Thursday 30 June 2022

More nonsense.


I shall not go into details but some time ago a gang of very well organised Asian men were grooming young vulnerable white girls for sex in the Northern town of Rochdale.

These mostly under-age girls were ferried around and used as sex-slaves; having been plied with drink and drugs. This was a seriously nasty gang, and it involved many men.

The so-called ringleader of the gang was 51 year old Abdul Aziz (below) who was sentenced to 9 years in prison back in 2012.

Aziz was stripped of his UK Citizenship in 2018, and was to be deported to his native Pakistan on release from prison, but it has now been revealed that the 'Bleeding hearts, woke, liberal, human rights, legal brigade' have been successful in their campaign to have him remain in the UK.

These are the people who have criminal deportees removed from planes just at the moment of departure, who demonstrate against illegal immigrants being sent to hotels in Rwanda, and no doubt want the rest of the Rochdale Grooming Gang to stay in the UK.  

I cannot understand why this noisy brigade of 'do-gooders' are so vociferous in trying to keep such criminals in the UK. To me, the human rights of the abused children come well before those of Aziz. I wonder if any of the woke-brigade have protested on behalf of the victims?

And why are the Judges in UK courts defending criminals in the name of so-called 'human rights'? Time for change, lets get back to some form of common sense.

Come to the UK if you wish to benefit from all that she has to offer, but don't come if all you wish to do is commit crime; in which case expect to be sent back to whence you came.


  1. This is far from nonsense it is depravity of the first order.
    Grooming for heavens sake. They aren't brushing the girls hair they are raping them.
    It's not just Pakistani men but Royals, Presidents, captains of industry, film and television. That's why precious little happens to the perpetrators.

    1. What I cannot understand is why so many wish to keep them in the UK. There should be no question about their deportation.

    2. Few do but the establishment seems to. They import more daily. I can only surmise that they think it normal.

    3. Cro - I suspect that the legal "elite" are quite happy to let people like this stay, after all they profit enormously from the money they make on the legal merry-go-round.
      Thanks once again Tony Blair for his gift that keeps on giving to the legal profession (Cherie being one of the main beneficiaries) in his "Human Rights" legislation.

  2. I absolutely agree, boot them out right away, along with all those wokey pokey people as well!

    1. I don't know what they expect to gain by having them remain in the UK.

  3. I agree, boot them out! They don't deserve to stay after what they have done. I'm guessing none of the 'do-gooders' had any children involved in this tragedy?

    1. I suspect none of the do-gooders could care less; all they want is the criminal to be saved from deportation.

    2. They were almost exclusively LAC children, i.e Looked After Children in the hands of the local authority. The social workers knew what was going on but dare not say anything for fear of being called racists. Eventually one risked her job and spoke up.

  4. What an odious man. I'm sorry but I would bring back the death penalty for people like him. I hope my idea is not too "woke" - whatever that might mean.

    1. I can think of several things to do to him!

    2. YP. You must know what woke is. You hop on every bandwagon that rolls. BLM, Ukraine. Anything that you think will appeal to your clique. What you always fail to do is research. No better example than your support of Jared.

  5. I don't know of this man but I have read a little about the case some time ago. If he is not a UK citizen, what is the problem with deporting him back to wherever he came from? Having said that, he has served a gaol sentence for his crime and here with such a sentence he would be deported. OK, his citizenship was stripped.

    I would like think the UK judges applied the law, which is not necessarily justice, but it is all we have. As a legal media person commentated today said, there is not a course in justice at our law schools.

    1. It is worth remembering than in our courts there is always one Barrister defending a criminal, and one prosecuting. One is probably telling the truth, whilst the other is lying his socks off. "He didn't do it M'Lud".

  6. Terrible. Think about the message being sent when he's allowed to stay in the UK. This just opens the door for more of the likes of Aziz.

    1. It sends an awful message to all criminals; and the UK is full of them.

  7. He is clearly being advised by Civil Rights lawyers. I note that he had dual nationality but renounced the Pakistani part of this just hours before the Appeal hearing. Not just a coincidence. I remember writing about Azis on my blog 10 years ago when I got wind of what was going on in Rochdale. I was accused of racism and making it all up.

    1. That was in the days when you daren't say a word against immigrants; these days we tend to look at individual cases and see them for what they are. Things are improving.
