Monday 21 February 2022

The 'Woke' State of Play.

This bloke young lady has just broken some swimming record. 

He She managed to win her US Ivy League University Championship 200 Yard Freestyle race by about half a pool's length against her fellow female swimmers. A huge distance.

Until 2019, Lia Thomas (for that is both he and she) was swimming in competitions as a man; without great success. But now as a 'woman' she is doing frightfully well, and winning races by the dozen. She has improved hugely over the past few years; lots of hard training I imagine.

Attitudes have changed massively recently. Pick-n-mix gender classifications are now normal, any man who dresses as a women can use a ladies loo, and as long as you fill in a form correctly you can compete as any gender you chose, in any sport you chose. 

These days we have to believe whatever nonsense the darling Woke Brigade tell us to believe, regardless of how scientifically inaccurate or unfair it may be. Not to follow their every word is asking for trouble. When he the burley Ms Thomas stood on the winner's podium surrounded by petite feminine fellow swimmers no-one blinked an eyelid, and they applauded as required as he she received her prize.

Life is great under the Woke Politburo. Dare tell the truth (see J K Rowling), and your life will be made HELL; even when it comes down to exposing blatant cheating. This could be the reason why he she has had considerable support from her university. They wouldn't dare criticise. 

I may even be banned from Blogger for writing the above!


  1. You shouldn't get banned for stating your opinion. It's my opinion being man sized gave him, oops, her, the extra reach needed to win, but then again if a woman was that tall and won, who would say anything? I think I've muddled myself.

    1. It has to be said; she is genetically a man. Therefore to compete against 'natural' women is clearly not fair.

  2. That ain't Cricket, Cro. I am in knots.
    And what's happened to Fair Play, another great expression coined by the British?

    What you describe surely must be hugely embarrassing for the swimmer you mention. Who wants to be known to have "won" by plain cheating? How can this person enjoy their "trophies"? And why is this shit allowed? Officially. Yes, we may all be equal (woke doesn't even come into it) but we can't deny biological differences - not least a man's undoubted advantage of upper arm strength (so very important in swimming - who'd have thunk it).

    Amuse bouche: Quite close to where I live there is a pub/bar which caters for the LGBT community. So sometimes, early evening, summertime, walking down my street (it's pedestrianised) I will come across a gaggle of (I don't even know what to call them) say, crossdressers, trans. I ain't no coward but I sure wouldn't want to be pitted (physically) against any of them and their muscle. Wearing makeup, a dress and high heels doth not make a woman.


    1. The saddest part of this particular event was that all 'her' fellow competitors were too scared to protest. I imagine their places at Uni might have been over had they done so.

  3. It's just lunacy. In Scotland you can get free sanitary towels and the advert even encourages men to go. Quite where they put them I dread to think.

    1. One has to wonder if even the Woke Brigade themselves realised where their demands were leading. Surely they can't think this was right.

  4. Cowardly, but too complex for me.

    1. Personally I think it's quite simple. Men should compete against men, and women against women; other than in Monopoly or Tiddlywinks, of course.

    2. and let the Trans compete against other Trans, that makes sense.

  5. Oh dear. Excuse me, I'm just off to shave before I put on my makeup.

    1. And I'm just off to apply my lipstick and mascara.

    2. Oooo! You look lovely Chardonnay. Why not come up to my apartment for a nightcap? Fear not, I am a gentleman.

  6. As Ursula so rightly said.....don't these people feel that they have " cheated"? Can they really feel any pleasure in their win?

  7. I have read that 'they/he/she' dates women, and also that in the female swimmers' changing rooms 'they/he/she' are "obviously" (i.e. visibly) attracted to women.
    The other girls have complained that their coach will not listen to them about it.

    1. I may be old fashioned, but something is obviously very wrong here!

  8. How people feel about their inner sexual persuasion is their private affair but in competitive sports male bodies are male and female bodies are female and ne'er the two should mix. Frances thinks the winner must be hugely embarrassed. I think she/he will not be. If embarrassment afflicted him/her he/she would not have competed in the first place. There should be a third category in competition for those who wish to be the men/women mix.

