Sunday 13 February 2022

The Parking Solution (A Sunday Special).

Urban parking is a constant problem for many. You simply CANNOT park anywhere without paying a bloody fortune for the pleasure; that's if you can find somewhere, especially in 'green' Brighton.

My oldest (Kimbo) and I were discussing how we could counteract this wretched modern phenomenon. And I think we may have found the perfect solution.

The answer is to make a large, car-size, version of a workman's roadside tent, with which to cover your parked car. A few bollards to spread about, and a tape recording of hammering, drilling, or pumping, would complete the scene.

I can almost guarantee that you will receive no more parking fines. 



  1. We are lucky here in Whangarei as parking is free for residents over 70.

    1. Luckily we have a garage, which is possibly the best method of blood pressure reduction that I know of.

  2. Or you could photocopy a parking ticket and leave it on your windscreen so they would think you had already been "done"!

    1. We went through a huge list of ideas, but this one seemed the best. When have you ever seen a traffic warden look inside a workman's tent? I think a British Gas tent would be best.

  3. Luckily we can get 3/4 cars on the drive at a squeeze. I know Brighton is terrible for parking. When my sister and U want to go to Brighton from Horsham, we get the bus. It’s such a lovely route through lots of pretty villages and, when we get there there’s no worry about parking ! When our daughter lived in London , parking was a nightmare. XXXX

    1. Caroline Lucas has been leading an anti-car campaign in Brighton. Parking is now a nightmare. In our little street we all have parking, and there is one guest parking space, which my oldest is currently occupying.

  4. A fellow I know suggested that the way to solve the parking problem is to get oneself a disabled parking permit but I thought that this remark was in poor taste.

    1. In the 'old days' it was Stethoscope and a copy of The Lancet on the front seat; but of course you had to park in emergency mode, i.e. at an odd angle on the pavement.

    2. YP, that approach won't solve anything. Just as places for those with baby/toddler in tow (Phoebe might come in handy) can't count on the very FEW spaces allocated to the hindered and challenged in any supermarket carpark or public road to be unoccupied.

      Good luck, let Clint lead the way,

  5. At least you have a garage at home..and you have bus and train services..and you can walk!!

  6. I am surprised at you, Cro. Land is expensive. Naturally whoever owns it, say, the Council, will charge you for making use of it by parking your pile of metal.

    As to fines: You can take this to the level of a couple of Italians I know. They park their cars outside the restaurants they frequent ("no parking zone" to boot). When a traffic warden issues them a fine they'll accept it without a whimper, indeed undeclared money will change hands for the warden to look the other way for the next hour or so. In the words of the Angel: "Mama, would you let your Lamborghini out of sight?" Fair enough. It's why I prefer places where you drive to the front of the establishment, embark, hand the keys to the valet and they'll park it for you. Securely. How much do you think I'll tip them?


    1. There's an Italian restaurant here that has signs outside 'Parking for Italians only'.

  7. Life is so much easier here on our third world island. If we double park we leave the keys on the car so someone can move it. The trafficking c police once on a while when they do a check blow their whistles and give you five minutes to move on.
    Well, in the winter at least . Those darn city slickers don't know the system and ruin it for all of us

    1. Parking shouldn't be a crime, live and let live!

  8. There are times when I am almost thankful that I can no longer drive a car.

    1. A lot of people here would love to be able to say the same. It's a constant worry.

  9. City parking is never easy unless you own your own private spaces and garage. Costs to park in the city are also astronomical.

    1. When I went from having no garage to having one, my life changed completely.

  10. I use public transport so have no parking worries, but my small side street has now become a parking spot for those who work in the city, they park here for free, then walk the one block to the main road and catch the bus to work.
