Tuesday 15 February 2022

You must be avin' a larf.

 France: 90 Centimes for 10.

England: £4.40p for 5.

Both the same. Both made in China. Very different packs, and very different prices!


  1. When we were last in France Twinings vanilla teabags were half the cost of the same pack in UK, but they are made in UK.

  2. Somebody is making a good profit. What about the N95 and KN95? In the US, we were told these were the more protective masks to wear. Some got free masks and others placed orders and are still waiting. Out of curiosity, I saw KN95 in a store and bought a package of 25 for $20. I do not notice much difference so I wear whatever is handy at the moment.

  3. There is some controversy that French supermarkets were stockpiling masks, millions of them, as is 150 millions here, 225 million there, while healthcare workers could not get them. They then started selling the masks at cost or below. They are definitely selling at cost or below which isn't the case in the UK.

  4. As ever - somebody somewhere is making money out of Covid.

  5. Sorry Boots.... that is a rip off.... out and out profiteering!!

  6. There was a bit of price gouging with masks when we first had to wear them, but Asian (Chinese etc) shopkeepers soon killed that off. Then recently some gouging was tried with RAT kits but that didn't last long either. Masks, 50 for $15, RAT kits, $10 each test.

  7. The first packs of ten that I bought cost $5 per pack at Cheap as Chips here, (our discount store) but since then I have bought packs of 50 for ten dollars each when they have been on sale at Lincraft, which is our fabric store. I have enough for about three years.
