what an amazing sight. I think all this extreme heat may be coming to an end; we had one clap of thunder, three flashes of lightning, and seven drops of rain last night. It's all been a bit too much!


  1. 7 drops of rain! That's almost umbrella weather! Ha Ha. the swallows would have been an amazing sight. I've seen those water bottle fans but never bought one.

    1. They do actually work. Unusual for cheepo Chinese stuff.

  2. Replies
    1. Don't send it our way until after I've gone to bed.

    2. It's damp and misty now, but we're promised some rain for the next few days. Luckily I have plenty to do indoors.

  3. I miss the rain so much. I will have to wait at least until October.

    1. The actual rain has now stopped but it remains damp and misty, with the occasional clap of thunder.

  4. Ah, you have what we are forecast over the next few days..I hope the ripe grain crops are being harvested here today..we saw fields of wheat and barley well ready for it

    1. We all get much the same weather but just warmer or cooler in places. All the wheat and barley has been harvested here, just the sunflowers and maize left to be done.

  5. I am not a fan of fans. They are not fantastic unless they are Hull City fans. Up The Tigers!

    1. Are these the famous Kingston Rovers? It's a shame they don't play proper Rugby.

  6. What ever it takes to stay cool

  7. I've seen some big fans at cafeterias, not here, which spray out a mist over the customers. I've always wondered whether it really did cool them. Or just annoy.
    Supposed to rain here but somehow I doubt it. Just horribly muggy.

    1. We had some good rain this morning, with plenty of thunder. Now it's just muggy. No swim today.

    2. I've now just had a swim, and very nice it was too!

  8. Whatever works to help stay cool in these high temperatures is a good purchase. This morning it was very cool (60 degrees F) and the grass was damp. At long last, breakfast on the patio was delightfully cool.

    1. We sat out yesterday evening in about 20 C; much more acceptable!

  9. I hope that your heat breaks soon. It sounds unbearable.
