Thursday 31 March 2022

That Pork Pie.

I have now returned to Waitrose, and bought another of their lovely hand-made Pork Pies.

It's a fluted pie; not that that makes any difference to its taste, simply its visual appeal.

I did not repeat my purchase of the dreadful Bury Black Pudding!!!

I now see that they're called 'Walkers Pork Pies', and, I learn from their web page, that they are made especially for Waitrose.

I'm also very pleased to say that this second pie lived-up to the standard of the first, and can be recommended 100%. I can honestly say it's the best Pork Pie I've eaten in a very long time. Many may not notice the difference immediately, but I have a degree in Pork Pie eating; and I know what I'm talking about.

Very much a cut above all the other pies I eaten since October, and I would suggest that if you're looking for a quality pie, pop down to your nearest Waitrose, and buy a Walkers Pie from their deli counter. You won't be disappointed.

Price: £2.75p. Enough for four healthy Ascot or Henley appetites. 


  1. The crust on that pie looks very thick, so I should let you know that if you have high cholesterol, pastry is not good for you. You should cut your consumption by a goodly percentage, which is a shame since pies are so yummy.

    1. The pastry on this particular pie is quite light, but of course is made with LARD. We (I) am actually trying to be more aware of what we eat, and we're cutting down on bad cholesterol foods. It's a shame, because they're always the tastiest ones!

    2. Well, River, how to spoil someone's pleasure. As Paracelsus said "The dose makes the poison". So leave the man be to enjoy the odd pork pie (and Lady M's baking offerings).


    3. Lard is funnily enough one of the better fats. It has 20% less saturated fat than butter. It is high in vitamin D and contains Cholin. It is also rich in Oleic acid, the same fatty acid that is in Olive oil and contains zero trans fats. Also as you have eaten a mainly mediterranean diet for years the occasional pork pie can surely be forgiven.

      Jo in Auckland

  2. Enjoy, Cro. River's comment reminds me of when my beloved grandmother (my "first" mother) was on her deathbed. She asked for a cold beer. The nurse refused "It's not good for her" she said to my actual mother and my grandfather. How ridiculous is that? Even prisoners on death row are allowed a last meal of their choice. Luckily my mother is a force to be reckoned with. And her mother got her cold beer. I think she took one contented sip.

    Anyway, thanks for the recommendation. I don't know why but about once a year I am suddenly overcome with a ravenous appetite for pork pie. Which is when I grab the nearest Melton Mowbray, smother it in Branston pickle and scoff the lot in one go.

    So, "Walkers" it is. Be it on your head.


    1. You won't be disappointed; I'm sure. Go to Waitrose deli counter, and say 'Cro sent you'.

  3. I have recently found a very good pork pie in Morrisons. Prior to that it was M&S but I rarely go to M&S these days.

    1. I haven't really found one that I didn't enjoy, but these are hand made, loose, pies, that have a home-made farmhouse feel about them, and the filling is definitely superior to most.

  4. The Waitrose pork pie looks very rustic and homemade ….. delicious. You could go on Mastermind ….. specialist subject ? Pork pies ! XXXX

  5. Very satisfying to find something so tasty in a supermarket. I'd go out and buy one right now if I could
    Reading Rachel's remark reminded me that Athens has M&S. Every 2 or 3 years we do go into the city. I'll have to make a note to look for a pork pie. And an English sausage

    1. M & S pies are very good. I buy them often.

  6. Life is not worth living if you can't enjoy a pork pie.

  7. Walkers is a Leicester company, where I lived until I was 29! There was a Walkers butcher shop next to the bank where I worked and I often bought a pork pie for my lunch.Sometimes they were newly delivered and still warm from being cooked ! Delicious.

    1. I lived for a while in Fulham, London, where there was a Pork Pie company very close by. They opened a small window every evening for the locals to buy freshly made pies. They were very good.

    2. I was in leicester! I also had a porkpie. That was my biggest surprise...that they are eaten cold. I expected them to be warm.

  8. I was in my early twenties and we were in The Rocks tourist area of Sydney and I decided on a pork pie for lunch as I had never eaten one before. My partner gave me a hard nudge in the ribs when I asked for it to be heated, and explained to the server that I was an ignorant Australian. Bah, I was in my own country.

    In spite of the jokes about Waitrose and posh people, it does sound rather good. I suppose there is one in Newcastle.

    1. Being a Southerner, I must admit to never having been to Newcastle, but Waitrose is mostly down South.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Outdoor pigs remain outside from birth to slaughter.

      Just as well with Covid carriers like you on the loose on the streets.

    2. Fearing Long Covid and for your life and you happily walk the streets next post without a care in the world. You may not have broken any laws buy you sure are a hypocrite.

    3. Rachel, I can't tell you how good it is to hear you say it how it is.

      Over at John's I pointed out the health hazard that YP poises, going out, knowingly carrying the virus when it's at its most infectious. John deems my comments as "impolite" (they weren't) and has, naturally, deleted them.

      I am besides myself at YP's negligence.


    4. I still don't think he gets it. From expressing to almost all of his commenters how seriously he takes Covid and that he feared Long Covid more than anything he goes out and casts caution to the wind. "If I am scared of Long Covid I may as well toss some germs around and others can get it too" attitude. I note he asks for pleasant comments, well I try to no avail. He says the comments are unpleasant and in the very next breath he tells his readers he does not read them. Work that one out. If he didn't have Comment Moderation on or he at least published an email address he could avoid this spillage of comments.

  10. I recommend that you try a Dickinson & Morris pork pie too.
    Dickinson & Morris are purveyors of Melton Mowbray pork pies, and are based in the town of Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire. They're available from Waitrose.
    I love a wedge of D&M pork pie accompanied by a spoonful of Tracklements Apple & Cider Brandy Chutney, utterly delicious! X

    1. I'll remember the name next time I go there. Yes, a good chutney is the perfect accompaniment.

  11. I imagine your discerning palate was honed in Yorkshire where every butcher's pork pie is an award winner. My husband's favourite is the local football pork pie which oddly feeds four, how you'd slice it up at the match I have no idea. And of course here some choose a tier of pork pies for their wedding rather than the sweet iced option.

    1. I've only been to Yorkshire once when driving through it, so can't really claim to know the county. I love the idea of a Pork Pie Wedding Cake.

  12. It definitely makes you want to go out and buy one, if only there was one.

    1. I don't suppose that Pork would be very popular in Israel!!!

  13. You'll be needing more statins at this rate, what with the black pudding and foie gras and all that....

    1. I'm trying to reduce my intake. Salads for lunch from now on.

  14. The pork pie sounds very good and it presents nicely as well. My policy is: small amounts of everything does no harm. Enjoy.

    1. I agree, but it's not always that easy to comply.

  15. In Yorkshhire it is traditional to eat one's pork pie hot, My mother in law won the cup at the Great Yorkshire Show one year for her Pork Pie, Sausage and Brawwn. The first time we had them round for tea after we married I served it up cold - there was a horrified silence.

    1. Note to self: next pork pie in Yorkshire.

    2. How would the jelly stay there if it was hot?

  16. My regular shop is Waitrose near the Dog Stadium, it is the nearest to me. People often ask how I can afford to shop in Waitrose and I tell them that everything I buy in that shop is quality and the staff are the absolute best. When one of them found out that Tom was unwell and I was a little upset they promptly went and got me a large bunch of flowers (for free). Where else would you get that?
