Saturday 25 June 2022


Comments have no relationship to visits.

As you can see from below, I tend to have anywhere between 800 and 1,000 visits per day, but often very few comments; especially if my subject matter is particularly tedious. I suppose I'm also guilty; I do visit many pages without leaving a comment.

I'm not in the habit of looking at my stats, but I do very occasionally.

I find that most visitors come via Chrome, and they are Windows users.

They mostly live in the UK, US, France, Canada, and Australia. They do also come from other countries, but in much smaller numbers.

I have never blogged in the hope of huge visitor or friend numbers. I do know people who use Facebook almost exclusively for that reason; their number of 'friends' bears no relation to reality. They click to invite friends just to see the numbers rising.

Blogging for me is a combination of discipline and externalising thoughts. I like to get something off my mind each day, and I enjoy the daily ritual.

As I do normally try to reply to every comment, if I was suddenly to have over 100 comments, my days would be filled, and I wouldn't be able to cope; so I am happy as I am.


  1. Wow numbers!
    You write interesting posts. I don't get all of them. However, often the also interesting comments left here,can be enlightening.

    1. I enjoy the comments far more than what I myself write. I do try, occasionally, to be controversial, just to see the reaction. Playing Devil's Advocate!

  2. Cro, I am a daily visitor to your blog, enjoying your posts with my morning coffee and toast.
    I don't always comment - usually if it is about a video (as I am too deaf to listen) or the dreaded politics subjects.
    Your visitors ' comments are always a good read too.
    Your comment about why you blog and the expectation of comments echo my own thoughts exactly.
    Have a lovely day.

    1. I think I'm a pretty average blogger. I love writing, and I love getting things off my chest. I also love reading the comments.

  3. Blogging for me is like conversations with friends. I never look at my stats.

    1. I hadn't looked for years. I was quite surprised when I did.

  4. If I read and comment, then revisit to see your reply, then revisit later in the day to read other's, I could be messing with your statistics.

    1. My dear Potty, you can mess with my stats any time you like!

  5. You're one of the few I read every day for several years and mostly comment. I rarely visit my quiet blog.

    1. I like to see your comments Yael, and to think of you over there in Israel.

  6. Your blog is a great start to the day. I don't comment on stuff I don't really know enough about, like arty farty stuff or politics but I know you're always going to be a good read, as are the other comments.

    1. I do try to keep things 'light', but I'm not averse to getting angry occasionally. We all need to blow our tops from time to time.

  7. I like the bloggers who are willing to reply and sometimes engage in conversation.
    Whether I agree with them or not!

    1. That's the fun part. Some bloggers never reply to comments, which seems a shame.

  8. I use Chrome to read and comment on blogs and am a Mac user. A few years ago Safari didn't like me commenting so I moved to Chrome for blogs and generally my comments work. I have read you every day for what seems like years, and probably is!

  9. I reply to all comments and enjoy the comment conversations particularly when people show they have understood what I have written, or at least tried to. I appreciate that this is not always easy! Like you, I am happy with the number of comments I get, they feel like friends, and it is all manageable.

    1. I couldn't cope with huge numbers of comments; I simply don't have the time.

  10. Now you had me looking at my stats. I'll have to blog conscientiously for a while. I'm almost at one thousand posts. I remember you you once mentioned how many posts you had written. You'll have to remind us. It was many many thousands I believe. You're a very steadfast daily blogger.
    On most blogs the comments are as interesting as the original text. I usually don't comment on politics but like reading everyone else's take on it

    1. I've just looked. I have 'published' 4,695 posts. It makes me feel very old!

  11. Blogger's ability to gather background data on blogs is quite amazing. I guess that most of us rarely look at our "Stats" but when we do what we find can be fascinating. I am surprised at the number of visitors I get from Russia though not one of them has ever left a comment!

  12. I too read every day but only comment sometimes and I too call back to see replies and further comments. I reply to all comments on my blog too.

    1. Good for you Carol. If one can (and it's not always possible) it's good to reply.

  13. Like you, I am pretty happy with my blog world. I don't want increased numbers. I still think of those who have disappeared for whatever reason.

    I am pretty pleased to have Cro in my blog world.

    1. I've found one or two disappearances quite worrying. One minute they're blogging every day, then silence. One can only imagine the worst.

  14. I am a blog reader and I do appreciate when a blogger takes the time to reply to a comment I have made. Congrats on your years of blogging! Reading blogs (and sometimes commenting) is a fond habit of mine! Thank you!

  15. Cro, I agree that 'I like it' when the original blogger replies to the comments - although all don't - and I still read them (some do get too many to reply). And I find the comments as interesting a read as the blog itself. I think most of us have a small group that 'keep in touch' by comments... and I always look forward to their say. Blogging is like childhood pen pals - I couldn't keep up with hundreds.

    1. We're a very exclusive group. Only the best.

  16. Hello, I do read your blog but never comment. I think after today you will be glad some people don't. Specially since you now have to reply to everyone posting todat :-) I must say I do hate your posts about Brussels and EU. But that's because I hated the UK leaving us. My leftleg is british and I would like to feel connected to it.

    1. I have to say that I totally agree with the UK leaving the inefficient EU Club, but at the same time it's been a complete pain for us who have lived here for 50 years.!

  17. I read your blog daily and enjoy all that you have to say. The exchange of thoughts in the comments is always interesting as well.

    1. It's all good fun Susan. I enjoy seeing your contributions.

  18. Another visitor who seldom comments. On my own blog, I only respond to comments that can be discussed. Most only agree or sympathize. Commenters keep commenting, so apparently we understand each other.

  19. My experience, as a Mac user, is exactly the same as Frances (above). But it is very frustrating, as I often forget that I'm on Safari. On Chrome, I have to go to the trouble of signing in to Google each time: all too complicated!

    1. I'm a Windows user, which seems to do what's asked of it without fuss.
