Sunday 29 May 2022

Who doesn't love a good wedding?

American royalty Kourtney Kardashian and the heavily inked Travis Barker have just married in Italy.

Classy or what! Her in a longish white corset, and him swigging cheap fizz from a bottle. The wedding pix will be highly prized on the mantlepiece.

Yo Bro (or something like that). Fings ain't wot they used to be!



  1. It's hard for me to understand the interest they are arousing.

  2. I will never understand the 'celebrity' thing. These people are weirdos with money and they have somehow managed to make money from the interest in their lives.

  3. Oh, please! Who wastes their time with these people. Our celebrity-worshiping culture, an embarrassment that even gave us a President.

  4. They look terrible. They are terrible. Terribly uninteresting.

  5. He's an interesting choice of husband for someone so wealthy. He must have something going for him. I'll give it six months.

  6. What an embarrasment they are.

  7. The wedding was in our newspaper recently, apparently it's their third wedding, in a third location. If she really wants to throw away money like that, I'd be happy to catch some of it.

  8. Ugh! Why did you have to remind me that such coarse and uninteresting people exist? That has got to be the least classy wedding dress I have ever had the misfortune to see!

  9. OMG ..... with all their money and they come out looking like that ?!!! XXXX

  10. Trashy. It will not last.

  11. People, people, calm down. The wedding was sponsored (aka paid for) by the fashion house.

    Free publicity for all and a holiday for the Klan.

  12. You can say that again Cro - her dress leaves llittle to the imagination.

  13. Never heard of them. I don't follow tabloids.
