Saturday 5 February 2022

Home Delights


When we were in France, if we wanted Mince Pies for Christmas, Crumpets through Winter, and Hot Cross Buns for Easter, it was up to Lady Magnon to make them. Which she did; and did extremely well.

Here in England, however, such delights are available everywhere, and generally they are as good as home made; and in certain ceases even better (i.e. Crumpets).

Now that we're here, we don't deprive ourselves. The Mince Pie season is now over, the Crumpet season will be with us for a while, but the Hot Cross Bun season will only continue until Easter; which is around mid-April.

I love Hot Cross Buns. What better treat to accompany your cup of Lapsang as you fill your crossword, or listen to The Archers.

For those who are new to these delicacies, they are usually sliced in half, toasted, and 'thickly slathered' with butter. No Jam, Peanut butter, or Marmalade is required or advised; just butter (preferably salted). 

France may have their Croissants and Pains au Chocolat, but they really don't compare to the UK's Cakes, Scones, and other tea-time delights. 

At this time of year no-one who calls him/herself 'English' would be without a pack of HCB's in the cupboard. One of our current season's pure delights!


  1. Steady on, Cro. And no, I am not English. Thank the Vikings.

    Hot Cross Buns in February? Easter is way off. People have no respect for seasons. Raspberries in December. As to France and their baking wares - tread carefully. Each nation, more or less justified, is proud of their produce. Do you know where to find the best bread in Europe? No, not in Brighton.


    PS Why do you always need to "compare"?

    1. Comparisons give commenters something to talk about in their comments. Where IS the best bread in Europe and why is it the best?

    2. My page is simply a 'spring-board' for discussion; not a lecture.

  2. I'm not a big fan of Hot Cross Buns, most of the ones in our supermarkets are stodgy rather than light. I did find some excellent ones last year at a different supermarket, so I'll look for them again this year. They had the regular kind and the choc-chip kind.

    1. They can be a bit 'stodgy', but I quite like that in them. Choc-chip HCB's don't sound too good; I'd avoid those if I was you.

    2. The chocolate chip hot cross buns are bliss. I loathe green, candied peel

  3. once you have tasted Warburtons tea cakes, toasted with lots of butter, you won't want those stodgy ones again.

  4. b.t.w. The best bread in Britain is always home made.

    1. I've heard of Warburtons but not seen them on sale. I wonder if they're sold more in the North?

    2. Cro, Warburtons is very good - if quite expensive. I buy their sliced loaf (seeded) for sandwiches and for toasting. Their crumpets are lovely - big holes for the butter to disappear in.

      Try your nearest Co-op; part of their standard range.


    3. Having been a devotee of artisan Sourdough bread for the past 50-odd years, I now almost exclusively eat thick-sliced soft wholemeal seeded bread from M & S. Totally delicious.

  5. Oh for a real hot cross bun slathered in salted butter!! The homemade ones might have the smell and the spices but they arent quite right. How nice for Lady M, and you, to be able to open a packet and munch on its magnificence.
    I suppose I'll have to have another go at baking my own, sigh

    1. Lady M managed to make some very good ones. The only fault being a rather fat cross!

  6. I always enjoy reading about your enjoyment of everyday culinary experiences.

  7. After years of enjoying HCBs and crumpets I now find my body is intolerant of wheat (even 'gluten free'). I really miss them and your post today has made my mouth water.

    1. That's rather sad. Not to be able to enjoy the things one enjoys, must be very frustrating.

  8. I have to pick out all the dried fruit from my HCBs as I don't like it. However, the garden birds get the benefit!

    1. I have banned Lady M from putting the green bits (angelica) in her HCB's, cakes, and Christmas puds. Can't stand the stuff!

    2. JayCee; is there a fruitless version available where you live? We get them here in Australia, for those who don't like the fruit. I love the fruit, but one of my kids doesn't, she buys the fruitless or the choc-chip ones.

  9. Warburtons bakeries and depots are well spread across England. I would be surprised if their bread is not available in Brighton.

    1. I probably haven't looked. I always grab what I want and move on.

    2. You'll probably see Warburtons every time you shop now! I see it but admit I have never bought any of their products. As you, I always grab what I want and move on.

  10. It's probably a good thing I didn't read this before I put my on-line shopping order in last night. I'm trying to lose weight!

    1. Who isn't Sue? We shall resume our diets in Spring (and then again in Summer, etc).

  11. I love HCBs too, and they're aveailable all year round in the UK. I also make my own in the bread machine.

    1. That sounds like a very good idea. We are getting through them at great speed at the moment.

  12. All a crumpet needs is enough butter so that as it melts it literally fills every hole.

    1. With a little bit extra to run down your chin.

  13. I haven't seen any HCBs yet. Must look next time I'm in a supermarket.

    1. Plenty around here, we've just had some for tea.

  14. I've had the best tea cakes and scones in a Mayfair tea shop. I remember the scone topped with clotted cream and it was delightful; especially on a cold Winter day. The china service was lovely too.

    1. No doubt you paid Mayfair prices too. I love scones with thick cream and my own home-made Strawberry jam.

  15. I love crumpets but hate hot cross buns and currant teacakes. Yuk! My husband loves them all though.

  16. I agree no jam or peanut butter but Vegemite works very well on hot cross buns.

    1. Ye gods... you Aussies would put that stuff on anything.

  17. My HCB were a disaster last year - rock cakes - but I'm determined for delicious ones this year. Spotted the season's first yesterday in the shoppes and it reminded me, no distractions this year. I guess they're labelled Luxury for the sheer luxury of not making them yourself! Toasted with butter only is the law in this house.

    1. I noticed that my grandson had jam on his yesterday morning.... I shall have a word with him.
