Friday 8 July 2022

Phew, what an upcoming scorcher!

This is what greeted me when I looked at the forecast at 6.30 am this morning. 



  1. I like 28, although 27 is a little more comfortable for me, once I am used to the heat I manage 28 quite well, but over 30 is too much. Probably I'll be okay with that when I'm older and getting thin as old people do, then they sit in the sun on porches to feel the warmth.

    1. Some while ago we were almost at 40 C... far too hot. Even the pool water was nearing 30 C. My favourite is 25 C; a good working temperature.

  2. Sounds a bit warm! Make the most of it because Brighton will be chilly in winter when we all have electric cuts!

  3. 27C greeted me when I looked this morning.

    1. 27 C early in the morning sounds like hell. I hope it doesn't rise too much in the afternoon.

    2. The forecast for the day in the same way you illustrated your post. It was not 27 in England at 6.30 this morning

    3. I thought it sounded odd. It was 15 C at 6.30 am here, as you can see by my photo.

  4. Replies
    1. Our problem is that we're not used to it. 34-35 C is too hot for us.

  5. I think we have exchanged our climates. So far Greece is having a mild summer. Only a couple of very short and not terrible heat waves. We are sleeping at night without even a fan. This weekend temps are dropping, here, to 28 and maybe rain.
    Lucky you have the pool

    1. The pool will be earning its keep next week.

  6. I don't know how you cope without airconditioner cooling. The heat was terrible in England when we were there three years ago.

    1. We keep the windows permanently open; with Mosquito netting of course.

  7. We have the heady heights of 13⁰C...but feels like 11⁰....the joys of the West of Scotland, when the met forecast asks How long with the July heat last??!!

    1. Anything over 10 C is fine by me. Above 30 C not so fine.

    2. I think it does depend upon the humidity as well..we have had dry mid to high 30s in NZ, but it was dry...a hot and steamy 30 is definitely uncomfortable!!

  8. I can see the name of your little village on the screen and I have been for a look round courtesy of Google Maps and Streetview. I think I can see you mooning in one of the windows. Charming!

  9. Modest heat or cool is ideal. Lately we all seem to swing high and then low. Today, it is hot 85 degrees F and tomorrow is predicted much cooler and Fall like.

    1. When it dips a few degrees it always feels so cold, even if it's still up in the high 20's.

  10. Here in Texas it is forecast to be 106 F today and triple digit temperatures for the next 5 days with no rain in sight.

    1. Sounds like here. The grass will all turn beige, and we'll have to water the flowers.

  11. I certainly prefer cooler weather to hot. Nice that you have the pool to cool off.

    1. Yes, and plenty of outdoor shady areas for meals, etc.

  12. Scorchio!! I had a "look" at your environs, too, courtesy of Goggle maps and see so much woodland and hamlets galore. I tried to look for a your blog landmarks to no avail - found a pool with fetching poolhouse but no noisome neighbours in a container campsite. How goes the summer for that great venture?

    1. The containers seem empty. No-one is there. Perhaps the initial fascination has worn off, and the idea of spending a holiday in a metal box is seen for what it is. Even his very expensive 'lagoon' pool remains unused. Frankly, I hope this continues!

      'Woodland and hamlets' describes the area perfectly.
