Sunday 13 March 2022

Art Students.

Everyone dislikes Art Students.

Art students have a pretty rough, but probably warranted, reputation. They are scruffy, long-haired, dirty, dissolute, drunkards; and that's just the girls.

They make any town look untidy, they probably smell, and they must be the greatest purveyor of STD's on the planet. They protest about anything going, listen to loud raucous music in their squats until all-hours, and smoke dope endlessly.

However, almost EVERY SINGLE man made object has been designed by them, or at least once they've graduated. Your knives and forks, the perfume advert in your magazine, your car, and even the label on your baked beans tin, has been designed by an ex-art student.

I was reminded of this recently whilst looking at the wonderful variety of manhole covers in my local roads. The one I wanted to photograph was unfortunately in the middle of a busy road, so it remained un-recorded. It featured a Leopard skin pattern, not unlike the one above; just slightly more exotic.

It's worth remembering that those scruffy individuals go on to make our world a more interesting place in which to live, even down to the design of our manhole covers; making everyday objects as pleasant as possible. 

They either do that, or they form rock bands! 


  1. I like the art students I've met.
    One thing I have noticed is that non of them have any ability when it comes to draughting. I suppose they have engineers for such mundane tasks.

    1. I spent four years in 'life drawing' classes, maybe that would be of no use in engineering work.

  2. And they give us oldies something to tut about.

    1. That is an important part of their ambitions.

  3. Grrr, my art student daughter (and her friends) did not fit this description. Maybe Canterbury had a better group of students?

    1. Give them time Susan; they'll earn their stripes in the end.

  4. We certainly fitted that description at Norwich!

  5. I was the total antithesis of an art student which is probably why I am excellent at executing things but total pish as designing them. I didn't even learn how to be young until I was over 60.

    1. Maybe you should have been an Art Student first.

  6. Makes me wish I'd been an art student.

    1. Yes, fine young people. They have the best time of all students.

  7. Bloody art students! In my book they are layabouts sponging off the tax payer and occasionally splattering paint on canvases like Jackson ruddy Pollock. Stick 'em all in the army I say! National Service will show 'em what life's all about.

    1. That's it YP; a dreadful bunch of smelly layabouts.

    2. Oops! I just remembered that you were an art student once. I hope you weren't offended by my outburst. May I suggest "Lynx"?

    3. Extra strength Lynx, I presume.

  8. Well said artists have to stick up for ourselves!!

  9. My home and surroundings are filled with wonderful art. Artists...gotta love'em.

  10. We have round man hole covers over here. They are the only shape that will not fall into the man hole.

    1. I think there must have been 'manhole competitions' here. They come in all shapes and sizes, and all patterns; some quite exotic.

  11. I don't notice man hole covers here, they are usually out on the roads which are never clear of traffic these days. Doesn't anyone ever stay at home anymore? I'm wondering now which ex art student designed the pattern on my tissues box and if the khaki background colour was his or her own idea or just the cheapest option.

    1. Yes, just because they've studied for several years, and have been awarded some degree, doesn't mean that they always get it right!