    1. I don't even think there should be a third category. Men should compete against men, and women against women. If a man wishes to dress as a women whilst he's weight-lifting, or pole-vaulting; then so be it. I would have nothing against that.

  9. 'And if it harm none, do thy will'. I have no problem with how anyone wants to identify but this is clearly a male body with male strength. No one dares say anything because they would instantly pay with their career. It's not our world anymore, Cro.

    1. And people such as J K Rowling have been vilified for telling basic truths. It's not right.

  10. Ironic, pandemic leadership insist we follow the Science. Yet, when it comes to following the Science of human physiology, Science doesn't matter if the truth hurts somebody's feelings.
    The damage to fairness in sports is very disturbing.

    1. Chromosomes will always be Chromosomes; regardless of the Woke Folk. Dressing-up will never change that, however much they stamp their feet.

  11. While I agree this is grossly unfair on women who've trained most of their life to compete, having larger and stronger self-classifying women thrust into their sport; but as River points out, if it were a much taller, well muscled woman it wouldn't be an issue. Plus some people are just not born the right shape or size for certain sports and we don't think it's unfair to them to allow people who are better suited physically to compete and win prizes for that sport, do we?

    Perhaps the solution would be to have size/weight categories for sports, rather like boxing or weight-lifting, irrespective of sex or gender, so that people who are more physically similar compete against each other. I'm sure someone will point out that the physical composition of the different sexes means this wouldn't be completely fair either, but it seems fairer and a more understandable process than allowing large male-bodied athletes to parachute into women's sport and, no surprise to anyone, win everything going.

    I can't understand why a competitive athlete would want to do that - what's the point in competing under those circumstances? But if they continue to do this they will destroy women's sport so we should look for practical solutions rather than taking pot-shots, IMO.

    1. Fifitr, "weight/size categories... irrespective of gender"? No. First of all that would be unworkable. And it most certainly wouldn't erase the differences (physical weaknesses and strengths on grounds of gender). As I tried to point out before, I wouldn't stand a chance against a male swimmer even if he were shorter than me. I am trying to think of a female advantage when competing with men in sports. Help me out, Cro. Am too distracted this minute to come up with an answer. Needle work? Nimble fingers?


    2. I was going to suggest Olympic Nagging; but I'd better not.

      Fifitr: Looking at all female swimming races, and all male races, the swimmers do tend to be much the same size and weight. I think natural selection sorts this out. Sports rules and regs have been established over decades, and generally do not need altering; as long as we all abide by the guidelines! Trying to pretend that someone who has male chromosomes is in fact a woman, is taking the piss!

  12. Cro Magnons used to be called Cro Magnon Man.

  13. Just to say Cro that I have a trans gender grandson/daughter For rhe first 15 years - as a girl - he was desperately unhappy and then took the plunge and changed to being a boy. Since then he has taken a couple of degrees at University, met and married and continues to be a cheerful, caring adult. I never question anything like this because I have seen it happen to a loved one.

    1. I had a very good friend at Prep' School who KNEW he'd been born in the wrong body. He even asked my mother, who occasionally did magic tricks, to change him into a girl. I have total sympathy for such people. What I don't sympathise with is using one's physical strength to cheat in sport.

  14. Female vs. male strength is vastly different. Fact - A sex change does not change this.

    1. Of course not. I do wish those silly Woke Folk would understand as much.

  15. The Universities are ALL for Mr. Ms In the US Universities were infiltrated by the Hard Socialist Left starting in the 1950s and are completely controlled by them now.

    The Left realized that they could never bring about their Marxist Utopia with class struggles in a country where most things weren’t already owned by the nobility and gentry and so the lowest born could rise as high as they wished. Therefore they turned to “victim” wars. Race, sex, LGBT, they are all perpetual victims even if they were born with a silver spoon. They use this idea of victim hood to inflame the ignorant against the traditional mores of America. THAT is what this is all about. If you thought communism died with the USSR you were wrong. It is now called Globalism and is well on the way to the destruction of the US from the inside out.

    1. UK schools and Universities have followed much the same route. And if someone slips through who doesn't follow the Woke criteria, the students will have them ejected! Sadly this is now happening all the time.
