Monday 7 February 2022

Why do I do this to myself?

You'd have thought I'd learned my lesson after the disaster that was the Veggie Chorizo Sausage I ate last week. But no; I was brought a Veggie Burger to sample (by the same un-named person), and was forced to eat it.

As you can see by the pack, they are called 'Beyond Meat', yet described as 'Now even Meatier'; something at odds there. 

It states that the Burgers are suitable for Vegetarians, but not Vegans. I did notice that the use by date was a couple of days overdue, but that didn't worry me.

I gave them 4 mins on either side in my very fancy Le Creuset non-stick pan, and I must say they did look very appetising.

So......... How were they? Well, I must admit that I thought someone was playing a trick on me; it not only tasted very pleasant, but it also tasted very meaty! The texture was right too.

Verdict: 9/10. Really not bad at all. In fact; had I not seen the pack, I'd have thought it was Beef.

Very surprising. (I can hardly believe that I'm writing this).



  1. Cro, le connoisseur, l'ami de foie gras and other finery, you are forgiven since the above culinary adventure was clearly foisted upon you. Glad you enjoyed the taste; your surprise that it did being a bonus.

    Out of curiosity I checked the ingredients list. Oh dear, they'd never make it into my stomach unless I'd have no alternative. A lot of "plant based" ready made food, is so deconstructed, processed, held together by not particularly environment friendly oils and put together again it makes me lose my appetite.

    Your burger? Sit tight!
    "Water, pea protein (16%), canola oil, coconut oil, rice protein, flavouring, stabilizer (methylcellulose), potato starch, apple extract, colour (beetroot red), maltodextrin, pomegranate extract, salt, potassium salt, concentrated lemon juice, maize vinegar, carrot powder, emulsifier (sunflower lecithin)."



    1. Many of the ingredients were the same as in the ghastly 'sausage', but somehow they managed, this time, to make them taste good. I was very surprised.

  2. While not recently, I've eaten vegie burgers and they were quite good. I've eaten some quite tasty food made with textured vegetable protein (kind of like minced beef) and guilt free thoughts about Daisy being put through a mincer. Honestly, I would not expect a vegetable substitute for chorizo could be any good at all.

    1. Yet they were made from almost identical products; Pea Protein being the major one.

  3. That's the brand that has suddenly appeared here and there's an extensive and campaign on TV for them. However they are almost 10euros a packet. We can get almost 2kilos of real mince for that price and make enough of Papou's famous burgers to feed the whole family.
    Still, it's interesting to hear those are tasty. If I want vege burgers I'll make my own. Maybe

    1. My son actually said he'd buy them again (he's not veggie).

  4. Replies
    1. I wouldn't buy them by choice; which is why I took one point off the score.

  5. These are the only processed veggie food we eat. My husband is a carnivore and he prefers these burgers to real meat ones. We had them last night, in fact.

    1. In which case I'm sure you agree with my conclusion.

  6. Why are you doing this? Have you lost the plot or your marbles?

  7. We never touch this kind of stuff, and we're vegetarian! Too highly processed. Wife makes her own mushroom burgers. But maybe we should give it a try.

    1. I was evaluating these by how much like meat they were, as well as their flavour, so maybe not for you.

    2. Actually, Tasker, I looked up mushroom burgers and I do think that is something I would like quite a bit.

  8. I think this is the one used in McDonalds?

    1. That's what my son said, but claimed that these were better. Maybe McD have a slighter cheaper product.

    2. Yes it is not the same but it is produced with the guidance of "Beyond Burger".

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I didn't treat it as a 'meal'; simply a product test. I ate the whole thing!

    2. Well these protein beans used in veggie products don't just float out of thin air as if by magic. They have to grow somewhere. Rain forests are being destoyed in order to grow these protein beans so it is erroneous to say that no reduction in the size of Amazon rain forests resulted in the production of this burger in my opinion.

