Monday 15 November 2021


Blogging can be a dangerous pastime. Imagine (if you can), Cro sitting in front of his simple laptop when suddenly his chair collapses beneath him.

Well, this did happen yesterday, and I was left sitting on the floor amongst a pile of chair legs, intermingled with my own. 

It's not the world's most beautiful chair, but my choice here is limited. It's probably worth saving, and a few squirts of PVA will have it back to purpose again in no time.

No harm done; only to pride!



  1. Yes, blogging (and commenting) does have potential.

    "Pride"? There is no shame in falling off a chair - or, as I have done a few times, flat on your face. Once on my way to court. My own coat tripped me up. Don't ask. And don't wear overlong coats.

    The indignity which I was expecting reading your post trying to GET UP when floored.

    PVA? Try Super Glue. Your fingers will stick together. You'll never know how good you had it till forced to separate your index finger from your middle finger with a sharp knife.

    Come on, Cro, splash out on something more solid to keep you in (the right) place.


    1. It's fixed now, and awaiting its next victim!

  2. I have a similar chair, but with arms and the legs are fine, but the seat is cracked right through, which is how I discovered it was made from two sections glued and not just one solid piece. It's in my shed now while I try to work out what can be done with it.

    1. You need a pot of PVA and a couple of clamps. Once glued, and clamped, leave it for a day or so, and it'll be fine.

    2. I'm thinking also a support brace bolted under the seat from one side right across to the other.

  3. Oh dear. I hope you didn't get any splinters in unfortunate places. x

    1. No, all was well; not even any bruises. Just plenty of laughter from Lady Magnon.

  4. It doesn't look terribly comfortably padded for a chair you spend some time sitting on.

    1. That is a very diplomatic way of saying it. In fact it's bloody uncomfortable, and I need to get-up and walk about a bit every so often. Not at all like my 'Executive Comfy Chair' I have in France.

    2. Getting up and walking every so often is highly recommended. Got to keep the circulation circling.

  5. Ooooops …. Better give Lady M’s tarte tatin a miss for a while 😂🤣😂 XXXX

    1. Amazingly, I've actually lost some weight recently; goodness knows how!

  6. Can you trust it won't happen again. I broke the handle off my favourite coffee mug and my husband glued it back on with some sort of super glue. I can't believe that the handle won't break off again, when the mug is full of hot coffee. It will eventually become a safe haven for pens.
    Make an executive decision. get a comfy chair

    1. I think I shall exchange it for a nice old Lloyd Loom chair I have upstairs. So much better.

  7. PVA is good stuff. You can wash it off where you don't want it (fingers, face, sleeves jumper, nose, ears), and where you do want it it sets solid.

  8. For a man of your senior years that chair collapse could have been life changing. Without passing judgement, may I ask how much you weigh? You must have become quite a porker to cause that to happen.

  9. I would never trust that chair again. It is probably waiting for you to be lulled into a false sense of security and waits patiently, laughing a little.

    Certainly there is a chair-ity that would be happy to have it.

    1. I trust my gluing more than how it was before, but it has actually gone elsewhere; out of harm's way.

  10. I find that sitting on a couch or bed using a slide in table (like a Hospital bed table) as the most comfortable position to be in when blogging. It's almost too comfortable in that I have dozed off in the past.
    I think it also helps the blood flow in the legs, which can be restricted after knees being bent for long periods.
    But don't tell everyone my secret.

    1. I'm presently at one end of the dining table. My legs project into the dog's bed, and my new chair is far too low. I need to think again.

  11. I suggest you pop up to the nearest charity furniture outlet and pick up a decent chair to sit on. Google charity furniture outlets Brighton and you will find several. To be sitting on an uncomfortable chair is madness, and once mended I suggest you keep as a spare but nothing more.

    1. Lady M has said there a good chair up in the loft, so I shall go to investigate. Otherwise there is a huge nearby store called 'Shabitat', which I'm sure will provide a replacement.

  12. I wouldn't trust that chair ever again. You might not be so lucky next time.

    1. It's gone into another room, and is now used as a dumping ground for shopping bags, etc. Every home needs one.

  13. Luckily you did not brake any bones. Imagine the next few months if you had.

    1. Yes, that wouldn't have been nice. It's a busy time of year.

  14. Wow, what a shock that must have been! Glad to hear you weren't injured. Be careful gluing it back together....

    1. It was more 'amusing' than 'dangerous'; at least Lady M found it so.

  15. Perhaps a risk assessment afore perching your rear end may be in order from now?

    1. I'm now seated on a Lloyd Loom chair which I think is indestructible.... not too comfortable though.

  16. How about taking it to The Repair Shop along with a good old sob story. It must be Will rather than the other chap who would glue it and paint it with very odd coloured legs. PS a cushion could improve comfort.

    1. Heaven forbid that it would end its life with multi-coloured legs and Day-Glo dribbles. Do people really buy those things????

  17. Oh, dear! I couldn't possibly trust this one again, despite your admirable endeavours with the glues. Perhaps label it for angle-froth grandkids' bottoms only.

    1. It's now out of harm's way; unless of course unwanted visitors come by!

  18. Replies
    1. I wouldn't want you wetting yourself with laughter. Luckily no video was taken.

  19. That must have been a jolt -- in more ways than one. Glad you were able to get up.
