Tuesday 26 April 2022


I noticed some time back that a fellow blogger said that she had been accused of being 'Arrogant'. I have never known her to be so; opinionated maybe, but I presume we all are. That is why we write; to express our opinions.

Before I continue, let me give you what I think is the best description of the word 'Arrogant'. i.e. 'Exaggerating, or disposed to exaggerate, one's own worth or importance, often by an overbearing manner'.

When I 'Googled' the word, and read this description, I immediately thought of 'Parisians', who perfect arrogance from an early age. Their Mother's milk is diluted with arrogance; they thrive on it, and take it to new heights. Those who go on to study Arrogance at college usually end-up as bureaucrats, Doctor's receptionists, or bank clerks, where their attained skills lead to regular promotion and riches. They are admired for their arrogance. Now go back to Google's description, and you will see what I mean. It fits them perfectly.

The humble Parisian waiter is a perfectionist in the art. If you can leave a Parisian eatery without feeling humbled and worthless, you have found somewhere to treasure. Why anyone who brings a coffee to your table should feel so bloody full of themselves, and dismissive of all others, I really don't know; but they do! Even the French Government recently tried to change them, but failed.

Some of the arrogance I have encountered is hard to believe; almost as if it was devised by some comedy script writer. So outrageous was it, that one almost laughed.

I shan't give multiple examples here, because they needed to be witnessed first hand in order to appreciate the full impact. No, I will give just one. 

Someone once openly stole the copyright to one of my drawings, and when I mentioned it, his son told me that I'd insulted him. Yes, I'D insulted HIM because HE'D shamelessly stolen MY copyright. A small example, but focussed enough to show how crazy these people can become without feeling at all embarrassed. Whatever you've done, always blame others.

Arrogance, pomposity, and insolence, are possibly my three most disliked human traits. Being kind, humble, and well-mannered, costs nothing and are endearing qualities that we (but mostly the French) should embrace. Do I see it happening? Of course not! 


  1. An interesting remark by a media person here was that the vote for Macron was not a generally a vote for him but a vote against Le Pen. One reason why people did not want to vote for Macron is that he is seen as arrogant. I laughed to myself about pots calling kettles vermillion.

    An anecdote I recall hearing was an Australian couple moved to Paris for work reasons and a work colleague invited them among others for dinner. The dinner was perfect in a nice apartment and as the Australians were leaving and thanking the hosts, they remarked how nice it was to be making new friends in Paris. The hostess replied, Oh no, we have enough friends. We do not want any more.

    Admittedly we were in tourist areas and for only a short stay, we found the service in Paris to be perfunctory at best otherwise unfriendly and surly. But then it was not much better in Germany.

    1. I've experienced some dreadful waiters in Paris; almost unbelievable arrogance.

  2. Intereting article in today's Times about how women and seen and treated in the House of Commons by men. Arrogant? I'd say

  3. Replies
    1. Actually I think that men treat each other far worse, but just accept it as being part of the job. Women expect more of their male co-workers.

  4. I was once, obliquely, referred to as being arrogant when I posted that I would be taking a short break from blogging. A friend of one of my blog acquaintances said on her own blog that she thought it arrogant to assume that anyone would care.

  5. I once told someone I was 'doing my best'. He replied 'That's a bit arrogant, surely there's always room for improvement'. I'm still not sure which of us was the arrogant one.

    1. That's almost as bad as JayCee's experience above.

  6. I'm not sure why I cannot seem to post a comment.

    To me, what separates opinionated from arrogance is simple. We can have different opinions and make our different points without resorting to personally attacking the commenter or the blogger. That's simple opinion. Arrogance is a person's belief that they alone have the correct view. This means that anyone who thinks differently becomes wrong, worthy of public ridicule and insult. That is where a line is crossed, in my opinion. Make your point by all means, but flogging a blogger is unacceptable.

    1. Yes, I agree. Most of us have an opinion, but we usually understand that others may not hold the same one.

  7. I never let Anyone intimidate me...I'm always kind to others but don't confuse my kindness for ignorance. I know when others are being snippy.

    1. I've never liked comments that are simply designed to be insulting. Luckily they are very few these days.

  8. Self-importance and above reproach also come to mind when arrogance is observed. I tend to give arrogant people no credence.

    1. It's the 'holier than thou' attitude that gets my goat.

  9. I think when a person is arrogant, he/she loses their credibility and respect. Similar to when a person puts down another in public... as politicians tend to do (with Trump the top offender in my book). I know one doesn't always win when they take the 'high road'... but they definitely lose (with me anyway) when they take the 'low'...

  10. I have never been to Paris, but I don't think I would enjoy the attitude. Of course, they say Americans have an attitude also.
