Saturday 5 March 2022

Addictive Personality.

My very first real addiction was for Maynard's Wine Gums. Terrible things go on at The London Stock Exchange, one of which was an inter-firm Wine Gum tasting competition. I represented my firm, Sheppards & Co.

After several evening pints at Slaters Bar in Throgmorton Street, the representatives of various firms (all blue-buttons) would be blindfolded, and made to guess the flavour of a series of different Wine Gums. It was all good humoured fun, and I don't remember any winners. 

Unfortunately whilst going through rigorous training, I became seriously addicted to Wine Gums, and I'm ashamed to say that at my worst I was eating about 1lb a day. Luckily my natural morphology rejected any damaging weight gain, and I eventually weaned myself off them by the  'Cold Turkey' method.

These days I suppose I am addicted to Red Wine. I don't drink a lot, but my evening meal would be sorely lacking without a glass or two.

However, my most recent addiction is for Kimchi, the fashionable food which I believe the South Koreans eat every single day. I cannot get enough of it. I don't know what it is about the flavour, but every day I find myself wanting more. 

Kimchi in the UK is quite expensive, so I'm seriously considering making my own. It doesn't look difficult, one simply needs to be kitted-out with a few basic items. A bucket, large glass jar, Gochujang paste, salt, etc.

Watch this space.


  1. I remember wine gums. I loved them too and now can't even recall what the flavours were.

    1. These days I very occasionally treat myself to a packet of the just red and black ones. I dare not buy them too often for fear of becoming addicted again.

  2. I tried making kimchi before it was that easy to find in Adelaide. Don't attempt it unless you like stinking your house out! Nowadays I gladly buy it.

    1. My wife won't eat it because she says it stinks.

  3. I could get addicted to wine gums to. Fortunately another thing we can't get here. After reading them I'd definitely go out and buy some of I could.
    Fortunately we can't get kimchi either.
    Sounds like quite a process to make it. Good luck

    1. I do actually have a very healthy supply in store, so I may wait a while to make my own.

  4. Oh yes, wine gums. I loved them, especially the black ones.

    1. I believe that Maynards did a poll on favourite colours, which is why they now sell packs of just red and black ones. I don't think they'd ever do bags of just the yellow and green ones.

  5. I too am easily addicted to weird things. Luckily I have never encountered wine gums here.

    1. Some are addicted to chocolate, others to gin, my problem is wine gums. You're lucky they don't have them in Israel.

  6. It would be good if you found a local Korean person and asked for some kimichi making tips. I would be concerned about very high levels of salt.

    1. Yes, there's nothing like a practical demonstration. As long as I can buy the small tins, I shall not try making my own.

  7. Tom Grandson who lives and works in London sent me some of that Kimchi, I'm sorry to say that I didn't take to it, shame as it cost him quite a bit to buy and send down. I think it has an acquired taste

    1. My wife says it smells 'rotten'. To me it just tastes 'fermented'.

  8. The guy who hosts this video is a nutcase but at least he is an enthusiast - just like you:-

  9. Go easy on it. Over consumption will not be good for you. Treat as a pickle to be eaten now and again in my opinion.

    1. I don't eat it every day; every 3 days maybe. It's expensive.

  10. I think of wine gums as fruity flavored jelly candy in many small shapes. Instead, give me a Godiva chocolate any day. Kimichi is an acquired taste. I can take it or leave it.

    1. I do like expensive Belgian chocolate, but very rarely buy it; other than at Christmas. Yes, Kimchi, is not for everyone.

  11. Kimchi should be eaten in small amounts at every meal I’ve been told

    1. Very good for the 'gut'. I believe Sauerkraut is equally good for you.

  12. Chocolate was my addiction for a long time. Now it’s pistachios!

    1. The best Pistachios I've ever eaten came from old Persia (Iran). They were grown on Salt Flats, and were encrusted with natural salt. Delicious.

  13. The only addiction I have is Marmite.
