Friday 11 March 2022

Finding the right Charity

I have two favourite charities, and rarely give to any others.

Firstly is Orbis. A wonderful organisation who fly volunteer eye surgeons around the world to correct sight problems. Donations go for medical equipment and the upkeep of their planes, which also double as operating theatres. The surgeons and nurses all offer their services free of charge.

The second is Médecins sans Frontières (MSF). Now a worldwide organisation, they send doctors and nurses to wherever in the world they are needed. They do wonderful work, often in the face of grave danger. For me, in this disastrous time, they have priority over Orbis.

With so many people wondering what they can do to help those poor people of Ukraine, may I suggest that MSF could use as much help as possible.

I have 100% confidence in them, and I trust that my small donation will be of some help.

Lady Magnon has preferred to place her trust in The Red Cross. Both charities desperately need whatever we can offer.


  1. I rarely donate, I have so little myself, but when I was working I donated regularly to a couple of charities and kept it up for a year after retiring.

    1. As I said above, I only donate regularly to two charities. I would like to do more, but where would it end. My pockets are not bottomless pits either!

  2. Would you consider donating even a small amount to PETA UK rescuing animals from Ukraine? They are working round the clock helping humans and their animals.

    1. I would love to, but I have made a decision to support just 2 charities. I receive 'begging letters' almost every day, and have to say 'no'. Others would give only to PETA, and not to The Red Cross. It takes all sorts.

  3. I will donate to them. The sight of the abandoned animals and the people fleeing with their cat or dog broke my heart.

    1. You're right, it's heart-breaking to see all the innocent victims of this dreadful war. Women, children, and their pets, are all being targeted.

  4. Since I was a boy, I have continued to donate to Oxfam. I worked for them as a volunteer for five years and have been on sponsored walks for them. As I write, even as Putrid destroys Ukraine, 2,126,215 citizens of the world have died from hunger this year and 1,455,097 infants under five have passed away too. However, I admit that your favoured charities are also most admirable and worthy of support.

    1. I particularly like Orbis; giving sight back to children, and others, is just wonderful. There are so many 'good causes', one is sadly obliged to make a choice

    2. Many years ago I would have supported OXFAM too, however for me they are now a very tainted organisation, much given to their own aggrandisement at the expense of their original remit of Oxford Committee for Famine Relief.

  5. I donate to my church's outreach programs and to Toronto's central food bank supplier on a regular basis - they both support people's most basic needs on a direct level.
    At Christmas I add the Salvation Army and MSF.
    For crisis situations, such as Ukraine I donate to the Red Cross (already done) and later his month I will donate to my church "head Office" Ukraine appeal as they are part of the ACT Alliance - that is an umbrella group with boots on the ground now in Europe and ready to assist refugees.

    1. My mother was a Red Cross nurse during the last war, so I know from first hand that they do very good work. Good for you!

  6. Doctors Without Borders is a wonderful charity and I've donated to them before. I was just thinking about doing so again now that there's this crisis in Ukraine

    1. They're always amongst the first into dangerous situations. They are good people.

  7. i donate to the Red Cross (RC) and Doctors Without Borders. My mother was a surgical nurse and always supported RC.
