Sunday 7 November 2021

Things to do in Brighton. Day Trip from London

I love my UK city. For those who may not know Brighton, it is situated on the South coast of England, 60 miles due South of London. It has two major universities, and therefore has a very 'young' population; as you might see by the video. It is often referred to as 'London by the Sea'.

Brighton has the reputation of being very welcoming to the rich-n-famous, eccentrics, the gay community, and artists. It's as liberal a city as anywhere on earth.

Here is a small taster, filmed in 2016.


  1. Lovely. I miss living by the Sea

    1. It wasn't filmed on a very good day. I was on the beach last week, and the water was clear calm and beautiful.

  2. Although we were only there for a few hours, we found it to be a terrific place to visit, and so did my niece when she went there.

    1. It's too young and animated for some, but for liberal-minded people it's a gem.

  3. ne vous l avais je pas predit cher ami cro,quelle chance est la votre de pouvoie resider dans cette belle ville!il va falloir remercier macron de vous avoir force un peu la main!amitie p caillou

    1. He has certainly made us think twice about our time in France. We still love it there, but the atmosphere is very different to here. Not too much 'Liberté, égalité, or fraternité' there these days.

    2. j adore tout de l angleterre:leur literrature,leur cuisine,et surtout leurs ports;ma preference est tout de meme pour l ecosse,seul endroit au monde ou j ai l impression de comprendre la langue:un accent rocailleux qui est proche du vieux patois allemand que parlait mes grands parents,ah fort william !!mais la ou vous etes c est une ambiance so swing amities paule caillou

    3. It certainly is; 'London by Sea', whilst further down the coast it's more like 'Cemetery by Sea'.

  4. It does look like a wonderful place to send a weekend wandering. I'd like to go one day, but don't think that will ever happen.

    1. Plenty to see, do, eat, buy, or just relax.

  5. I love Brighton, I would rather drive there than London.

    1. Luckily we have a garage, which makes life more pleasant. Without one, people are permanently looking for somewhere to park.

  6. It is on my bucketlist. One day.....
    You are certainly living a completely different life this autumn as you would have done living in the Dordogne.
    Is that good grammar? I don't know.
    Anyway, have a good sunday.

    1. Very good grammar, Guusje, although we might use the word 'than' rather than 'as', but it's of no importance. Yes, a very different style of life!

    2. Thank you Cro. It is good to keep learning every day. But I would use lifestyle rather than style of life. Or is lifestyle the American way? We seem to use it al the time rather than our own "levensstijl".

  7. As a small child my Nan took me on an annual coach trip from Windsor to Brighton, we stayed for a week with my aunt who lived at Woodingdean. I got taken to the beach and was bought the obligatory multi-coloured rubber bucket and spade so that I could dig in the shingle. A candyfloss at one of the stalls on the seafront, and a paddle in the Peter Pan paddling pool. Great fun, I remember the smell of the sea as the coach approached Worthing, so exciting!

    1. That first sight of the SEA was always exciting. My favourite was either candy floss, or a Knickerbocker Glory.

  8. I hope you have your bucket and spade.

    1. Not a lot of sand here. Better to have a JCB for all the pebbles.

  9. Shame that the voice over was by an American lady and not your good self. Having visited Brighton myself I can confirm that it is a great little city even though it is "Down South". It has to be great if Briony and Tom live there!

    1. After lunch we shall 'promenade' along the sea front between Brighton and Hove. It's the traditional Sunday afternoon thing to do. We may even bump into Briony and Tom!

  10. I love Brighton, went there often to visit my grandmother.

    1. The perfect place for a grandmother to live; no-one would refuse to visit!

  11. What variety, colour. I'd love to spend 6 months there every year!

    1. It's a great city. We're just back from walking with Billy, we met loads of nice people, and all the dogs had a wonderful time.

  12. It seems Brexit did you a favor forcing your move to Brighton 6 months out of each year. Having the sea is certainly an added benefit. Is there a sailing community too?

    1. It's certainly been very good leaving behind a few rather 'toxic' people. I hope they change their attitudes before we return. Yes there's a big sailing community here; in fact we have the biggest marina in the UK in Brighton.

  13. I really do love that your are so happy rediscovering your old stomping grounds. You were so happy at your French home...and no less delighted with Brighton. Perhaps, happy has nothing to do with where you are. Maybe you are, at heart, just a very happy soul!

    1. It's true, I am a happy person, I wake happy every morning, and usually remain that way until bedtime!

  14. I love, love, love Brighton!
    It's not the sea, as I have lived on the north west coast of England for all my life.
    It's the vibrant atmosphere, jewellery shopping in The Lanes, but most of all, the gloriously over the top Pavilion, I could never see it too often, I absolutely love every tiny little detail!

    1. I think you've summed it up perfectly. The Pavilion amazes me every time I pass by.

  15. I have never been Cro - don't suppose I shall ever go now but it always looks such an interesting place.

    1. It's like the 60's Kings Road and Carnaby Street every day and everywhere. Never a dull moment.

  16. Brighton looks lovely and the items in the bake shops must be tasty.


  17. We love Brighton and visit often from up here in sunny Manchester. In fact we spent our honeymoon there!
