Friday 4 March 2022

We used to worry about Covid-19; but that was over a week ago.


Putin has now warned Kyiv civilians to "Leave or Die".

Under the Geneva Convention (rules of war), it specifically states that one should never target those who do not take part in hostilities; i.e. civilians. Women and children in particular. Sadly Putin has joined that long line of evil despots who rule by fear, and he's not afraid to demonstrate as much by widespread slaughter. To warn those very civilians that they must 'leave or die', is in itself a declaration that he intends to commit such war crimes. Those of us who thought that Europe would never see another Hitler have had to think again. Putin is on the rampage, killing, destroying, and even imprisoning children.

We already know that Putin's forces have targeted residential apartment blocks; the evidence is there for all to see. The bodies of innocent civilians are lying on the streets of Kyiv and elsewhere. 

He must not succeed in this evil. He must be made to pay, this is too outrageous a crime for him to receive anything less than the ultimate penalty.

It would also be good to hear apologies from Putin's disgusting supporters. Countries such as Cuba, Venezuela, N Korea, China, etc, should be ashamed of themselves, along with those who support their evil regimes; especially those on the opposition benches at Westminster.

NATO and other friendly countries who are against what Russia (Putin) is doing, are still being over-cautious. Hitting their financial markets may affect Russian citizens, but it will hardly halt a blood-thirsty maniac.

When Argentina attacked the defenceless Falkland Islands, Mrs T sent a 'Task Force', and gave them a bloodied nose. Isn't about time NATO and her allies did something similar with mainland Russia?

Why is it that the Communist countries are always the ones who are at odds with the peaceful world? Maybe a few bombs on Moscow's finest buildings might make Putin think again! It's what HE'S doing elsewhere, so he could hardly complain!


  1. Russia hasn't been communist for over 2 decades.
    An attack on Russia would result in a nuclear response, they've made that abundantly clear.
    As for targeting civilians it didn't bother us in Iraq or Afghanistan, Syria or Libya. Or don't brown folk count?
    Over 1 million dead in Iraq alone. In Iraq RAF aircraft dropped JP233 cluster bombs on civilian airports and roads. Some of the stray ones are still killing Iraqis today.
    Thanks to our "liberation" Libya is in a constant state of civil war and in Tripoli slave markets exist selling black Africans. Something not seen for over a century.
    Small wonder half the world regards us as nauseating hypocrites.

    1. I have often said that Blair should have been taken to the ICC for war crimes. I still believe that, as I imagine you do too. As for Russia not being a communist country, maybe I should have said Marxist/Leninist; but to me that amounts to the same thing.

    2. I should add that those who voted for Blair, and continued to support him, are equally responsible for all that you mention above. I'm sure you are aware; I'm NOT amongst them.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Ro, glad someone brought up a few salient facts so conveniently brushed under the carpet by as you say "nauseating hypocrites"; facts that so many "ordinary" people have either never had a grasp on or have forgotten already.


    5. Blair and Bush still have a lot to answer for.

  2. I'm sure I would agree if I could understand what you have written.

  3. I wonder if Macron us going to be the hero in this. I hope so and he brings the fighting to a stop.

    1. He's certainly making the right moves. If he achieves that during his premiership, he will retire as a hero.

    2. Rachel, Macron did have a call to Putin yesterday, saying that it didn't go very well. And that he now believes that sadly worse is to come.

    3. That is bad news. I was listening to France 24 last night and they said Macron intends to talk to Putin again and keep talks going. All we can do is hope.

    4. Rachel, if Macron et al want the fighting to stop then why do all and sundry countries supply Ukraine with weapons? It's like saying: "We want to extinguish the fire so let's stoke it a bit more and make it last as long as possible".


    5. While the attacker attacks the attacked must be able to defend.

    6. Rachel, if the attacked weren't fed more ammunition, this particular war would soon fizzle out. Thus saving many lives.

