Wednesday 4 May 2022

On the Move.

My lovely grandson Boo Boo is on the move again. During his 8 years he has lived in Oz, Sweden, France, Mexico, Miami, Cayman, Hawaii, and now he's just arrived in fabulous Nassau Bahamas.

Here he is flying the plane (with a little help). We think he might be spending a month there, then eventually going back to his native Oz, where he's already been enrolled at a nice school in Gold Coast for the coming academic year.

What a well travelled young man; and still as lovely as ever. We speak quite often, and he's really charming, intelligent, and polite. I can't wait to see him again.

He may not have settled, but his travels have served him well.



  1. In my opinion there is no substitute for travel - providing he learns how to make friends .

  2. Wow! What adventures he has had in his eight years. I guess that's what happens when your father is on the run from Interpol.

  3. He has certainly been around. Presumably he loves the unsettled life. He looks a handsome young lad . Hope you do see him soon

  4. Sounds like he has had an adventurous life! He must be a very adaptable young man which is a good thing to be! Hope you get to see him soon. Will you travel to the Bahamas? Sounds like a nice place to visit!

  5. I should think he would be comfortable anywhere in the world and with almost anyone in the world.

  6. Travel is a great experience for children. I was brought up travelling and I did the same for my son. Traveling broadly makes an individual very comfortable with most people and exploring new situations and locations. It's a good world view.

  7. He looks the same, but a bit more grown up every time. Wonder if it's the hair.

  8. What a lucky boy to have had adventures in such wonderful places, and to live in the Gold Coast.

    1. He was born in Mullembimby (sp?), and they have a home in Gold Coast. It's 'going home' for him.

  9. What a lucky life he's had, learning about so many countries.

    1. He certainly has, and loved every minute of it.

  10. That's one of the things that I am most grateful for - that we were able to travel extensively with our twin boys from the age of 12 weeks old when we took them to Malta. In their first year they also spent time in Italy and Thailand - being identical they got a lot of attention! They grew up being well rounded and very comfortable wherever they landed and they both still have the travelling bug.

  11. Some people view anything outside their corner of the world as 'foreign'. Your Boo Boo will see the world as his home. He will 'belong' everywhere that he goes.

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