Tuesday 15 March 2022

Well done Russia! Well done Putin!

This (below) is how they left Grozny in Chechnya. 

This is how they recently left Aleppo in Syria.

And this is how they are already dealing with Kiev in Ukraine.

So, well done. What brave little soldiers you are, bombing domestic buildings, hospitals, and schools; in fact anywhere you know that innocent citizens are residing. What, I wonder do you plan to do with these bombed-out buildings when eventually you stop the shelling? Oh, of course, you'll go home and leave them like you left Grozny and Aleppo.

It is so easy to sit in an armoured tank, and fire shells at buildings miles away. I hope it makes you all feel like big strong men to be able to destroy the lives of your neighbours so easily. Your own mothers must be so proud of you; unlike those mothers and grandmothers you are slaughtering. 

If you're bored between firing shells at people's homes, have a good look at the above photos. You can see how successful you've been. Vlad might even give you a medal.

I wonder where you next have in mind; Warsaw? Budapest? Prague?


  1. You missed out Georgia in your pictures, the Georgia Russian war, the blue print for the Ukraine invasion. In 2008 George Bush proposed Nato membership for Georgia and Ukraine and it was opposed by Germany and France. Russia then invaded Georgia. We are now seeing the next step in Putin's plans.

    1. There are others too, but I thought just three was enough.

    2. Georgia is particularly significant.

    3. Yes, I should really have included it.

  2. I wonder sometimes what those bombers are thinking. Do they really want to be doing this or are they following orders because if they don't they will be killed themselves? What if they all just stepped out of their tanks and walked away as a better option? Do they cry when they try to sleep at night?

    1. There are warranted wars and unwarranted wars; this one is of the latter type. In WW2 Hitler HAD to be stopped, and in more recent times Galtieri's invasion of The Falklands HAD to be dealt with. In this case the Ukrainians have done nothing to deserve being attacked; it's simply their way of life that Putin doesn't like.

    2. Because he can't have the same? or because some people in his country might want the same?

  3. These were modern cities where people cycled, drove their cars, strolled in the sqares, had visions of a bright future for their children. Why, why why?

    1. This was their downfall. They had a vision of a brighter future, more than under the oppressive regime of Russia.

  4. what a complete utter waste of life and pointless destruction.It is beyond my belief why anyone would want to do such a thing to other human beings and leave a country so devastated ? XXXX

    1. We all think the same thing. It's just unbelievable.

  5. I can't feel anything but despair at the situation. The west is standing by as a peaceful and not too bad country is under threat of its existence. Never to my dying days will I have respect for the Russian government.

    1. My late Father-in-Law was at our Embassy in Moscow (under Stalin), and I can assure you, they're as crazy as people say!!

  6. I was in Georgia in 2008 and saw the terrible damage they left there economically. Everyone hated them there but were helpless.

    1. I think everyone hates them everywhere. Even the Russians themselves will hate Putin when they hear the truth about his attacks.

  7. Do I detect a note of irony in your congratulations? One day Putrid will be dead. That will be a time for dancing and quaffing ale and also for quiet remembrance of the lives he snuffed out without good reason.

    1. I hope that time comes sooner than later. I imagine there are a lot of bullets out there with his name written on them!

  8. Replies
    1. Maybe the stance of that brave young woman on the Russian TV News programme yesterday will bring the Russian public to their senses. If Putin loses the support of his people, he is finished.

  9. Russians almost always had tyrannical leaders. Bad enough under imperialists, a thousand fold worse under the communists who may have starved up to 2 million of their own people. Perhaps a brief respite under Gorbachev. Now under a derranged lunatic . What will he do with the country over which he wishes to have dominion, now it is being bombed to Smithereens ? I heard about the Russian lady who spoke out against her government today,on the radio. I wonder what has happened to her

    1. It is a very strange strategy to bomb, then simply leave all the destruction behind. But that seems to be his way.

  10. Terrible. Today, VZ appealed to the Russian military in Ukraine, stating: "Put down your arms and you can live in peace and freedom in Ukraine." Also, Russian debt is enormous and they are about to default. The Russian military is hard pressed with no backup. Will China come to Russia's pleas? Doubtful. Russia is looking to be in dire straits. (In my dreams, I see VZ running all of Russia and Ukraine.)

    1. Before living in 'peace and freedom', maybe they should be made to re-build all that they have destroyed. I don't think China wishes to be involved, she is already doing a much better job of world dominance by financial means.
