Wednesday 9 February 2022

Meow, meow, meow.

It was bound to happen.

The loonies that run Bristol University have, in their superior wisdom, decided that as well as inventing all sorts of new words, names, and pronouns, for those who wish to dress in clothes that might otherwise see them ejected from McDonald's; they have also now created a new category for those who identify as CATS. Yes; Cats.

Those who see themselves as 'Feline' or 'Cat-gender' will be able (from now on) to insist that they be referred to as Nya or Nyan, which I believe is Japanese for Meow.

This, obviously, is a great social advance in West Country campus life, and I see scratching posts, dangling balls of wool, and clockwork mice, being supplied in the Junior Common Room.

All student accommodation will now also contain alternative entrances; Front Door and Cat Flap. 

Just don't shout "Oy, can I stroke yer Pussy" when you see a suitably dressed individual ..... you might get your eyes scratched out! 

One can but wonder how many students at Bristol will be asking to be called 'Nya' ....... May I suggest, less than one. 

What a load of CAT-egorical nonsense.


  1. We just had to check the calendar to make sure we hadn't slept for a month. And no, it's not 1st of April is it?

    1. Perhaps the Uni big-wigs should have kept their pronouncement until April 1st; it might have had more credence.

  2. Where do you find these morsels of irrelevant information? And the time to give them a second thought?

    You forgot to mention the litter tray. Who'll clean that one out?


    1. BTW. If you think that the Woke agenda to change the very basis of UK language, society, and integrity, is 'irrelevant', then you live in a very different world to mine!

    2. Good point, Cro, considering that language reflects our ever changing society, its fashions, its leanings.

      As to my living "in a very different world to [yours]" that may be so. I am selective of what I allow myself to take notice of (please do pass me one of my three pieces of polished driftwood to bite on and stifle my screams).

      My personal pet hate - going back many years, say, to the late Eighties: Business speak. If it weren't such laughably contrived bullshit I'd weep. Instead I just ignored it. I can just about cope with "ballpark figure". "Window"? What do you mean you have a "window"? Well, I sure hope you have a few. Who wants to pad about in the dark.


    3. I used to wonder about the "Window of opportunity", because as far as I know, Opportunity knocks on doors.

  3. Nowt to worry about, it's merely Felinism.

  4. Like Tigger, I though I must have overslept and woken up on April 1st.

  5. I have never heard of a cat being arrested for sex crimes. They just seem to get on with it, unafraid of rejection or admonishment. That may be part of the appeal of being identified as a cat.

    1. I wonder how they'll cope with their exams? Do Cats write?

    2. Cat Stevens wrote "I Love My Dog".

  6. Here, we've got qanon peddling the same shit. It is the right's attempt to paint any liberal as being nucking futs. It's not true and the schools involved have tried to make that clear. The lies continue.

    So when I saw your post, I immediately thought "So it is happening there too?" and went looking. It isn't true, Cro. Here is what happened.

    1. I'm not surprised that they're trying to distance themselves from this nonsense; it made them look completely doolally.

  7. Thanks all!

    Laughing has given me a bright refreshing feeling to start my day.

  8. Replies
    1. If only it was a laugh Tim, sadly they're deadly serious.

  9. This is the Year of the Tiger...

  10. Deadly serious? I rather think, someone's claim to fame and a moment in the spotlight. Give it a few months and a new shiny idea will take over.

    1. They are already trying to distance themselves from this one. More lunacy to come; I'm sure.

  11. The document really does exist with the link to the cat gender identity. Bristol University is currently being sued by a student on a gender issue and is being ultra cautious in what is in place with staff and how to address students. They do not want to have another legal case against them.

    1. As I said above, they are already trying to distance themselves from their nonsense. One can but wonder what goes on behind closed doors at Bristol.

  12. Goodness, and Mr. P & I were reminiscing about Mrs. Slocombe only yesterday!

    1. Ah; Mrs Slocombe's pussy. I remember it well.

  13. I agree, it's a load of nonsense. WTH people? If this is what people go to universities for then I'm glad I never went.
