Thursday 17 February 2022

Various things in the news.

Teachers in the UK are NOT to be referred to as 'Teacher Smith' or 'Teacher Jones' as the Woke brigade have demanded; Sir and Miss will continue. Success at last for common sense.

Randy Andy has given in to his £12Million 'compensation' demand. It does look as if the 'kiss-n-tell' saga has been successful, and the person involved has made millions from three different individuals. A good night's work. The moral of the tale must be 'always get signed authorisation (in triplicate) prior to any rumpy-pumpy'.

A UK Celeb's mother has been speaking out about her daughter's suicide two years ago. The person involved was to have faced charges for domestic violence having seriously assaulted her boyfriend whilst he was asleep, and decided that rather than face the shame and consequences of a court case, she sadly preferred to end her life. Her mother is naturally still very upset and is blaming everyone other than the perpetrator. One can but wonder that if it had been the boyfriend who had been violent towards her daughter, whether she would have felt the same. I don't wish to seem unsympathetic to this mother, but violence is always violence. These days both Goose and Gander are equal.

As I write, it is D Day for the Ukraine. I may need to alter this as things develop. Let's hope that Putin sees sense; although I fear that it may not be one of his more endearing qualities.

A 15 year old Russian skater has been allowed to continue in the Olympic Games despite testing positive for three different banned drugs. We all know why Russia is banned from competing in the Olympic Games, which is why they enter their athletes under the silly (fooling no-one) title of 'The Russian Olympic Committee'.  One rule for the Ruskies, another for the rest of us.

Mr N Djokovic has given an interview to the BBC where he explained his reasoning for not being vaccinated. His erroneous PR exercise has strengthened most people's view of him as being ignorant, arrogant, and misguided. Next time, best keep your mouth closed! 


  1. Mr, Miss, Mrs or Ms would be fine too, as I think it generally is here when students address teachers.

    To attack someone while they are sleeping is very cowardly but it is hard to judge without knowing the full story.

    The Olympic organisers are corrupt as ever by allowing Russian drug cheats to compete.

    Total tosser is a good way to describe the has been tennis player.

    1. Yes the attack was cowardly; I think she had long-term 'problems'. She probably should have help earlier, but such people rarely think they need it.

  2. Picking up briefly on the Queen's son Andrew: There are undoubtedly swine out there who use their status/power/indeed charms to get into under age knickers. However, no one can tell me that - at age seventeen - you don't know what's what. The allegations are just bullshit. Which, ha, have paid off. And if, at that age, I'd been lured into (what exactly?) then shame on me.

    I speak with some authority as my father, in his usual no barrels held way, gave me the brutal run down on the tactics some men, older men, will employ to attract young flesh. Fascinating. Upshot being that, short of actual rape, no one but no one can make you do anything you don't want. Unless you are totally dumb. Wake up years later, smell the money.

    The oracle has spoken. And if that what's-her-name was my daughter I'd go into my own heart and ask myself how I could have failed her so miserably. As to being Andrew's mother or indeed Mark Thatcher's (ref. desert search) I'd ask them: How the fuck do you get yourself into these messes?


    1. re your first para. It wasn't Andrew who forced himself upon the girl, it was collusion between the girl and Maxwell. They have admitted as much. Why do you thing she looks so happy in the famous photo? It paid off.

    2. How your reply follows what I said I do not know. Doesn't make sense. I never said that "he forced himself upon the girl".

      Am close to giving up commenting.


    3. I've just re-read your comment, and you definitely say 'there are people of power who use their status for sexual purposes'. All I'm saying is that Andrew didn't come under that category, as it was Maxwell who encouraged the girl into it. This we all know.

  3. That's an awful lot to type with one finger. I don't believe you. All those topics cannot be commented on in a short comment so I'll leave it.

    1. I'm having to support my right forearm with my left hand. My typing is slow, but I'm getting there.

  4. Sorry you're having some physical problems crimping your typing ability. Hope you continue to improve.

    Brain development for using good judgement doesn't occur until well after the teen years and even when legally they're considered adults. An admired and respected older woman could have considerable influence on a teens behavior that in years to come would finally be realized as a real betrayal of trust and that a gross mistake had been made in judgement. The tragedy is when having money allows someone to get off from deserved consequences by making a large donation to charity.

    Another ice skating teen being abused with drug(s) administered to her, apparently either with or without her knowledge. Where's the consequence to the adults responsible?

    1. Both Epstein and Maxwell deservedly paid compensation, but I'm not so sure about Andrew. I have a very strong feeling that he's been stitched-up.

  5. To quote the Beatles, "well she was just 17 and you know what I mean..."
    "Kiss and tell?" She was just 17 and he was

    This was not "rumpy pumpy" and kiss and tell.

    1. I don't wish to excuse Andrew (anything but), but the age of consent in the UK is 16, and there is no limit to difference in ages.

  6. Perhaps teachers should all be given the honorary title of 'Professor'(as in the Harry Potter stories) to side-step the confusion of 'Sir' 'Miss' 'Mrs' 'Ms' etc.

    1. I would have been very reluctant to call some of my teachers 'Professor'. I can think of better names!!

    2. HAHA! Remembering some (most) of my teachers, you have a point.

  7. If students called their teachers "Teacher Smith" or "Teacher Jones" I wonder what the rest of the school staff would be called. I work at a school, as you know, but I'm not a teacher. I suppose "Receptionist Barlow" or "Data Clerk Barlow". Just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it? :)

    1. Awful. Thank goodness they've resisted and everyone will continue to be addressed correctly.

  8. You sound like Reginald Bosanquet at the start of The Six O'Clock News - summarising the day's main stories.

    1. I hope they were representative of yesterday's news.

  9. It is good when common sense prevails. Andrew's poor decision making came at high cost. Violence should have a zero tolerance standard applied, regardless of sex. Russia and China should be banned from the Olympics. They both operate outside the norms and currently get away with it. Disgraceful.

  10. Well said - in all cases - there are days that it is just too exhausting to listen to any of the news!

    1. And today the news is of nothing but a different type of stormy weather. It's just after 4 am, and we're still waiting. We are told to expect 'damage'. We'll see!

  11. Also - throughout the whole sordid Epstein/Maxwell saga, one of the first things I asked myself was - where were the parents of all these under-age girls? I can't help but feel that a lot of them should have been charged with either neglect or now - profiting off prostitution!

    1. Well, Epstein did end-up in Jail, and Maxwell is also likely to. For me the most enduring question must be where did all Epstein's money come from. He made friends with the rich and famous, introduced them to young ladies, and somehow became hugely wealthy. Now he's gone, the saga continues, but with one of his girls walking away with several tens of millions instead of him. I have a feeling that the world has been duped!

    2. Watch one of the Epstein documentaries on tv. He was a very interesting man and he charmed many many people and had an enormous gift of the gab. There is a two hour one but I believe it is on Netflix. It covers his life and that of Ghislaine when she hooked up with him when she needed a replacement for her father. If you can't get the Netflix one there are others I believe.
