Thursday 23 December 2021

Allo, Allo; what 'av we ear?

It was on this day in 1888, that the painter Vincent Van Gogh famously cut off his own ear.

The story apparently is as follows. Vincent had read somewhere that his brother Theo was engaged to be married, and out of frustration that he was about to lose his 'best and most important friend', he sliced off a good part of his left ear.

He then wrapped it in paper and went to his local brothel, where he gave it to a cleaning girl, Gabrielle. He then returned home to bed and very nearly bled to death overnight.

So, today we remember poor Vincent, and his ear; I don't suppose he did a great deal of Christmas celebrating that year.


  1. Don't believe everything you read.

    Family folklore is rife. Comparing notes with my siblings, parents, other relatives I sometimes think we all live(d) in parallel universes. My beloved mother rewrites family history wherever the mood takes her. The height of hilarity when she corrects me about events she wasn't present at. And, yes, she is fully compos mentis. What I have learnt over time that "biographical" detail needs to be taken with a large pinch of Sal de Mar before running to the hills.

    Anyway, so what? Van Gogh cut his ear off, Nietzsche embraced a horse in Turin, Beethoven - in later years - couldn't even hear his audience's applauding the very own symphonies he wrote and directed live. The world is crazy. And so are, potentially, the world's inhabitants.

    Hoping you arefully intact bar a few frazzled nerves,

  2. Left ear? Button on his coat on the girl's side? I am confused - also with Ursula's comment.

    1. I think she was just finishing her second bottle of Schnapps. She'll no doubt tell me if it was her third!!

    2. Potty, let's believe, for sake of argument, that he did cut off his LEFT ear. I simulated the same action this morning. And come to conclusion that van Gogh was right handed. But then, maybe he was as easily confused as both you and Cro appear to be. Or maybe he was bi-dextrous - as I am.


    3. So what if he was right-handed, I too have simulated it. Where's the problem? He cut off a good chunk of his left ear... why are you the only person in the world who seems to dispute this?

    4. Got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, Cro? There is no "problem". I don't "dispute" anything. I wasn't there, was I?

      Anyway, never mind ears, nose and toes. He did one better, killing himself at age thirty seven. Beat that if you can.

      Sunflower greetings,

    5. You've totally lost me. Are you claiming that he didn't cut off his ear?

  3. Poor guy had obviously gone over the edge at that time. One of my favourite artists and my favourite Dr. Who episode!

    1. I find your mention of a 'Dr Who episode' interesting. Did he appear in it cutting off his ear?

  4. So sad that genius and insanity are often close bed fellows...
    I could have told you, Vincent
    This world was never meant for one
    As beautiful as you.

    1. I don't think he was an easy person to be around. 'Beautiful' might give the wrong impression.

  5. Whatever, it's not a nice story. Don't ever think of changing your name to Cro Mignon.

  6. What a loser. Did he achieve anything in life?

  7. He was obviously stark raving....

    1. Possibly bi-polar, or even autistic. He didn't have an easy life.

  8. Madness comes in many forms. Can we consider other topics? After all, it is Christmas.

    1. I'd hoped people would find this anniversary interesting.

  9. I have just been studying him, they do now believer that he was bi-polar. At the time he was suffering with terrible hallucinations his friend the sculpture parted ways with him and he chopped off part of his ear. I have read that it was thought to be the bottom of his ear now and others say he took the whole lot off. How much of his mental health fueled his art, I dont know. But you only have to see modern day musical artists and comedians to realise how many people suffer from mental health issues. The latest I can think of Kanye West, he claimed the medication that he had to take dulled his emotions and his inspiration to write. He famously stopped them and fled to Wyoming where his wife wanted to get him help

    1. There has been a lot of speculation over the years, most of which was spurious. As far as I can see, the above is correct. What is certain is that he was a very troubled young man.

  10. Missed a few posts been an interesting Holiday so far.
    I did want to wish you all a lovely Christmas maybe some snow ?

    1. No snow for Christmas Day, and I hope not for later. I'm not a fan of snow.

  11. What a cherry Christmas story. Hoping we all keep our mental health stable these holidays. Merry Christmas.

    1. I could write a long response to your comment Poppy, but I'll limit it to saying that many European governments have wisely allowed us to spread (and catch) Covid over Christmas, then stop us on Boxing Day. What wisdom!

  12. I don't much care which ear he cut off or how, but the why bothers me when I think about, which is maybe once or twice a decade. I suppose for the same reasons people these days cut or burn themselves or otherwise manage to do some kind of physical harm. Mental illness, bi-polar, depression. And they don't ask for help because they don't realise they are ill.
