Sunday 27 March 2022

Nancy Ska Jazz Orchestra-Hatcha!

I've posted this video twice before, but it's so good it's worth another outing.

Great tune, wonderful musicianship, and they all seem to be having such a good time. The composer is the 'bone player in the white cap; Youssef Essawabi.


  1. It's nice to see and hear talented musicians working so well together and clearly "into" their music.

    1. Real talent is wonderful to watch and listen-to. Superb.

    2. Up and about early YP, having a pee and a quick read and checking your blog before going back to sleep. Don't forget palm oil and de-forestation for your next in-depth analysis of the vegan world, it might shock you.

    3. Were you born unpleasant or did you have to take lessons? Those subjects would definitely not shock me and have almost nothing to do with people switching to plant-based diets or reducing the amount of meat in their diets. You are getting very mixed up.

    4. I left you apl perfectly ordinary suggestion on your blog but noticed it wasn't published so I thought I would suggest it to you here. Nothing unpleasant about me, you should look at yourself for that. The shock I was referring to are the de-forestation figures but perhaps you already know them.

    5. Incidentally most of the maize grown in the UK is grown for power stations and not animal feed. I also tried to tell you this on your blog recently when Ed asked you a question about it but again you did not publish the information I gave you and proceeded to give Ed the wrong answer. You may be interested to learn that some wheat here is also grown for power stations and straw goes there too. If you published an email address I would email you but such a thing is not available, and so you continue to hide behind comment moderation, out of reach.

  2. It's nice, but I'd had enough about halfway through.

  3. The music is kind of like jazz on steroids. Not bad.

  4. The opening notes of this band took me back to the sixties when my father and mother partied to Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass. That album was played on holidays we spent at the cottage. The odd time I hear a piece from that album, I have a strong urge to dance. Ska jazz-I like it!

    1. Wasn't that a great record; I remember it well.

  5. I am a keyboard player and always had a yen to learn how to play jazz - but never got round to it - wish I had now of course.

    1. I tried to learn the Cornet when I was quite small; failure. I later tried to learn the Trombone; failure again. I gave up.

  6. Excellent talent. One day we'll all enjoy live music again.

    1. I love live music even if it's a bit amateurish.

    2. I love this music, but I told you before.

    3. It's good to watch them too. They all seem so focused, and are READING their music. Not always the case with musicians.
