Sunday 10 April 2022

An open letter to Vlad' Putin.

Dear Vlad.

Why don't you make the best of a bad job, recall your troops, and admit that you've fucked-up big time.

We in the West never liked you, and now everyone detests you. You are doing you and your country no favours.

Time to admit defeat, hand yourself over to The Hague, and accept that you are responsible for the most atrocious war crimes. Your troops are either out of control, deserting, or being abandoned by their commanding officers. Thousands of your young untrained conscripts have already been killed.

The West has had enough. After the dreadful recent war crimes committed at Bucha, several NATO members will now be joining forces to supply the Ukrainian military with some very serious kit, not only to destroy your military hardware, but also to sink ships. You no longer stand a bloody chance.

Quit now! You know it makes sense. Cro.


  1. He's a monster, bombed seven countries regardless of whether folk were having weddings or funerals. I understand he has also dropped over a hundred thousand bombs some of which hit hospitals and schools.
    The above was Obama. No better, no worse than Putin or us under Blair.

    1. And that is the crux, Adrian. The "West" can't take the moral high ground. Otherwise they'd have to hand themselves in.


    2. I don't and apparently you don't but it suits virtue signalling, candle lighting, pot banging folk.

  2. Cro, I know I am on dangerous ground here. No, I am not in Ukraine. I am safe, in England, being able to afford the luxury of giving my armchairs' Rubel's worth of opinion.

    I do question the wisdom of "the West" aiding the war, indeed continuing it, by supplying Ukraine with weapons. By doing so this will rumble and rumble and rumble and then some.

    Sometimes we have to let things run their course; let that course run out of steam till it comes to a natural halt.


    1. Even Hitler had his admirers; until he was defeated, of course.

    2. You'd prefer to see Ukraine completely destroyed?? and then Putin would move on to his next target. He must be stopped.

    3. They're just trying to find excuses for a tyrant, by passing the buck. It doesn't work like that!

  3. I saw a news story of a bomb dropped on a rail station, and the message there for the world to read: For the Children. It was sickening.

    I have a friend and her daughter who have gone to the border of Poland with supplies to provide aid. I think it was meant to have an end date, but at this point, they have been taken in by other Poles hard at work on the same projects. I think the intention has become to stay as long as they can be of use. The world has been galvanized to act.

    1. Peanuts to what you did to Japan. Grow up.
      Things happen in war. and war only starts with

  4. Oh God,
    Adrian's spouting rubbish again!

  5. Someone found it funny that children were going to die. If that does not make your heart ache, you are less than human. I will disregard your comments from this point on.

    1. He has a very twisted mind, on most matters!

  6. Dear Putin,
    Millions and millions of your fellow earthlings are appalled by what you have ignited in Ukraine - an unnecessary war in which thousands of innocents have died - including children -without good reason. You have displaced millions of peace-loving people and you have spawned incredible lies to justify the wickedness you have unleashed. Ironically, what you have done has also damaged Russia itself. And once the genie is out of the bottle, it takes decades of healing to put it back in there.
    The Rest of the World
    (minus silly contrarians)

  7. Did you get that Vlad? Listen to the wise man. He writes the truth.

  8. VP must be stopped. Personally, I do not believe he is going to make that decision. VP has a one-track mind and that is to conquer Ukraine at all costs. The man has no conscious and is prepared for any and all costs. If VP succeeds, who will be next? Democratic nations are largely united. NATO countries are on alert. Democracy must be upheld.

  9. Sadly, over here, there are still a tiny minority who will make excuses for him, and quote other atrocities as if it makes it all OK. I'll leave the comments this time, just so they can remain on record.

  10. I suspect there are minorities everywhere who would like to see him succeed, thankfully I don't belong to that train of thought.
    How can he not see the suffering he is causing? To his own country as well as Ukraine.

  11. There terrible atrocities in all wars. There was no reason for this war. These days there are so many councils and agencies for peaceful negotiations. Stop the bastard someone!

  12. I don't think he is sane enough to consider or care about the rights or wrongs. He just wants to win at all costs.

  13. Your reaction to Adrian's comments is strange in that he isn't denying anything about Putin in the Ukraine nor making excuses but is stating some undeniable facts that you may not like to hear and he didn't make the response to your letter that you sought. There is much in history, both recent and ancient, that points us to where we are right now in Russia and Putin. The reaction of Germany, for instance, is what can only be described as turmoil, unfairness as far as EU is concerned and previous actions against Greece for instance. One rule for EU members who get in disarray and another for Russia who go to war. The playing field of the EU is never level. Putin will exploit all the weaknesses of the world right now. His war is not going well but he will not pull out until he has got at least some of what he wants. Your letter is rather futile I'm afraid but a nice gesture.

    1. I have said MANY TIMES that Blair and Bush should face accusations of war crimes. None of these people should get away with their acts of slaughter. Of course it's a futile letter, but I find that I occasionally need a voice.

    2. Your letter was fine for your voice. Some of what followed was not so fine. History needs to be studied and this war not taken in isolation and as I said on my blog a few days ago, Chechnya and Grozny should not have been forgotten but largely they have been or simply not known about.

  14. Here is the part that does not make sense to me: That because atrocities have happened before, we have no right to address them now. History can teach us, but what is the point of learning from it if we must now stand in mute silence as this horror unfolds before us? If history teaches us anything at all, it is that we cannot, and should not be silent.

    1. Adrian only ever comments when he knows he's being controversial. He'll take the ridiculous side of any argument, just to annoy people. He's not to be taken seriously; nor is Ursula of course. Now that dear Chloe has disappeared, they have taken his/her place.

  15. Thank you, Cro. It is reassuring that I am not alone in my view.
