Wednesday 23 March 2022


Most of the UK is having lovely early Spring weather. Temperatures as high as 20 C will be common for the rest of this week.

Here on the South Coast people head for the beach. They walk along the Prom', buy an Ice Cream, and just sit in the sun soaking in all those wonderful healing rays.

Most stay off the beach itself. Those pebbles are not conducive to relaxation; you need a big pillow.

Better to sit outside a Café, with a cold beer and a plate of Fish-n-Chips, and watch the world go by.

But let us not be fooled by this good weather. Mother Nature has a way of changing her mind very quickly!


  1. The pebbled beaches would keep me off them too, unless I went down to the water to paddle, but I think it would be too cold for me as I am used to Australian summers. 20C is a nice, comfortable temperature. We are currently in the low to mid 20's with temps in the teens for sleeping at night. Autumn is in the air here.

    1. The pebbles are certainly not perfect, but we get used to them. At least the beaches are clean!

  2. I liked all the eating and drinking places set up on Brighton Beach, not that we used them. We went to the Grand Hotel for lunch, or should I say luncheon. The hotel does such nice branded doggie bags.

    It was an unseasonable 29 degrees in Scotland last week.

    1. We had an Ice Cream each whilst people watching. We had thought of eating down there but changed our minds. The Grand is very Grand. I've never been indoors!

  3. We hear the fish'n'chips are under threat. Cold beer and a plate of boiled beans (?) just doesn't do it does it?

    1. I was tempted by some Jellied Eels, but at £4.50 for three tiny pieces, I decided against.

  4. 'Cast ne'er a clout till May be out'. Adrian Mole doesn't know what his grandma means but thinks it's got something to do with vests.

    1. Ant the 'May' refers to the Flower, not the month.

    2. 'Cast ne'er a clout till May be out'. I've never heard this expression before, Andy, and I love it. We Canadians get fooled all the time by a few days of warmth in spring. Then, bam! (Freezing rain.) I'm listening to it throwing itself on the windows right now.

    3. Of course you may not have May trees (Hawthorn) where you are. The flowers almost cover the trees like snow. Only when they're like that can you 'cast your clout'.

  5. Only 12C here but bright and least for the time being. Still keeping my snow boots ready.

    1. Very wise. We always seem to get this early good weather, then it rains until June.

  6. Yesterday, as most children are off school here with Covid, the pier and beach below my house were in full party mode. It was busier than the annual end of year beach party!

    1. I believe somewhere in Scotland yesterday they had 24 C. That's mid-Summer warmth.

  7. Why don't Brighton Council replace all those pebbles with nice, golden sand? It would be much better for visitors and kids could make sandcastles. Perhaps you could suggest it to your local councillor.

    1. Maybe a 'Bring your own Sand' campaign might to the job. If every child filled their bucket before arriving at the beach, and filled their pockets with pebbles before leaving, it could look like Bermuda in a week.

    2. It would have to be pink sand to look like Bermuda!

    3. They would also have to dig a big moat to the north, west and east sides of Brighton and Hove as Bermuda is an island.

    4. You're nit-picking YP. Brighton is an island already (an island of delights).

    5. It is certainly rich in traffic islands but it is no use digging on them as there is no buried treasure.

  8. Enjoying the beach on a warm and sunny day is terrific. Your beach looks excellent. Most Massachusetts beaches are sandy but go to Maine and there pebbles and rocks, even cliffs which I love. It's sunny and 40 degrees today. Rain/sleet mix is predicted for tomorrow. More cold is on the way.

    1. My favourite beaches are sandy bays surrounded by cliffs. Unfortunately they are usually the most popular too.
