Tuesday 1 March 2022

Unhappy again.


If there's one thing I detest, almost as much as I detest Putin; it's people who dump rubbish. 

This is a classic example of totally unacceptable behaviour, dumping a pile of rubbish by the side of a large empty bin.

A Badminton racquet, several CD's, wicker baskets, creams, and assorted other bits-n-pieces, all thrown on the ground right beside a large bin.

I know the bin was mostly empty, because I'd just put my own small bag of rubbish in it.

What makes people do such things? It is no more difficult to put stuff IN the bin, than by its side.

Jeeeze, it makes me bloody annoyed! 

And whilst I'm on the subject. 99.9% of all Dog owners here are very proud of their cleanliness. It's almost a 'badge of honour' to be seen depositing your dog's poo bag in the special receptacles. However, some idiots go to all the trouble to clear up their dog's poo; then leave the bloody bag on a bench, a gravestone, or a wall.

Lord, give me strength!!!


  1. I detest rubbish dumpers too. I also detest those tenants around here who "clean house" the day before collection and fill up as many bins as they need to overflowing, so when I take out my small bag of recyclables, there is no room, so I have to put it in my landfill bin which I keep inside my closed-in back porch so "they" can't use it.

    1. In this particular case, I think the 'dumper' was having problems with his/her husband or wife. Everything was new or serviceable. It certainly wasn't 'rubbish'. It looked like the result of an argument.

  2. Oh, don't get me started on littering and fly tipping! I might blow a gasket. I would have the culprits all lined up in front of a firing squad... and don't worry, I would clean up afterwards.

    1. May I join you in the squad?

    2. You will be very welcome Captain Magnon as I know you are a crackshot...or should that be crackpot?

    3. No, definitely 'Crackshot'.

  3. It is all bad but I just can't figure out people who bag their dog's poo and then just drop it somewhere. What on earth do they think will happen to it.

  4. Cigarette butts on the ground just a metre or so from a rubbish bin is my pet dislike.

    1. It's discarded face masks here; they're everywhere.

  5. In our park the filled dog poo bags are hung on branches.

    1. I've seen one or two here too. Pure laziness.

  6. Our rail side walk has several poo trees. Oh, I'll get it on the way back. My arse you will.

    1. It's such a strange thing to do. I find no problem walking around with a poo filled bag... I've done it this morning, all the way to the bin.

  7. What is this thing about hanging poo bags on trees? Maybe folk think is better than leaving rubbish on the ground. It is beyond me why anyone would do this. I’m also saddened by decaying paper masks mixed with mud, usually no where near a bin.

    1. Trying to read peoples minds is impossible.

  8. We went to put a bag of rubbish in our wheelie bin which resides at the bottom of our drive to find somebody had used it to deposit their dog poo bags. At least they didn't leave it on the path.

    1. I expect they all go to the same place, regardless of what bin they use.

  9. Whats that bin doing on the double yellow lines?

    1. Now there's a thought! If you disguised your car as a giant wheelie bin, you'd never get another ticket!

  10. Replies
    1. Where they would NEVER do such things; far too refined!

  11. If you can find an address in all that rubbish by your bin, send it back to the rightful owner.

    1. That would have been nice, but I noticed a few hours later that it had all gone.

  12. Some people simply do as they personally choose with no though for others or the greater good.

    1. Sadly that is so; a few bottoms need kicking!

  13. Slobs will be slobs. They soil the fabric of the community.

    Clean, folded and ready to go in the recycle bin, is a weekly task I dread because it is near impossible to push the lid open while dumping my recycle, and not see the rubbish crap the slobs put in the bin.

    1. There will always be slobs, even in these times when such things are really seen as anti-social. They simply don't care.

  14. One of my pet peeves, too. I don’t know the reason, but there has been a trend here that way too. Our highways and streets are cluttered with trash lately.

    1. I hate to say it, but it's the young! They don't seem bother about it. Here, when it's sunny, they sit in the graveyard on the ancient tombs, then leave all their cans and burger wrappers behind when they leave. An older person would NEVER do that.

  15. In Italy before had a house collection and used large communal rubbish bins in the village it was customary to leave anything of use beside the bins. Such things disappeared quickly, we benefitted several times and occasionally left our own items which were soon claimed. However the area was otherwise spotless, what you show is a disgrace, clueless people.

  16. The amount of litter in our part of the UK is depressing and in such sharp contrast to where we live when in France, where there is rarely any at all.
    I just can't understand the mentality of people who would spoil the appearance of a place when to deal with rubbish properly takes so little effort.
    As for the plastic bottles of urine tossed out of vans and lorries....the lack of public toilets is no excuse, why can't they take them home and empty them down their own toilet. Some people are worse than animals.
    (I knew the litter back in the UK would annoy you!)
