Friday 7 January 2022

Anyone for Cocktails?

Do you drink Cocktails?

My oldest, Kimbo, has a travelling 'drinks cabinet' (a type of soft suitcase) in which he has everything required to make the most delicious cocktails. When visiting his dear Papa, he, of course, brings this 'cabinet' with him. 

Other than strange concoctions, juices, and mixers, it always contains several bottles of Champagne, various different Liqueurs, and a bag of Limes; as well as his late grandfather's silver cocktail shaker. He come's fully equipped.

When he asks something like "Have you any Angostura Bitters?", I know immediately that his latest discovery is on its way.

Personally I've never bothered with cocktails; I'm lazy, and like my tipples to come ready made. Pulling a cork is more my style, and, anyway, I don't possess all the paraphernalia. However, if one is prepared specially for me, I'm usually extremely happy; and K does prepare some stonkers.

We've had several different cocktails over the festive period. I usually ask what they're called, and never seem to get an answer. So, invariably they're called a Camel's bottom, or a Shag on the Beach, or even a Cro's Credential. Name's are hardly important, but inventing them is fun.

I now look forward to seeing his 'cabinet of curiosities' being taken from the boot of his car. I always know something interesting is inside just waiting to break out. He should be here this evening.
Maybe a 'Pink Pussy' or a 'Smack in the Eye, or even a 'Kimbo's Kaboodle'. They're all good, and they all have a kick; I tread carefully. 


  1. Replies
    1. I'll get him to make a 'Strapping Sailor' just for you!

  2. It is not a new thing is it to travel with such items in their own case. If you decide to make a cocktail, you might need three different bottles of spirits, plus some juice and a mixer. So expensive. We never made much more at home that a traditional martini.

    1. It all seems so complicated, even if the results are delicious!

  3. A delightful video. He sounds so English!
    I like a good cocktail but like you, only when someone else makes it.

    1. Much better that way. The pleasure without the hard work.

  4. Mine would be called a Whoopsie Daisy as I'd probably end up on the floor afterwards.

    1. I'm sure one can be arranged; 50% Gin, 50% Vodka?

  5. I've had the occasional foray into cocktails but after a couple of tries I always revert to the good old pulled cork approach to my beverage.

  6. Nice to see the video, the female voice sounds very sexy. In my barmaid life I have occasionally made cocktails. As for drinking them, the best cocktail bar I ever found was in the Hotel Gellert in Budapest, Divine champagne cocktails.

    1. We had some wonderful Champagne Cocktails at Christmas (too many), I can't remember a lot about them other than they were totally delicious. The female voice has a delightful foreign accent.

  7. Love the video … I’m not a big cocktail drinker but I would never decline one !!! One of the nicest cocktails I ever had was a Rose Petal cocktail. Lanique rose petal liqueur, gin and a squeeze of lemon ! It’s not sweet but has a background of Turkish delight. I could have drunk them all night. I also LOVE Scroppino …. the Italian after dinner digestif ….. I could also drink those all night ! …. oh, and Fernet Branca ! But I guess the last two aren’t cocktails ! XXXX

    1. Gosh, your knowledge of cocktails is quite comprehensive. I like the sound of the Rose Petal one.

  8. Cocktails fool me into believing I'm like Jean Harlow.

  9. A pink pussy and a shag on the beach always help me to relax before dinner.

    1. Yes, a pipeful of Old Shag, with a friendly Cat by your side, is always enjoyable in the early evening.

    2. Have you tried a slippery nipple or perhaps an orgasm? Both are delightful in my humble opinion.

    3. Pudding I'm surprised your brain didn't think to mention Cock or Tail. Not to worry it helps folk tell when you copy and paste Wikipedia.

  10. My brother often carries around a box which contains a little red wine in a silver flask, with silver beakers - an antique Holy Communion set! (He's a vicar.)

    1. Is that for his own tipple; or just for work?

  11. Cocktail hour with Kimbo sounds like a great experience.

    1. He'll be coming down again in a few hours, so maybe we'll be treated to yet another creation.

  12. I adore those rare times when someone makes me a specialty cocktail. It's comparable to having a massage in my opinion. Red wine is my go-to drink, (what's not to love about red wine?) I'm also one of those "Dry January" people. Sigh... it makes January evenings a wee bit duller.

    1. Dry January for me is having one less glass than I usually do. My problem is that I don't see anything wrong with it, a glass of wine with my evening meal is NORMAL.

    2. I think one glass with dinner is delightfully normal. I like to have one with dinner and one "big" one after. It's the one after dinner that needs to go. Dry January helps get me back on track...for a time anyway.

  13. Cork, twister, popper or mixer person is interesting to think of folks as.

    Summer working for college, I made a cocktail so good, I kept waking up, sleepy and thirsty, evidently taking sips during the night. In the morning, I woke to my BIL laughing as he told my sister "I think your sister is drunk!" A surprise it was. Cocktails are nice with caution.:)

    1. They do tend to hide the fact that they are made with Dynamite!

  14. My mum always had Angostura Bitters on hand, she would add a few drops to the mixture when making sponge cakes, which are otherwise tasteless even when the jam and cream filling is added.
    I don't drink cocktails or any other alcohol on a regular basis. I remember a Pina Colada aeons ago and more recently some Sangria at a daughter's Christmas barbecue. My daily 'tipple' is water.
