Friday 5 August 2022


It's too bloody hot. I believe it's the same throughout the Northern Hemisphere, we're all looking for welcoming shade, some water to throw ourselves into, and a long cold glass of Beer or Pastis.

We eat later than usual, the BBQ is working overtime, salads are popular, and clothes are kept to an absolute minimum. We have enforced laziness, and we don't care. Everyone is in shorts and espadrilles; and accordion music is playing in the background. We lock ourselves away in darkened rooms waiting for the worst to subside.

I love it. "Who would like an icy cold beer? We all would".


  1. It hasn't reached the wet of Scotland yet....and we have had some welcome rain!!

  2. Damned autocorrect...mind you putting wet instead of West wasn't bad!!

    1. We were promised a storm for last night;... nothing!

  3. Just the thought of a cold brew is wonderful. I looked up canicule, on the map, a huge area of France is serious heat. Wishing all y'all cooler weather!

    1. And it's set to last for some time. No let-up on horizon.

  4. Here in the Dales I am in the garden but I have my body warmer on.

  5. Clothes are kept to an absolute minimum... Please be careful at the barbecue in your velvet posing pouch. You don't want to burn your sausage.

    1. It's that smell of burning silk; it ruins the taste of the Lamb chops.

  6. Or as the song goes, "It's just too damned hot". Your pool is the place to be.

    1. It's getting plenty of use. It also needs daily topping-up, the evaporation rate is crazy.

  7. Pleased to hear that you love it. Too hot for me I am afraid. Just read that we are to get the coldest week of winter so far. I see that by Friday we are forecast to be down to 5°C at night and 13°C during the day. I much prefer the cooler temps as one can light the fire and keep warm and snug whereas keeping cool in the hot weather is much harder and it is even worse trying to keep the garden alive.

    1. We haven't lit the fire once since we came over in May, and I don't expect us to before we leave again at the end of the month.

  8. Bloody hot. And continuing. I hope we see a change by the beginning of September. We are having our first visitors then. I'll need some energy

  9. Sitting under a shady tree with a cold drink in hand and a beautiful view sounds perfect. The high heat, I could do without. No rain, high heat and a brown landscape is unusual for Massachusetts too. Bring on Fall!
