Wednesday 6 April 2022

There is HOPE!

If this tiny bouquet of Daisies can thrive in the crack of a Brighton pavement, then there is hope in all situations.

It made me think of those poor Ukrainians who have had their lives totally destroyed at the hands of an expansionist maniac. I just wonder if a few Daisies are finding the will to thrive in the pavements of Mariupol or Bucha.

In the face of adversity, there is often a glimmer of hope. In the case of Ukraine, it looks as if their men are giving the Russians a seriously bloody nose. I hope that continues.


  1. I saw on France 24 last night that 500,000 refugees have moved back to their homes in Ukraine. I thought that was positive news. There is always hope.

    1. I wonder what their homes are like now? Hopefully some will still be intact, but having seen footage I'm sure the majority will have been pointlessly destroyed.

    2. I haven't seen the footage but presumably there are many places untouched. TV footage is usually repeat after repeat of bombed areas but nothing of those untouched.

    3. Rachel, yes the Russians approach has been somewhat different than ours. When we invaded Iraq we hit it with continuous airstrikes for 43 days and nights. Before one soldier set foot there it already looked like a moonscape.
      For nearly a month the Iraqis had no electricity, water, sanitation, railways, telephone network or airports . The initial assault killed over 100,000, mainly civilians. We deployed cluster bombs over streets, railway yard, airports. Some are still killing people today.
      Of course when the Russians, or nay non western country does this, its a war crime. But we reward the architect of that destruction with a Knighthood.
      Small wonder the bulk of the world regard us as hypocrites of the first order.

  2. Those daisies look exactly like some that are growing around here. I also hope there are daisies or even flowering weeds growing somewhere in those ruined cities. I hope the people still carry a spark of hope. I cry for them every day and I light my blue and yellow candles.

    1. I was so happy to see these yesterday. Flowers find the most odd places to grow.

  3. You only have to look at Chernobyl to see how the plants take over. Even when we've all destroyed ourselves the plants will still be there, plants rule!

    1. When humans have all died out, it'll be Plants and Ants who rule the world.

  4. There is hope, and resilience.

    When you look deeper into the history of Ukraine, it makes you very sad to see this happening again and again

    1. Perhaps they SHOULD join NATO and the EU. It could give them future stability.

    2. Ukraine is a red hot potato as far as Nato is concerned and they do not want the country as a member. The EU is dragging its feet on the subject too for reasons too numerous to go into here.

    3. They need stability away from Russia. How they get this, I don't know.

  5. I remember reading somewhere that, should a catastrophe hit life on Earth, cockroaches would be the only creatures to survive. Now there's a charming thought.

    1. I heard it was ANTS. They are clever little things, they have armies, they take prisoners, they have road sweepers, they build cities, and they are farmers; in fact there's not much they don't do.

  6. Apart from the present horror I worry the madmen might just take aim and press that large red button. I think we are as close to a nuclear attack as we have ever been.

    1. I think he's only too aware that if he did press that button, Russia would be obliterated.

    2. But will it? If Putin nuked the UK and EU does anyone really think that Biden will launch their ICBMs and get the USA destroyed in turn?
      Meanwhile Britain's nuclear weapons and France aren't sufficient to do the job entirely. Nor would we launch them all in case China saw fit to launch a strike too.
      Russia is a massive country and huge amounts would be untouched. The UK though neds just 1 ICBM with 10 MIRVs to be uninhabitable for a thousand years.
      Grim thoughts but sadly all too realistic in today's world.

    3. Oh and I'm no fan of Putin my point is we'd be relying on Biden, the guy who pulled American troops out of Afghanistan in the dead of night without even bothering to tell us.
      Had the Taliban been more on the ball they could have killed every single British soldier and using the billions of dollars of weapons gifted to them by Joe.

  7. JayCee's mention of cockroaches makes me think that there are too many human ones around these days.

    1. There's one particularly large one in The Kremlin.

  8. there is always hope. Our families who went through similar things in those areas managed to survive in small parts though, but the legacy still exists.

    1. There will always be crazy men. They seem to thrive on bloodshed; until someone hopefully shoots them!

  9. You are right,. Symbolically those tenacious daisies suggest that there is hope ahead.

    1. I like to think so. That's what they told me.

  10. Daisies will bloom again even in those devastated villages and the people will return but it's going to be a damn heartbreaking return. Greece says it's going to rebuild the children's hospital that was bombed in Mariupol. I hope other countries will also help those refugees to rebuild their lives. Sometime soon

    1. That's a generous gesture. Once one country offers such assistance; others will follow, I'm sure. Well done your government.

  11. What a thoughtful post of hope in a time of despair for some. XXXX

    1. I think we all despair for those poor people. They have done nothing but want their independence from a brutal Russia.

  12. Love those daisies. The other day, walking past a playground close by, there were two girls. About eight/nine, one chocolate, one Caucasian White. Clearly friends. I smiled at them. Sixty seconds later they ran after me - offering me a freshly picked daisy. How sweet is that?

    As to Ukraine. I know it's not a popular view but Ukraine, or rather Zelenskiy, could have avoided this war. When in a hole you don't keep digging your heel in. Putin's writing was on the wall for a long time. If only Zelenskiy had read it.


    1. Ursula,
      Why do you describe the white child as 'white' , but the black child as 'chocolate'?
      There are many shades of white, as there are many shades of black.

    2. I think Putin's mind was fixed. I doubt if anything would have changed his mind to invade.

    3. Why? Because one was chocolate and the other was white (chocolate). Facts are facts.

      To put your mind to rest: I do know the difference between pink and fuchsia.


    4. Cro, sometimes in life we do need to play the card we are dealt; particulary if it's a dud. Zelenskiy didn't. He threw his countrymen to the cannons instead of holding his horses. Putin could have been pacified. Not least by the "West". I wish Merkel were still around.

      Of course, and it's awful, Putin is now in a real bind. God knows how he going to extract himself from this shithole that his generals and advisers helped him dig. Because please don't forget this isn't done on the back of one guy. Just like Hitler's mission relied on his henchmen and their assorted agendas.

      I wish I were in charge of the world. We'd all be able to breathe a sigh of relief.


    5. Ursula,
      I have no doubt that you know the difference between pink and fuchsia, although pink is a bit too wide a bracket to use, but.......
      I just don't understand why you would describe a child's skin colour as 'chocolate'. What colour is chocolate, Dark? Milk? Ruby? White? Pistachio?
      I think you could have found a far less offensive way of describing the child's skin colour, if indeed it needed mentioning at all! C

  13. Appeasement did not work in the years preceding WWII. It would not have worked here as a long term solution either. Autocrats only get more and more ambitious.

    We have not witnessed selfless courage on this scale in my lifetime, and as awful as it is, I am also awed by it, incredibly moved.

    1. It was only a matter of time. What a shame that such people get into positions of extreme power; and stay there.

  14. Replies
    1. Spring is a lovely season, and it should have been for the good people of Ukraine.

  15. Hope runs eternal. The people of Ukraine are undergoing extreme hardship. Genocide at the hands of VP. The world watches in an evil time warp of epic proportions.

    1. And as powerful as the rest of the world is, we are unable to do anything other than supply weapons and close bank accounts.
