Wednesday 20 July 2022

A First!

Have you ever had a fridge bulb blow? No, neither had I until yesterday.

I opened the fridge door, and BANG! The bulb exploded with a huge flash, and considerable noise; I was quite shocked.

Out came the instructions book, and the bulb was soon located. It was behind a simple frosted plastic covering, and it was removed without difficulty.

Then, of course, came the tricky bit; trying to find the exact model to replace it. I found the fridge's reference number, consulted Mr Amazon, and ordered a replacement, which (fingers crossed) will be the right one (I think it may be 'universal').

I have no idea how many different fridges I've either owned or dealt with, but it must be lots. Never have I had a bulb go like this, proving I suppose that there's a first for everything.

I now have to wait until the Amazon delivery person arrives (probably our post-lady) before I can open the fridge again to the usual floodlighting. For the moment I can see nothing.


  1. Well, isn't life an obstacle course?

    You can't see anything? Where is your fridge located? Down the mines? With a canary for company? My fridge freezer light blew years ago. Not replaced. Go with the flow. But then I do have daylight in the kitchen and, when night falls, there is ceiling light. If all else fails may I recommend a torch to find your way around your fridge. Good luck.


  2. Replies
    1. No, but I do get a cool reception wherever I go.

    2. Don't be surprised if Lady M has moved out.

  3. That's a really cool story, Cro.

  4. My fridge bulb died quietly, as did the one in the range hood above the hotplates. Luckily I was able to buy the correct bulbs for both in the local supermarket. They came in two-packs, so now I have spares which I may never need.

    1. My replacement should be here in a couple of days. Had I gone to the nearest electrical shop, it would have cost me far more in petrol than I'm paying through Amazon.

  5. Replies
    1. We can make-out most things, even in the dark.

  6. Our light goes out now and again. It's a very old fridge and a sharp tap gets it going again. A good light is vital to find your goodies.
    Can't imagine why anyone would just use a torch when it's so easy to fix.
    Good luck with the new bulb

    1. That sounds like a pukka fridge, just like a pukka car where a good sharp kick will fix anything.

  7. Mr Amazon usually turns up trumps.

    1. Mr Amazon needs to stop turning up trumps. We have way more of 'em than we actually need at present.

  8. Have never used Mr. Amazon. Always buy as local as possible.

    1. As I said above, our nearest electrical supply shop is quite a way away, and a trip there and back (about 40 kms) would cost me a lot more than buying through Amazon. The new bulb cost me £3.59.

  9. Not had a 'fridge bulb blow but we have had a microwave bulb blow. It was not user replaceable and annoyed my partner, so we bought a a new microwave. Meanwhile he blocks the 'fridge lamp by putting food containers in front of the lamp. I move them to light up our 'fridge. Retired people have so much time on their hands to focus on trivial things. Pity they can't get motivated to do serious things.

  10. May I humbly suggest that you take a torch to the fridge? I don't mean a blazing torch as in The French Revolution but a battery powered torch - what Americans bizarrely call "flashlights".

    1. I can just about see what's inside, but I do have a handy 'flashinglight'.

  11. I've never had a refrigerator light burn out, but I had to replace an oven light once.

    1. If your oven was anything like ours, that sounds like a very messy job.

  12. Amazon comes through again. Many years ago the light went out on my fridge and I replaced it. Next the fridge started leaking on the floor. It was time for a new fridge.

    1. Our fridges have generally been very obedient. I don't think we've ever had one that didn't behave (other than this one).

  13. Every useful shop here is within a seven mile, round trip, radius. I've replaced oven bulbs and other such nit picking things. I even bought my always handy general use flashlight at ACE.

    1. My nearest small town is about 20 kms away; I only go once a week.
