Monday 27 December 2021

Happy, then not Happy.

I was quite shocked to see these Daffs sprouting in the churchyard, as I was walking with Billy just now.

But not nearly as shocked as I was to find two female (I think) 'Goths' (complete with black lipstick, bones through their noses, and all the usual other junior accoutrements, writing on gravestones.

I approached them to ask what they thought they were doing. My question seemed to fall on deaf ears, until a rather saucy string of expletives came my way. I didn't have my phone with me, so I asked a fellow dog walker (Caspar's Mum) if I could borrow hers to take some photos. I followed them to where they were then writing, and took some good full-frontal portraits of them.

This (above) is just one example of their handiwork; there was a lot more, all over most of the ancient graves.

The uglier one of the two then informed me that I didn't have her permission to take her photo; I replied that I hadn't asked! I also told her that I was photographing the graffitied gravestones, and that she'd simply been in the way. I was half hoping that she would have taken a swing at me (I'm still capable of a good strong punch) but they sloped off into town.

I did ask Caspar's Mum to send the photo to the police, or someone in charge of the parks, but I haven't seen her since.

I'm writing this because I was furious at seeing two such childish idiots defacing a graveyard with no shame whatsoever. I hope their photos do reach the police and that some action is taken. Their faces must be known!



  1. I have tried to think of something to say that expresses my feelings, but all I could come up with is deplorable! I certainly hope someone will take note and do something. Did they use chalk or something more permanent? I can’t tell if they scratched into the stone (sure hope not).

    1. Luckily it was chalk, but it was their attitude that shocked me. They simply couldn't give a damn about anyone else.

  2. I feel exactly like the comment above.

  3. I dislike the desecration.
    Can I ask what you took the picture of the flowers with?

    1. I should have said; I took the Daffs photo later.

  4. When you spoke to the girls I am surprised that you made an excuse about photographing graffiti as a pretext for being near them. Something seems missing from this story.

    1. It was simply a reply to her pathetic notion that I needed her permission to photograph her. It wasn't an excuse, simply a statement. Sorry, I wrote the above in a great hurry, and whilst very angry.

    2. I think they need a good ticking off from the Police with reference to the gentleman who caught them redhanded and told to go on their way but they are being watched.

  5. I think you handled the situation with the girls brilliantly. I hope they are trembling in their goth boots right now. I'm relieved it was only chalk. Hopefully, their fear of what might be coming down the pipe for them will be punishment enough.

    1. They were very fortunate not to become physical. I'm not nice to know when angry. I hope they do eventually get a visit from the police.

  6. They need reporting to the police and it would be great if they got charged and forced to do cemetery clean up as community service to pay their debt.

    1. I would hope that would be the least of their punishment. I shall try to find Caspar's Mum today.

  7. What's wrong with people these days? When I was a lad, I got up to mischief but desecrating old gravestones was unthinkable. Good for you for not just ignoring what was happening.

    1. I was genuinely horrified by what I saw, and the fact that they showed no shame was even worse.

  8. It is hard to imagine what kind of pleasure they felt, or motivated them.

    1. I think they felt proud of themselves; for what I have no idea.

  9. Defacing gravestones is totally unacceptable. I'm glad you confronted the girls. They need to know their acts are not going to be tolerated. Please carry your phone at all times as you never know when you need to make an emergency call or record wrong doings.

    1. I suppose I should have called the police immediately after taking their photo. I was too angry to think straight.

  10. Wow! That's horrible! I am glad you spoke up. I also would try like crazy to get those pictures to where they need to be.

  11. I also hope the police are informed and action is taken. Over here the thugs do much more than writing, they kick over headstones, break them steal them and so on. One has to wonder what is going on in their minds.

    1. I'm hoping to see the woman whose phone I used, and will ask if she has sent the pictures to anyone. If not I'll get her to send them to me, and I'll take the necessary steps.

  12. It was only chalk and will wash off in the rain. If you want to be community spirited instead of asking someone else to send in the photos to the police how about taking a bucket and sponge and cleaning it up?
