Wednesday 5 January 2022


I'm sure we've all had the same experience; you're out at Sainsbury's or Walmart, when you spot some really ridiculous mask wearing styles whilst attempting to avoid the crowds.

Sadly, I have to admit that the major culprits are the 'over fifties'. What they think they're doing with their masks under their noses, or under their chins, or even on their foreheads; I really don't know!

OK, we all know that mask wearing is not a panacea against catching, or spreading, Covid, but some take stupidity to another level. I've even seen a double masker; one on the top half of his face, and another on the lower half. Over-kill par excellence. I expect he was just trying to be a smart-arse.

Back in France I was horrified when a shop-worker lifted her mask in order to have a good sneeze in my direction.... I ran!

I suppose the most common silly-style is the mask worn loosely at mouth level beneath the nose, in 'foodbag' style (above), thus making it totally useless. What do these people think they doing? I'd rather see someone without a mask at all than behaving like a complete plonker!


  1. Since the face masks are essentially useless as a preventative measure for either wearer or others, maybe this is just the wearer's way of making a statement?....

    1. In certain cases I'm sure that's true, and they are making their feelings known. But in other cases I'm sure it's down to pure ignorance.

    2. Unknown (aren't they always, or Anon) you have called into question expert scientific evidence. The legitimate scientific source of your belief is?



      There are plenty of other such studies, and incidentally the US CDC stance pre March 2020 was that face masks were of no use as a protection to either wearer or others.


      Another point of view on masks from expert scientists.

  2. I wish there could be ads on TV showing the correct way to wear a mask, since TV is one thing that a lot of people pay attention to. Since Omicron is airborne and no one knows just how it is spreading I've taken to donning my mask before I even leave the house and it doesn't come off until I get home and the door is locked behind me. Quite a few people have caught it without being anywhere near a a known hot spot or an infected person.

    1. I do tend to put mine on as soon as I get into a populated area, but it's amazing how many people still don't bother, or worse wear them as hats or earrings.

  3. Replies
    1. No Rachel it's definitely today, what day I've yet to determine.

    2. Down here it's very much 'today'. Some styles are so bizarre that they beggar belief. As I said in my final para, I'd rather see people wearing nothing.

    3. He used to live in France. So he comes over here and starts preaching to us. As if we're going to listen. Go back to France!

    4. For goodness sakes Rachel, stop being so miserable and calm down! If you can't say something nice don't say anything!

    5. It was a joke you stupid woman. Cro and I have known each other for going on 10 years. Mind your own bloody business.

    6. This is the trouble with blogging. You can't say a bloody thing without some interfering busybody butting in.

    7. I'll set Macron on you; that'll sort you out!

    8. didn't sound like a joke. Charming!

    9. You need to tune into the people involved on blogs in these circles. Subtle nuances can easily been missed on internet but if you recognise the people as regulars together it should give you at least half a clue as to what's going on.

    10. And Cro is perfectly capable of looking after himself and often does.

  4. I'm with you Cro, there are some really ridiculous looking people with their masks on/off in all sorts of ways. As you say, if you can't wear it properly don't bother.

    1. Exactly. I don't really mind people NOT wearing their masks, but don't make a mockery of it; and preferably stay at home.

  5. I have to put my mask on before I leave home and do not take it off until I am back home. I don't like wearing it out side so I keep it down under my chin until I need to pull it up. the reason for this is if I keep taking it on and off It pulls my hearing aids out and I don't want to risk losing them. Glasses, hearing aids and masks don't make life any easier. sorry to be so long winded Cro.Valx

    1. I can't wait to take mine off. I find I get very hot and flustered wearing it.

  6. My husband does the schnoz. He claims that over the nose steams up his glasses. I've told him it looks ridiculous and unattractive but...

    1. It does steam-up glasses, but get him to wear it high up, and press the seal as tight as possible. It helps but it's not perfect.

  7. I don't even notice what other people are doing - it's not of any interest to me.

    1. I can't help noticing; maybe I need blinkers!

    2. My late husband always said that I wore blinkers when shopping - so it's probably true. But it stops me wondering/worrying/thinking about anything except what I'm doing

  8. There is a terrific slang word for those who wear masks under their noses, but I cannot remember it. Fortunately noses expel downwards so there is just the floaties to worry about.

    1. Do I notice some pride, and a spring in your step this morning Andrew? Don't tell me you've been mentioned in the New Year's Honours List!

  9. Im sure masks do help stop the spread. We now have to wear double masks in the supermarket and I'm happy to do so. Our markets are narrow and you're squeezing past everyone. Too close for comfort.
    Outside everyone is once again supposed to be masked up but it's a joke, as in your post above

    1. What do you mean by 'double masked'? Do you mean you have to wear two; one over the other?

  10. Your pic left out the 'elbow pads'. We have seen a triple masker here - poor woman looked absolutely terrified of her own shadow, and F stared for ages trying to see whether it was 3 or 4... It is unfortunate that people don't understand that you wear a mask to protect others from you not vis versa, and not doing so is essentially two fingers up to society, rather than a lassez faire attitude about your own health outcomes.

    1. The whole concept of mask wearing is a bit hit-n-miss. However, I'm sure it both protects us from Covid, and protects others from those who are carriers. How much it protects is up for debate; I suspect not much.

  11. We call those under the face jobs Chinhammocks!
    I have masks with wires in, to get a close fit and avoid steaming up. We just wear ours outside the house whatever the weather..keeps dust out when it's hot, and is a blessing with the present icy blasts!

    1. 'Chinhammocks' is a good name. A lot of people don't seem to understand that there's a wire there to seal the top. I remember telling someone that they were wearing theirs upside-down. She had no idea the wire was there.

  12. Have not been in a shop since before the advent of Covid but can't say I am sorry.

    1. I almost wish I hadn't, but I do enjoy my trips out.

  13. The most ridiculous mask of all is the totally invisible mask worn by by anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists and other dumbos.

    1. Known forever as the 'Piers Corbyn' style. If he escapes the virus, it will be proof that there's no god.

    2. YP.
      The ridiculous is you not appreciating a bit of fun. Where is your kind side? Frightened that the science may not be as settled as you thought. Science never is and never sorted by dumbos.

  14. It seems so silly to me that people still debate mask wearing. So...the next time an antimasker has surgery, he's okay with the surgeon foregoing the mask? It's not 100% but it does help. Once I read about someone disparaging N95 masks on your blog, that they were not actually N95 masks, that true N95 masks required you to be fitted. Not true. You have to be fitted for a respirator, but not a mask. It's all around silliness. Basically the argument seems to be "If it's not 100% effective, there's no point." I do not understand these days. I do not understand the rudeness.

    1. Always better to be safe, even if that safety isn't 100%. I shall continue to wear mine, wash my hands, and use a sanitiser.

  15. The entire mask wearing thing is very individualized. Some are very particular and wear the mask as it should be worn. Others are thinking only of their personal needs and comfort. Covid has revealed a lot about people. I simply choose to distance myself from some people. Enough said.

    1. Many use their masks as a way of making a statement; sometimes sensible, sometimes silly.
