Sunday 31 July 2022

Are Chihuahuas actually Dogs?

I've always enjoyed the company of Dogs. 

Billy is not particularly sociable; I don't expect him to be a lap dog, but I do expect him to be friendly. He's getting better, but he's a bit reclusive.

I like to have a dog curled-up by my feet, and occasionally to put his head on my lap. I want him to look lovingly into my eyes when I stroke him. And I want him to show enthusiasm when I suggest we go for a walk.

For these reasons I would never have a Chihuahua, they are the most unpleasant looking Dogs, and have fearsome characters. Back in Brighton there is a man who we see regularly in the park who has FIVE Chihuahuas; they are hooligans of the first order, and even the man himself can't control them. Other Dog walkers, and Billy, hide every time they see them coming.

The video below demonstrates why one should never own a Chihuahua.


  1. This comment will raise my stake in popularity immensely: Dogs and their behaviour reflect that of their owner, reflect on their owner.

    As to handbag dogs: Well, they are handbag dogs. It's not their fault.

    As to "unpleasant looking", and don't tell John or I'll get it in the neck, you can't beat a bulldog. It's all those skin folds which make me recoil. And their eyes always look so sad. Who wouldn't if you'd find yourself a bulldog?

    Give me an Alsation/German Shepherd any time. Wolves by another name. They are working dogs, intelligent to the nines. And, yes, I grew up with one. Black. My first bodyguard. Judging by photos, when he sat next to me (on his hindlegs) he was taller than my fifteen months old self. I hasten to add that when I moved to England I grew fond of Labradors too. Same difference.

    Give Billy my love, tell him to take his fate on the chin,

    1. Billy's best friend here is a big German Shepherd called Amie. They had a bit of a tiff recently and he's a bit frightened of her as a result. I'm sure they'll soon kiss and make up.

  2. My dorothy wouldn't stand the skin folds on ursula's face either

    1. Dorothy is immensely better looking than Ursula, and Winnie had a far better smile than Ursula too!

  3. Been bitten twice.First was my cousin's German Shepherd normally a good dog. He grabbed me on my nose and under my chin. I was sitting on a little stool and he was at my side.Can only think because his head was higher than mine he was showing who was the boss? Hospital and a jab.Didn't put me off him tho. Second one was a nasty terrier who lived next door to her.Bit my ankle as I was stepping over him .He was stretched out across the doorway. Maybe he saw my foot and thought I was going to kick him? Hospital and jab. I was about 12 yrs old.We had a gorgeous Welsh Colley at home. Intelligent and obedient.

    1. My first Dog, Hamlet, used to bite me quite often. It was his way of saying that he'd had enough of something.

  4. This blogpost seems quite chihuahuaist to me. Chihuahua Lives Matter!

  5. I have always thought that chihuahuas look like giant rats.

    1. I didn't previously know how nasty they can be. I'd always imagined them to be cute pocket Dogs.

  6. Oh dear! Sent to "Spam" prison again!

  7. This clip made me laugh. My friend's mother had one of these 'dogs' and it was terrifying. It would lay on the armchair growling and would try to bite anyone who went anywhere near it.

  8. I detest Chihuahuas, and often their owners too!
    I once met a Chihuahua named 'Petal', the nastiest, most aggressive, spoiled little beast you could imagine, and her owner was just the same, horrible, mean, spiteful, waspish woman! X

    1. I must say, the man who has the FIVE Chihuahuas in Brighton is a very odd person. Not someone you'd want to be friends with.

  9. I agree with Ursula. Dogs reflect their owners.
    Chihuahuas are intelligent, loyal, egotist leaning, and have a charming capacity for drama.

    1. Is that another way of saying how nasty they are?

  10. I have no experience with Chihuahuas. That said, I'll take your warning and proceed cautiously.

  11. I had to laugh out loud at that video. I love how at the end he says - and now we're done!

  12. Somewhat worse than pugs but not by much.

  13. I cannot stand yapping dogs. Or people for that matter.

    1. They have a particularly annoying bark too.

  14. Having worked in Veterinary hospitals for years, I have to agree that little dogs are much more difficult to handle than the larger breeds. And my favorite dogs usually had some setter or retriever in them.

    1. The Setters and Lab' type dogs are always pleasant. Our Lab' Monty was a good example.

  15. ... and that clip was hilarious!

  16. Only dog i've ever disliked was a black devil rat. Belonged to a boyfriend's granny. It was Satan personified.

    We've had larger dogs and thought I might end up with a Valhund in my old age. Think of a Viking Corgi.

    Fate has a way of laughing at you. Current resident is a 10lb miniature Spitz, a relative of a Pomeranian. Daughter in Law left our son and left her dog and Parrot behind. We took the dog because she had to be rehomed (our son travels for work). She has wrapped my husband around her little paw.

    She's not yappy or clingy, which surprizes most people.

    1. I had to look-up 'miniature Spitz'; not really my type of dog. I like them a bit more rustic.

  17. If I had a dog treat me like that one does Paul, it would be getting sent outside quick smart. I don't like yappy little dogs anyway. I grew up with a German Shepherd and if I had space and money, I'd have one now. Or a golden retriever.
    I know someone a few suburbs away from me who breeds chihuahuas, the puppies sell for $800 each!