    3. Have an upvote, Rachel, indeed several.

      I know Cro meant it to be a light hearted post. Nevertheless, on a serious note, you made a point so very conveniently overlooked by vegetarians and vegans that all this "plant based" processed food doesn't materialize out of thin and rarefied air, designed to preen ourselves how much we "care" for the planet. Just like I made the point that, looking at the ingredients list of these products makes you wonder at their nutritional value. What is it that people, in the name of not eating meat yet still buying "convenience" food, actually do put into their body?


    4. Most of the soya grown in the rainforest is used for animal feed. The majority of human grade soya is grown in Europe. (Earthling Ed)

    5. Now Now ladies. Now look what you've done the brave Mr Pudding has run away.
      Away with both of you for education, fancy saying hurty things in this day and age.

    6. Adrian, thank you so much for your highly amusing comment and astute observation, making me laugh, heartily. What did YP actually say? Have forgotten already.

      "Brave" YP is not so much on a mission as having his drawbridge up at all times. Rachel and I are not only thorns in his (body part of your choice). We are not so much his nemesis as a reminder that there is more than one view on the world (hope he doesn't take his anger out on Clint). Rachel's comments never see the light of day over at YP's. By the way, still laughing! MY comments? Well, someone as unbending, unforgiving as the Pudding he is, I can barely be bothered any longer to impart any of my gently probing thoughts and questions on his thoughts and musings. Even the most benign of my utterings will be extinguished on arrival (see Rachel above). Sometimes I think we are the shield maidens to his lost sword.

      YP appears to be a man of principle. This is just an impression of mine, not gospel. A man who can't jump over his own shadow. Principles are good - when they serve a purpose other than propping up a limp spine.

      Do not worry, Cro, the above is all in good humour. And, anyway, laughter is good for the soul.


    7. Mr Pudding is a fourteen year old school boy living in a sixty five year old shell. I like him as I enjoy taking the piss. He has much in common with a snail as without his shell he's a slug. I'm banned and happy to be so.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Well...that did not end as I expected. The things we do for our kids!!!

  11. As a vegetarian I occasionally eat a plant-based burger. They are surprisingly good and make a nice change. Other than that all my food is made from scratch, including bread. Nothing we eat materializes out of thin air, whether meat or plant but - as YP said - no animals died to make my burger.

    1. If we're going to be pedantic, you'd have to check that none of the burger factory workers was wearing wool, or leather, etc. Otherwise we'd start a whole other debate.

  12. Unless one is a vegetarian/vegan, I’m not sure about all this plant based food. As Rachel and others have said, ( and in a documentary I watched recently) the intense farming that’s going on is more damaging than livestock. I’m sure that trying to convince everyone to eat a plant based diet that will help the environment and playing on the emotions that we are ruining the planet, is making someone a shed load of money. Surely a balanced diet with meat in moderation is far better that some of the ingredients in that packet of burgers ? They look pretty revolting before they are cooked ! I’m not a lover of burgers but if I was to make them, I’d much rather use fresh mince ! You get points for testing them !!! XXXX

    1. You're right of course, a good balanced diet is best all round. A bit of everything (other than bread and butter pudding) is the way forward.

  13. Not a bad outcome. 9/10 surprised me. If you can find enough 9/10 rated food products, you'll be on your way to a full conversion.

    1. Most 'actual' vegs would get 10/10, it's what those veggies do to them where the points begin to fall away.

  14. My veggie son eats these regularly doing a non veggie one for his wife at the same time. A white bap - a couplce of cheese slices warmed so that the chees begins to melt and the bap to warm, a few slices of iceberg lettuce and a few slices of tomato - plenty of seasonig - add the burger and pop on the bun lid - warming up under the grill to keep it hot. Deliciou

    1. They could use you in their advertising dep't; you'd sell them by the thousand! I can understand your son enjoying them.

  15. I expected a rousing thumbs down. What a surprise.
