Wednesday 26 January 2022

Here they go again. The Lower IVth Form on manoeuvres

Their spelling may not be perfect, but the sentiment is fine! This, below, has suddenly appeared near to where I live.

However, not everyone agrees, and people from France, Germany, and other EU countries converged on Brussels last weekend to show how frightfully clever they are.

About 50,000 unmasked 'protestors' made their feelings known, that they didn't wish to be protected from Covid-19. Instead they wished to throw missiles, smash windows, launch grenades, mingle in large groups, and generally make themselves a bloody nuisance.

Belgium currently has an infection rate of about 60,000 cases a day; one of the worst in the EU. One might have thought it more sensible that these people stay at home, wear a mask when in crowds, and show an inkling of common sense.

Instead, this group of numpties are still behaving like naughty children, spreading the virus around, pretending to be concerned for 'freedom', and attacking the Police as if it's all their fault.

I think there should be a cold isolated island somewhere for such people, where they can live the life they preach, make and keep their own laws, and cope with the inevitable results. It would make compelling 'reality TV', and we could all snigger as we watched the chaos. They could even elect Piers Corbyn to be their King (or 'Supreme Leader of the Workers Collective Island of Nonvaxxia').


  1. The Czech singer Hana Horka got intentionally infected with the virus to show that Covid was just like the flu. She died of Corona. It seems that there are anti-vaxxers who want to get the status of"recovered" to avoid the restrictions of the non-vaccinated. How stupid or fanatic can you get?
    Hilde in Germany

    1. It's all beyond my comprehension. As with the above, why on earth would you go all the way to Brussels to protest about not wanting a vaccination? I don't wish anyone harm, but I'm certain many of them will have become infected.

  2. You'll be safe with all your jabs.
    I wouldn't have thought six months off school would have had so much effect on spelling.

  3. Them gathering together en masse will help with Darwin's selections.

    1. I don't know why the authorities put-up with such behaviour. There was talk here about a new law concerning 'violent protests'; the woke-lets then pronounced that the government wanted to ban all gatherings. They just can't stop themselves from being plonkers!

  4. Hands off our cold isolated island!

    1. I was thinking of somewhere North of Norway! IOM is far too luxurious.

  5. One of our ladies at art group was anti-vax. It was her funeral in the village yesterday, she died of Covid.

  6. Sadly, there is no getting through to some people and in my opinion, they are their own worse enemy. That said, I do like your proposed banishment idea.

  7. As John Donne said, "No man is an island". We all belong to societies and that brings certain responsibilities that these numpties are eschewing. I suggest Rockall.

    1. I know it from the Shipping Forecast, but not sure where it is. However, it sounds isolated and cold enough.

  8. Head out from Uist towards St Kilda...and keep going...a long way!

  9. I read about a woman here, a rabid antivaxxer and evangelical. Antivaxxer. She praised God that she was unvaccinated on her propaganda site that churned out misinformation regularly. Her politics killed her. Even as she was claiming to be on the mend, she died of covid. I really can't understand their logic.

    1. People have the right to be stupid, but not to spread nonsense over the web. Personally I'd prefer to be vaccinated to the hilt, but some don't seem to care, and pay the price.

  10. I wish they wouldn't demonstrate, but because they feel they must, why can't they do it peacefully? Why the need for violence?
    Let them take a very long march on a very short pier. That should cool them down.
