Sunday 12 December 2021

Happy Birthday Billy

Today is Billy's birthday. He is THREE. 

What was inside his present? A very smart new brown leather collar. Nothing fancy; just good quality. He hasn't worn it yet, so I can't say if he approves or not!



  1. Goodness I can't believe he is Three ! It just seems like yesterday your Son delivered that sweet puppy.
    Happy Birthday Gud Dug.

  2. Happy Birthday Billy. I hope you get a nice beef bone from the butcher.

    1. Maybe not a Beef Bone, but he'll certainly be having plenty of treats.

  3. Billy mutters, 'Not so appetising but I think I can eat it'.

  4. Yes, Happy Birthday Billy! But of course he has an up-to-date dog tag on it.

  5. Lucky Billy! Happy Birthday from me :)

    1. I hope he feels the same way, he still hasn't opened his present.

  6. Happy Birthday Billy, love from Poppy and Val

  7. Hope he has a good day with all his treats. Ah, it's a dogs life.

  8. Happy birthday Billy. Enjoy your presents.

  9. "WOOF! WOOF! Grrr Daddy! Grrr. I didn't want a frigging collar, I wanted a bone! Dogs like bones!"

    1. He's not allowed bones... his Mum is a spoil-sport!

    2. Who is "Mum" to Billy? If you are referring to Lady M please tell her that bones are healthy for dogs. And anyway, we all need something to get our teeth into, keep us entertained, busy; not least burying supplies, squirrel away for a rainy day.

      Happy Birthday, Billy.


    3. He's allowed very big raw beef bones (in France), but here we have no butcher, and he's not having any cooked ones!

  10. Happy Birthday Billy. I also can't believe he is three already.

    1. He's a big boy now, all grown-up and reasonably sensible.

  11. Happy birthday to Billy, and many happy returns! Now I'm going to go off and see if I can't find a post about his arrival to the House of Cro.

    1. If you type 'Billy again' into the white search box (top left) you will find a photo of him as he arrived.

  12. Your dog, Billy, is such a pretty dog. He is really pondering about his present.

    Our Fuzzy Pomeranian was never bad about tearing things up except for the belt loops on my husband's pants once when he was a puppy, and the toes of my knee high stockings. Since he has been a grown dog he hasn't done anything like that.

    Even when he was a puppy, we always had to show him it was ok to tear into the wrapping tissue on his presents and then he always got so excited, and would just rip and tear with joy.

    It is hard to get a dog toy into the house without him knowing it. He can smell dog toys the minute we bring the bag from the store into the house. I don't know how he knows they are dog toys unless it is by their scent, and have often wondered if they all come from the same dog toy factory in China.
    He doesn't play with his toys very much at all anymore, He is 17 years old, and I think it hurts his arthritis to carry his toys around. He does sometimes play with his ball still, by running it around and around in the house.

    I have never given any dogs we ever had any bones. They can splinter off bone pieces and be hurt by them. Years ago our backyard neighbor took it upon herself to give our Sheltie a Pork Chop bone. They were grilling bar b cue in their backyard that afternoon, and must have tossed the bone over into our yard. It was by sheer luck that I looked out into the yard just in time to see our Sheltie acting like something was caught in his mouth. Sure enough, he had a whole pork chop bone wedged in his mouth and he could not close his mouth and was clawing at his face trying to get it out. There was a bar b cued pork chop bone when I managed to get it out of his mouth. I went and knocked on the neighbor's door and asked her to please not give our dogs bones any more. I was being very polite. "We never gave your dog any bone", she said as she stood at the door with bbq sauce dripped down the front of her tee shirt. I left her porch, and from then on, always kept an eye on our yard and dog when they cooked bbq.

    1. Many years ago I found a working Sheep Dog (Border Collie) with a bone stuck in its throat. I went down to see the farmer, and he put the dog in a shed saying "I'll deal with it later". I was STUNNED. Horrible man.

  13. Happy Birthday to Billy and may there be many, many more. I think he needs a biscuit today ;-)

    1. Thank you. I certainly hope he'll have many more birthdays, although with our recent record with Monty and Bok, we shall be keeping our fingers crossed. I don't think there are any 'poisoners' here.

  14. Happy 3rd. B-day to Billy! He's curious about the present.

    1. I rather pleased that he didn't try to tear it to bits, with all the other presents around he could cause chaos!

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