Sunday 28 November 2021

The Life of Boo Boo.

I had literally just returned from evening Dog-Walking when this photo arrived on my WhatsApp page with a 'ping'. It was blowing a strong wind here, and was very cold. I really needed my silly Russian hat, thermal vest, scarf and gloves. 

I am not naïve enough not to know that parts of the world are always bathed in perfect weather, as we here in the UK are battling against the cold, wind, and rain, but I didn't really need this reminder. 

Boo Boo looks very tall and tanned, and Kellogg is obviously enjoying the sunshine. I don't know what's going on in the photo; maybe a lost ball!

I don't like Winter. I want to be like Boo Boo, wearing shorts, and not much else. I would love to join them on The Seven Mile Beach, and swim in that crystal clear water, or maybe even take a boat out and fish for Barracuda.

Winter has just begun here in the UK. For us it's simply a sudden drop in temperature and strong wind, but in the North they've had serious gales, snow, and even a few deaths.

Christmas is a month away, Spring is sometime next year, and hot sunshine is just a memory. I do hope we don't have snow!



  1. Doesn't that look idyllic. Australia I presume. I'm quite happy with rain and wind. I'm not even complaining about cleaning ashes out of the stove most mornings. The garden is green, the roses are flowering and the island is peaceful .
    But for you it's a long slog. At least you're not in the middle of that terrible storm . Do you wonder what's happening in France or do you have an overseer?

    1. Yes, we do have someone who checks on the house daily, but we're not that worried about it. I'll have a lot of mowing to do when I return.

      They're in the Caribbean, on a small island. I've spent time there myself, and it's pretty idyllic.

  2. Oh dear, just looking at that photo makes a shiver run down my spine.

    If I remember correctly Kellog is Swedish. Must be odd for her to overwinter without the big freeze and thick socks. Maybe she now feels like one of those migrant birds who flee Europe in winter and return in summer.


    PS Don't worry about snow; highly unlikely along your and my coastline. And if there is any it's so short lived you barely have time to build a snow man; not even a tiny one. However, do beware black ice. One of the devil's many hidden treacheries, not to say one of his more unpleasant and unwelcome surprises.

    1. Just back from Dog-walking (when aren't I?), and I can confirm that Winter is here. Very cold out there; ear freezing weather. Yes, Kellogg is originally Russian, but moved to Sweden when quite young. I'm not so sure that she misses the frozen Steppes.

    2. My forecast for today is still predicting SNOW. I cannot stand the stuff!

  3. Well, we do have sunshine up here today but the temperature is a little different. Just hovering on freezing this morning.

  4. 28 degrees here today. I still water the garden every day.

    1. 28 C sounds like heaven to me this morning.

  5. Boo Boo is about to pull an iguana out of the shrubbery by its tail.

  6. Yes. I do miss my New Zealand life!

    1. Why can't UK PLC have Summer Quarters and Winter Quarters; we could all move South or North with the seasons.

  7. One of the things I love about England is the fact that our weather is so unpredictable. Our weather underpins everything - from farming to wildlife habitats and from days out to the clothes we wear. Genuinely, I love it.

    1. I'm afraid that I don't share your enthusiasm. I like to know that in Summer it will be warm, and in Winter it'll be cool (not freezing). I don't like it chopping and changing all the time. I suppose this was one of the reasons why I lived in S France for more than half my life.

  8. He's going to be tall by the looks of things.

    1. I was quite surprised when I saw the photo; he's 'shot up'.

  9. We had several cold enough nights to kill off all of the flower blooms, except the roses right up against the house. The leaves on most all of the trees are gone, the persimmon tree is bare of leaves, but the persimmons are still hanging on for dear life. During this week we are supposed to be in the high 50's and low 60 degrees every weekday. It's sad to see all of the flowers gone and colorful leaves are gone on bright, warmish days. I'm already tired of winter and it's not even here yet.

    I don't blame you for wearing your warm Russian style hat. My ears are sensitive to cold wind so I always wear a silky scarf to cover them a la Ingrid Bergman or other 1950's stars, but the scarf on my head is probably starting to look more babushka-ish on me now, and I don't care. Better than an earache.

    1. I've always been over sensitive about what hats I wear. The Russian one is somehow 'universally silly', so no-one notices.

      Do your Persimmons ripen enough to eat? I always find that the shop-bought ones are very good, but the home-grown not so good (in France anyway).

  10. Quits a downfall of snow here this morning - maybe an inch - but the sun has just emerged and it is promised to be a bit warmer tomorrow.

    1. Lovely here today. Our forecast snow has gone elsewhere!

  11. Basking in the sunshine in the Caribbean is glorious. Sailing is ideal with the westerly winds pretty constant. You must have an "open invitation!" After a few more cold days with some gales and snowfall, you might have to reconsider. The weather Gods are calling you...

    1. Yes we have the invite for Crimbo, but I think we'll stay here; too much upheaval. We have family here too, of course.

  12. That's a call to move again, I'd say. Never having visited or lived in the UK, I only know of the weather from programs I watch. We always snicker when it's obviously summer and everyone has on a sweater.

    1. Up until two days ago it had been OK, but it suddenly became really cold. I'm not a cold-climate person, although it must be said that back in France our Winters were often colder than here. We'll survive; central heating is a good panacea.

  13. I thought Australia at first too, but the Caribbean is better I think. Warmer water for swimming for a start. Our beaches are usually packed with swimmers all summer, but for me the water doesn't warm enough until February. Tomorrow is expected to be 32C here, which is 89.6F, so I shall head to the beach and start my walking routine again. it takes a while to get there, first a bus, then a train, so by the time I've walked from one jetty to another and back again it will be time to reverse the trip and be home in time to feed the cat.

  14. You have a wonderful view out that window! I'd be gazing out instead of getting my work done!
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