Tuesday 1 February 2022

Harry and Paul - Is the Government right about everything?

All you need to know about current UK politics.


  1. "Poppycock" is a nice word. It sounds rather rude. However, it actually comes from from the Dutch "pappekak", derived from from pap ‘soft’ and kak ‘dung’. Another possible meaning is “as fine as powdered doll shit”. Its first use in England was noted in the middle of the nineteenth century so it was a rather late arrival and some suspect it actually arrived on these shores via North America where Dutch settlers used it. And may I say that this comment is not poppycock!

    1. Did you swallow a Thesaurus? You're right, it is a nice word, and one I use quite often. I'd never thought of its etymology.

  2. I was raised to not believe everything you hear or read. My son carries the same belief system. Poppycock is a term not heard often. I do agree there seems to be lots of poppycock floating about these days.

    1. Listen, contemplate, and analyse. Take nothing on face value.

  3. I doubt very much that any government is always right about anything, let alone everything.

    1. What worries me most about politicians is that they consider themselves capable of making decisions on behalf of millions of people. Normally I would call that 'megalomania'; which suits most of them.
