Monday 8 August 2022

Early Mornings.

I'm an early riser; I get-up every morning at 5 am.

First thing (after making my coffee) is to do all my laptop related bits and pieces. Post blog, read blogs, write comments, etc. I then see to my Emails, look briefly at Facebook, and go quickly through my online newspaper. By 6.45 am I'm ready for breakfast.

Then comes one of my favourite parts of the day. Whilst it's still cool I see to the pool. I check the tabs, empty any leaves/creatures from the skimmers, top-up the water level (if it needs it) and try to tidy the previous day's untidiness.

I sweep all around the pool. There are always dead flower-heads, a few coins, empty champagne bottles, etc, to clear. I water all the potted plants, as well as those that suffer from heat, then by about 7.30 am all is clean and tidy, and I can start thinking about the day ahead; my own personal free time.

The sun is now up, and already the temperature is rising (to just 33 C yesterday); as usual I don't bother with too many clothes. I decide what we'll have for lunch and dinner, finish my crossword, and read a book. If The Commonwealth Games are still on I might take my siesta in front of the TV.

With no rain or decrease in temperature on the horizon it's swimming, eating, and relaxing yet again. It's almost like being on holiday!


  1. I have gotten very lazy and don't even get up until 8am and then amble on through the day doing not very much. The wintry weather makes me sleepy. Of course the summer heat does too, so there's a lot of sleeping getting done here.

    1. I wish I could sleep; I'm a classic insomniac.

  2. Sounds like you have your schedule down pat for coping with hot temperatures and staying cool as possible. My schedule is much more irregular.

    1. I'm just back from my weekly shopping trip. All done by 9.30 ish, so the rest of the day is for relaxing.

  3. I am very lazy and don't get up until around 8 a.m. As our temperature usually hovers around the 18C mark I spend most days outside, either walking or gardening, unless it rains. The weather certainly seems to dictate lifestyles.

    1. We have another week of 33-35 C temps, with maybe some storms at the weekend. We'll see!

  4. Your description of cleaning up around the pool amused me. I get up early too by the way, at 7am. Years or working life mostly rising at 5am, makes 7 a good sleep in. My partner rises somewhere between 9 and 10.

    1. It's not usually as remunerative, more fishing-out dead lizards from the skimmers than finding gold.

  5. All that stress! I don't know how you can bear it. Why not employ a pool attendant?

    1. Wot; and let him find all those half empty Champagne bottles?

  6. I wish I could get up at 5am at this time of the year. There's so much I could do in the cool and quiet of the morning. Complete silence. Even the cicadas don't start till 6.
    And then I could relax as you do.
    I have been known to get up at 7. But it's so cool then, also a good time to sleep

    1. I was just saying yesterday that there are no Cicadas or even Crickets singing this year. I wonder if the ground is too hard and dry for them to 'hatch'?

  7. You do sound like you are on vacation! It is nice that you can relax and enjoy life!

    1. I suppose at my age I'm permanently on holiday. It's lovely!

  8. The heat is oppressive and has curtailed many projects outside. We got about 2 inches of rain last night. We need a week of steady rain! It feels like we are living on the equator. Something I would never choose.

    1. We were promised a storm for last Friday; nothing. We are now hoping that next weekend we'll have some rain. We'll see. It's far too hot, and everywhere is bone dry.

  9. I have started getting up when I wake...between 5 and 6am. A good time, like you, to gently get going and sort and tidy. It seems to have increased my total energy!
    Now having a quiet time indoors while it is hot...our single swallow is chattering on the line, himself is having a siesta and I shall get on with some quilting in a minute

    1. For the first time this year we had swallows swooping down over the pool to drink. We watched them as we sipped our evening drinkies!

  10. I like you day very much. When I was feeling better and I didn't have a crazed storm upset Agatha rushing around in panic, my day was somewhat like yours. The monsoon storms are hitting at night also so we are sleeping when we can.
    Yea computer working today (maybe)...

    1. I know that you live out in the desert where the climate is very extreme, so you are used to such things. Here we treat high temperatures as 'unusual'; which they're are no longer the case. Far too hot today.

  11. Look at the bounty in those sweepings! Early bird and all that :)

    1. And the diamonds were all hidden under the dust.
