Friday 17 June 2022

I turn my back.....


Four strange things happened yesterday.

Firstly after I'd been shopping, I returned to find half of my lovely Parasol Pine tree on the ground. It has totally ruined its shape.

Secondly I bought a nice bottle of Armagnac as a 'thank you' gift for my friend Claude, then when taking it from its bag in his kitchen, I found it to be empty with the cork missing. What had happened to it I have no idea, but I do know that the car smells like a distillery. I have now replaced it. You can imagine how embarrassed I was!

That fallen branch now looks like this...

Thirdly, the wretched Cat that had found its way into the barn was finally ejected. We cleaned-up the mess and prayed to the God of Mischievous Moggies that it now stays away. It was lucky not to have starved to death.

And lastly I was given the name of a nearby mechanic who mends garden machinery; Rory needs a couple of new blades, and I can't unscrew the nuts. I phoned him, he asked for some details of the machine in question, and he'll come next week. A miracle. Getting anyone to do basic work in this unemployment hot-spot is like pulling Hen's teeth.


  1. Sorry about the tree and the wine too. Will it take long for the smell to disappear from your car?

    1. It's actually already disappeared. Alcohol evaporates very quickly. What a shame though; I still haven't found the cork.

  2. Pity about the Armagnac. And odd. Lucky you took it from the bag and discovered what had happened and could replace it.
    And the cat! How long was it locked in there?

    1. We don't know, but at least a week. Eventually when we realised that he was still there, we left to door wide open over night, and he went.

  3. The cat mystery is how did he get in there in the first place? Were you doing things in the barn with the door open and he went in when you weren't looking?

    1. I think it must have been that. Later we found poo/pee, but not the cat. When we did find him he ran away and hid beneath the cooker or units. We tried chasing him out but he resisted. Eventually we left the door wide open all night and he went.

  4. Well, hopefully that's all the unforeseen stuff over with now so you can relax and enjoy your summer.

    1. I hope that is the case. We haven't really been able to relax yet.

  5. Life in France seems to bring you more surprises.

    1. A few unpleasant ones, but mostly good ones.

  6. The extreme hot weather probably expanded the bottle's contents , especially in a hot car...and blew the cork out! Sad to see the tree losing a branch, but at least it won't go to waste

    1. That's the only thing I could think of too. But it had hardly been in the car for more than 30 mins. The cork must have been quite loose.

  7. It is a sad day when a man reaches the point where he can no longer unscrew his own nuts. Nurse!... Nurse!

    1. I just knew you would comment about my nuts!

  8. 3 very odd occurrences! I'd be thinking: What can possibly happen next?

  9. That's a lot to do on a hot day - a shopping trip, visit to Claude, sawing up the large branch, sorting the cat out and the mechanic.

    1. It doesn't stop. A few days of storms are coming soon, so maybe we'll have time to relax a bit.

  10. The biggest shame is the tree. Any idea what happened? I hope not vandalism.

    1. We really don't know; too top-heavy maybe? Certainly not vandals, we don't have any here.
