Friday 31 December 2021

Cro's Review of 2021.


January 2021 in France was all about minus-zero temperatures, learning how Brexit would evolve, and of course the spread of Covid-19. 

The jealous bully-boy (and girl) leaders of the EU were soon looking for ever more devious ways to punish the UK over Brexit; especially over fishing, Ireland, and Covid-19 vaccines. They continued to meddle in the UK's affairs by breaking contracts, and 'stealing' around 5 million AZ vaccine doses that were en route from Holland to the UK.

Also in January, over in the USA, Trump retired to Mar-a-Lago and the change-over from 45 to 46 went ahead reasonably smoothly (other than the storming of the Capitol), leaving the elderly Biden in charge. Trump now plays golf, and continues to moan.... I'm not quite sure what Biden and his sidekick are doing.

March saw the infamous Harry, Meghan, Oprah, TV interview. As with Diana Spencer's disastrous 1995 interview with Bashir, such things do no favours for the interviewees. In both examples half-truths were soon uncovered, and accusations made. It doesn't pay to invent tales in front of the world's press, who are only too eager to delve into the dustiest of corners. 

Harry and Meghan's search for privacy took a nose-dive, much like their popularity. If this was how they'd planned their new reclusive lifestyle; it ain't working. La Markle is doing her best to trash The Royal Family, and is milking every penny from her marriage to a real live BRITISH PRINCE. I love the above photo; Meghan is centre stage, with Oprah and Harry very much in the background. Yup, that's about it.

After all Macron's anti-British vaccine nonsense, amazingly we received our first jabs on April 7th. They were (of course) of the delicious (stolen) Astra Zeneca variety, and were administered at our local pharmacy. We received our second on June 23rd; we were now both fully jabbed, and invincible.

On the afternoon of April 17th, Prince Philip's funeral took place at St George's Chapel, Windsor Castle. The British, and others, said a final farewell to one of the most respected members of The Royal Family. As was befitting someone of his stature, the ceremony was perfection, and was a faultless tribute to The Queen's husband of 73 years. RIP Prince Philip.

As per usual we opened the pool at the end of May, and the water soon reached a 'swimmable' temperature. One of our few 'lockdown' pleasures.

In July, the barn came one step closer to being finished. The new exterior wooden cladding was completed, and general consensus agrees that it looks very good; Merci Olivier. Now all we need is the second bathroom to be completed, and a few 1st floor doors made.

The beginning of July saw an amazing crop of mushrooms There were more Cepes and Girolles than we have seen in decades. Freezers were filled, appetites were satisfied, and for those who sell them, pockets were overflowing. I doubt if we'll ever see another crop like it.

Sports-wise in 2021, Novak Djokovic won the men's Wimbledon title yet again, Italy beat England in the Euro's final, Slovenia's Tadej Pogačar won the Tour de France, Emma Radacanu won the Ladies' US open tennis, and all sorts of people won medals in Tokyo.

We returned to Blighty in early October, and instantly fell in love with the friendliness, the intelligence, and the culture that our wonderful coastal town has to offer. What a difference!

Even with all the problems that 2021 brought to us, it hasn't been all bad. On a personal level, our tiny French hamlet has become a more pleasant place to live now that some spiteful trouble-makers have moved away, and their house sold to some very pleasant newcomers. The atmosphere has changed 99% for the better, and much of the peace and quiet that we'd enjoyed for 48 years has returned. 

There's no place in a tiny hamlet for people who don't know how to behave. I hate conflict, but some seem to thrive on it. When I once mentioned about this to someone of importance in the village, the reply was "Oh, the whole village knows all about him". We shall continue to keep to ourselves.

We end the year with more Covid problems, with Prince Harry and wife totally out of control, and with Russia and China forever taking advantage of the woolly thinking from The West.

So, I wish a happy New Year to you all. In these troubled times, I wish you, above all, prolonged GOOD HEALTH, and a certain amount of financial solvency. What more could you ask for. Cro x


  1. Apart from Covid it seems you have had a pretty good year. I cried when I heard about Prince Philip and again when I saw the funeral on TV. I most certainly did NOT cry when Meghan Markle (aka Mega-Sparkle) whined about loss of privacy and everything else that she thinks is wrong with the Royal family, since she has done her utmost to keep herself in the spotlight since leaving them. And have you noticed in all photos with her now Harry rarely smiles anymore?

    1. I'm afraid she's adopted the Diana role of being the 'top dog' rather than the escort. Poor Harry doesn't stand a chance.

  2. You lead a rich life . May you contain to enjoy your return to Blighty and be able to swim in that pool in France in the summer.
    Thanks for your blog with its great variety , always interesting. No wonder her Majesty reads it every morning while have Ng her toast and tea, phone propped up on the toast rack.
    Kali Kronia
    Happy And Healthy 2022 to you and Lady M

    1. As is traditional I have left (cough) my mistakes in the comment

    2. I do hope we'll be able to return this summer; I suppose it all depends on horrible Covid. I also hope it'll be calm again as it once was. Too much conflict recently. Happy new year to you on your lovely Greek island.

  3. Happy 2022 Cro, Lady M & family …… may it be a healthy and happy one. Much love. XXXX

    1. That's all we can hope for; especially the healthy bit!

  4. Happy New Year to you and your family and Billy and your readers. xx

  5. Wishing you and all your family a very Happy New Year. I look forward to another year of reading your postings! XX

    1. Thank you Frances. A happy new year to you too.

  6. Happy new year to you and your family Cro.

    1. Thank you Yael. I wish you peace, which I expect is your major concern. xx

  7. Thank you for the round-up Cro. Saves me thinking about it all, Like you - and the rest of us I suspect, I hope for a better and healthier New Year for us all.

    1. I note down certain things as the year progresses. It's probably not representative of the important events, but it keeps me off the streets.

  8. It's very surprising that you didn't mention Hull City's promotion to The Championship after becoming champions of League One back in May. This was surely the biggest sporting news of 2021. However, I forgive you for this glaring oversight.

    Happy New Year Cro!

    1. It was only surpassed by Brighton & Hove Albion being in the top half of the Premiership for most of the season. I haven't checked recently.

  9. Happy new year, lets hope 2022 sees us crossing the channel as and when we wish.

    1. Wouldn't that be nice. I see no advantage to either side for it to be otherwise.

  10. Happy New Year, Cro! I'm feeling optimistic as I generally do. I'm glad I discovered your blog and I'm looking forward to more.

    1. Hi Melinda. You are very welcome here. Another good year ahead of us all, I hope.

  11. Happy New Year to you and Lady M. Good health and financial comfort are good things to have.

    1. I have never hankered after great wealth; just not to be poverty-stricken. Happy new year Andrew.

  12. Wishing you all the best for a happy and healthy 2022. 2021 has been a roller coaster of a year. Cheers to a better 2022.

    1. Lets all hope so. I do feel as if 2022 will see the beginning of the end of Covid; all will be revealed!

  13. An enjoyable round-up. Thank you.

  14. Happy new year Cro, let's hope 2022 will be a better one.