      And before you say, yes, but Ukraine would have to surrender. Sure. Sometimes we have to give up something for the greater good. Zelenskiy should never have let it have come so far. By which I mean giving Putin reasons to entertain the idea of attacking the Ukraine in the first place.

      Stone me if you must.


    7. The ethics of war and the rights charter to defend is a huge topic Ursula and not one I propose to go into here.

  4. Cro, I wonder if you're aware of Alexei Navalny, Putin's main political rival. The man that Putin had poisoned and imprisoned a year ago simply for being a political opponent.

    Despite incarceration, his organization from the outside are determined to bring down the rotten corrupt Kremlin and restore regional and Global stability. But will it ever happen?

    By the way, Putin's speech yesterday was a disgrace. It was all about praising and bribing his soldiers with financial rewards, but nothing about the Ukrainian victims.

    Alexei Navalny featured on January's Time Magazine with updates on his improved condition after his poisoning.

  5. And now a Nuclear Power Station has been hit and is under Russian control

  6. Missiles and rockets can be guided with pinpoint accuracy. There is no excuse for hitting residential areas. They are being targeted. The madness of targeting a nuclear reactor is beyond belief as a nuclear melt down would affect his own country.

    I noted Madame President of Moldova rushed to sign on the dotted line to join the EU.

    I was surprised India did not vote to condemn Putin, but later I learnt that it always abstains on such votes. I am not sure if that makes it better.

    I fully recognise my response is racist, so no need to tell me, but Ukrainians are people a bit like us. That scares me. It happens to them. It could happen to us. I expect that is quite a strong thought in the old Eastern European countries.

  7. These are historical moments that will have an impact on the lives of all of us, we do not yet know how and how much, meanwhile the immediate victims are the Ukrainians, it is unbelievable that all this is happening now and in Europe.

  8. So, Cro, what do you make of this and I quote:

    "George Robertson, a former Labour defence secretary who led Nato between 1999 and 2003, said Putin made it clear at their first meeting that he wanted Russia to be part of western Europe. “They wanted to be part of that secure, stable prosperous west that Russia was out of at the time,” he said.

    The account chimes with what Putin told the late David Frost in a BBC interview shortly before he was first inaugurated as Russian president more than 21 years ago. Putin told Frost he would not rule out joining Nato “if and when Russia’s views are taken into account as those of an equal partner”.

    He told Frost it was hard for him to visualise Nato as an enemy. “Russia is part of the European culture. And I cannot imagine my own country in isolation from Europe and what we often call the civilised world.” End of quote.

    And guess, what? Russia/Putin was, naturally, left out in the cold. No room at the inn.


    1. I think it might have been like The Kray brothers asking to join The Police. Words are OK; actions are far more important.

  9. Comparing Argentina with Russia is like comparing a fallen leaf with a tree. As for Putrid, I disagree that he has been "on the rampage" - no siree - that little shit is hiding securely in his lavish Moscow bunker while other people's children attempt to realise his wicked plan.

    1. I wasn't comparing them, just comparing the response.

    2. I humbly apologise for the mis-reading.

  10. In the news, talk about one man made/controls the war against the Ukraine tells it all...deflect, deflect deflect.
    The Russian army is commiting war crimes. Triggers, buttons, shifting barrels at innocent people on land that they are stealing.
    The Huge elephant in the room, in the majority of news report videos is...Watching...the World watching it happen while picking sanctions out of a bag like chips dipping into Ukraine's misery.

  11. This morning the 40 mile line of Russian military headed to kyiv have stopped and no movement is reported. Macron reports no progress with P talks but keeps channels open. More sanctions from US against P top affiliates (frozen assets worldwide). Russian currency is toppling. The nuclear plant fire is out and contained. The UN acknowledges war crimes. I agree with Cro, more must be done to stop P. Current actions are not getting the job done.

    1. It's all a terrible situation. Putin HAS to be stopped. It's all well and good saying that Bush and Blair did worse, but that should not be an excuse to appease Putin.
