Friday 11 February 2022

Birthday Girl.

Today is my mother's birthday, I think she would have been 108.

I have her picture on my dresser in France, but here I just have this embroidery that she created when I was very small. I remember her working on it.

I love the rich colours. Its overall thickly worked appearance reminds me of 17th C stump-work.

So, happy birthday Mama. Your memory lives on in your lovely embroidery (and elsewhere). xx 


  1. It's beautiful, Cro. Absolutely stunning. Not only the rich colours but the intricacies of the piece. What a lovely memento of your mother to have.


    PS Since you mention "stump work" is your mother's creation tapestry (woven) or embroidery (stitch) - and forgetting that embroidery obviously needs a weave as a "canvas" yet, while easily confused in common understanding, they are two different techniques.

    1. I suppose it was actually embroidery, but such differences in terminology evade me.

  2. Replies
    1. It sits above my sofa, and I love looking at it.

  3. It is very beautiful. I think you will find it is Jacobean embroidery by the very stylish flowers.

    1. It certainly has that feel about it, but could also be associated with the Pre-Raphaelite movement.

  4. What a nice reminder of your mother. I always think it is nice to remember them on their birthdays.

  5. It is a beautiful object to remind you of your mother.

  6. I love how you remember your parents every year ….. so important to keep the memory of them alive. A lovely embroidery …… and a delightful reminder of her. XXXX

    1. Certain people I always remember, but there are plenty of others I ought to as well.

  7. I love it because it is both brutal and beautiful at the same time.

    1. I like the colours, and I also like the fact that it's a Botanical mystery.

  8. It's a wonderful work of art.

    1. I agree. I would certainly call it a 'work of art'.

  9. That's a really nice momento of your mother.

    We have a couple quilts that my mother in law made. They are nothing special, and her children had them set in a pile to be taken to goodwill. We brought them home. It is nice to be able to picture her busily working away at something that brought her pleasure. I shall always think of her that way. PS I have no idea when her birthday is. I like that you take notice of those days.

    1. What a shame that her own children thought so little of her work; even if they went up in the loft!

  10. They are just plain unadorned block quilts. Perhaps they already had a pile of quilts from her at home.

    1. I hope so. People put so much time and effort into work, then it ends-up at the charity shop. Eventually people say "Oh, I wish I'd kept that quilt of Mum's".

  11. I love your mother's embroidery. You are lucky to have it. It reminded me that on my list of to dos in retirement I've scribbled, "learn one skill; knit, crochet, quilt, embroider, etc". I'm pretty sure I won't stick with it but I'd like to complete one small project.

    1. I was lucky to have a nice old frame that fitted it perfectly, otherwise it might still be in a suitcase in the loft.

  12. Your mother's floral embroidery is lovely. She was very talented to create such a beautiful piece of art. The frame sets it off nicely too.

  13. Beautiful embroidery. You're fortunate to have something so lovely as a reminder of her.

  14. A lovely tribute to your mom.

  15. This is so beautiful! You're very lucky to have it and can remember it being made.

  16. I am a medium and I heard your mama calling from The Great Beyond. She said, "Be a good boy Cro!". It is easy to see where you got your artistic talent from.

  17. Lovely embroidery. I recognize most of the stitches; my mother also was a talented needlewoman. Her birthday was Feb 4; she would be 106. Happy birthdays to all our mothers.


  18. Your Mom was very skilled, that style of crewel embroidery is not easy to do!

  19. That is a beautiful piece of work. My mum did tapestries, I have one of hers packed away somewhere and I gave a bigger piece to my niece who said she had room for it when I didn't, it was about three feet wide and two feet high. Her birthday is also February, she would be 96 next week if she'd lived.

  20. oh now that is fabulous. I love it
