Monday 10 January 2022

Trying to decide.

Shall we have the blue ones or the green ones? Or should we just go for white?

The pale green ones are nice, and would blend-in with the whole downstairs; a paler version of the back of Olive tree leaves. Maybe also with a hint of blue; or would that make it feel cold?

No, I think we should stick with the original decision, and go for the 'Paradise surf', but if they have it very slightly paler, and with a hint of creaminess, that would be perfect.

What about a green marble? No, we're not having that!

When's he coming? Tomorrow. Has his broken hand mended? Yes, I think so. Will he be able to work properly? It's only a two day job. I'll tell him 'no more boxing' until he's finished. OK.

So, have we decided?

I think so. Let's plump for 'Connemara mist'. I thought we'd ruled-out the Connemara. OK, we'll have 'Lady Marshbank' then. I'd thought we'd ruled that one out ages ago too. 

Why don't we simply write the names of all our favourites on bits of bloody paper, and put the whole bloody lot in a bloody hat? We could ask Billy to pick one.

Let's just decide on 'Paradise surf'; it's a nice name too!

Oh, all right then.



  1. Thank's for the laugh of recognition.

    First you were in limbo. Decision time. At the end of which you afford yourself a sigh of (short lived) relief.

    Wait till you get to the first chamber of hell: Now, your tiles (I assume) in place, misgivings may creep in. Maybe we should have gone for . . . after all.

    Don't say it out loud. Think it if you must but don't voice it. Doubt breeds like wildfire. Anyway, one gets used to anything. Which is frightening - as the Angel once pointed out to me.


    1. We now all wear blinkers, and the subject remains verboten. What will be; will be.

  2. A familiar scenario. I hate having too many choices. Black or white, dark green or light green. I just hope that whatever Billy finally picks is something you can live with. Otherwise, well, it's Billy-to-blame 😅

  3. Once worked with a couple who were married but could not agree on the bedroom wallpaper. In the end they decided to get one that they both hated.
    (Yes they did divorce a couple of years later).

    1. My late mother had a rather 'exotic' taste in wallpaper; my poor father said nothing. William Morris won the day!

  4. Let's fix what you have first by straightening the lamp shade.

    It is the duty of the male of the house to take ultimate responsibility and therefore blame. You know this alread.

    1. I'm more concerned with pictures being level.

  5. We resolved that dilemma by having white throughout the house and grey tiled bathroom walls. Simple.
    PS we seem to have an identical table lamp

    1. The lamp is copper; from Habitat I think. Yes, all white certainly saves arguments.

  6. Has someone died? Only, you are all wearing black...

    1. It was the death of collective decision making.

  7. Walls and painting opened my eyes to the fact that there are eleventy-four shades of white paint. You start throwing other colors in and selecting the right one becomes a daunting task. Collective decision making? It will ever be thus in our house. I once left a paint decision up to my husband. He asked what color to paint a kitchen in a rental. I said, "Well, it needs to be something neutral so that no matter what, the tenant's kitchen things will blend. I came home from work and discovered he'd painted the kitchen orange. Bright orange. The kind of orange that when you walk into it, your eyeballs scream. Quite amazingly, the first tenant to rent it fell in love with that kitchen. The agreement is that nobody paints nuthin' without collective agreement on the color.

    1. Orange just happens to be my most dreaded colour (and I believe that of many others), but somehow I still managed to own TWO orange cars. YUK.

  8. My painter said, "It's only paint, choose and if you do not like it change it." True, but I like, once and done. Paradise surf sounds like the color of tropical warm waters. Choosing colors seen in nature are usually reliable.

    1. You really don't want to change a colour having admitted that you'd made a mistake. Most would just suffer in silence.

  9. I worked as a professional antique furniture restorer. I practiced, I taught, I ran a supply company. I developed tooling and chemistry. I loved it. One of the things I just abhorred were clients who just could not make a decision! A little 'too' brown; not quite brown enough.... All the while missing the fact the broken leg with the missing parts was completely invisibly repaired. I left the business and now garden peacefully!!! Thanks for the grin - and the chills from the old days.

    1. I didn't realise that you were in that business. A very satisfying job.

  10. My rule of thumb is go light when it comes to colour decisions. Dark colours are more likely to wear on you over time. Light colours are easier to live with, in my opinion. Oops...just looked down at my floor and realized all my throw rugs are dark...a necessity when you have a dog.

    1. I just need a dog that either doesn't shed hairs, or is already bald. Billy fits neither bill.

  11. For paint I always go for white but tiling is much more difficult. I have several packs of tiles in my garage that have been bought and turned out to be wrong.

    1. Ours arrive today; I hope we've made the right decision.

  12. A dreaded problem with wall color, I find, is the perfect hue that casts depressing gray shadows instead of interesting grays.
    Off white on textured plaster with bits of straw in it can lift a look out of gray dreads.
    Good luck

    1. Gray can be such a beautiful colour, but it can also be just plain wrong. Our downstairs walls are a very very pale gray with a hint of green which is surprisingly warm and friendly.

  13. Reminds me of when we lived on the farm. We had a large farm kitchen with a dark green Aga - We chose yellow walls - we had it emulsioned every other year - sunshine, canary, daffodil, aconite - always the same colour - just a change of name!

    1. Most paint Co's should take a leaf out of the Chinese restaurant book, and simply use numbers.

  14. Wall paint or carpet? I'd love to paint my place, but it's rented and I have too much stuff in the way.

    1. Most landlords would be happy to see a freshly painted wall; unless it was orange or black.

    2. So cloud purple with a black ceiling speckled with stars is not a good idea?

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