Friday 5 November 2021


There is no question that our greatest concern before heading back to the UK was for Billy.

We worried about the journey (he'd never been in a car for more than 15 mins before), about how he would integrate, and even about how he would take to living in a new home. He had only previously known one way of life, one environment, one house. 

His playground had been one huge open area of fields and woodland, he'd had just one 'best friend' with whom he played almost every day, and (sadly) it was also where he'd encountered a few nasty dog-haters. 

Now all that has changed. I'm pleased to say that his journey up through France, and across the Channel, went very smoothly. He was sick just once in the car, but that was nothing to what we'd expected.

We weren't there to see, but I think he slept through the entire 4 hour sea crossing. When, at last, we descended to the car deck at Newhaven, he looked bright and happy. No havoc, or chewed shoes, just a happy boy who was pleased to see us again.

Since being in his new home, he's tasted seawater, met a thousand new dogs, and experienced a totally new way of life. I think he's enjoying himself.

People keep asking me if he's a puppy; I like the fact that he looks young. I've noticed that he makes people smile, maybe Border Collies have that affect on people, or maybe they imagine he should be on a Welsh mountain herding Sheep. He also makes people want to stroke him, you wouldn't believe how many people ask if they might.

What a life!


  1. I love his happy face! He really looks like he is enjoying his new life and all the attention from new people and new dogs. I'm glad he adjusted well, most dogs do as long as their people are with them.

    1. We took him through some very crowded streets yesterday, and he was fine. He's adapting to city life very well.

  2. It's good, and wise, that people ask to stroke him. With some many other dogs around, the smells must be delightful for him, a kid in a candy shop, so to speak.
    Is your car right hand drive of wrong hand drive?
    You have to get him into the sea water now, before the water gets really cold.

    1. My car is left-hand-drive, and I also drive on the left. I haven't hit anyone yet! He loved the sea; he'd never seen it before. It was very calm, but he found the waves baffling.

  3. Billy is such a handsome boy. I expect he is enjoying all the new sights and smells.

    1. He met a rather defensive Cat yesterday. We were walking through a nearby twitten, when it hissed and (almost) pounced. A new experience every day.

  4. It is not surprising that he is popular with strangers. Who could resist that face?

    1. I've always known that the best way to meet people is to have a dog; especially a puppy. It works!

  5. Billy looks so soft and kind ….. I’m so pleased that he is settling in well to life in Brighton. You must have both been a little worried how he would cope ? XXXX

    1. I was mostly worried about the journey, I thought he'd go crazy; but he was fine. He's very settled now.

  6. Good to hear he loves the new life. Apparently your positive attitude to change also affects him. What a great dog.

  7. I've never met an unintelligent border collie, or one that didn't have very strong bonds to his 'people'. I believe that Billie will successfully adapt to almost any situation as long as he knows that you and Mrs. M are adapting to it as well.

    I can see why he would make people smile...when someone smiles at me, I can't help but smile right back.

    1. It's a good thing he likes 'people', although he's not over keen on joggers or cyclists. He prefers things that move at a dog-walking pace.

  8. Billy is a beautiful dog. My first dog was a border collie. In an incredible miscarriage of justice he was pts for biting a man's hand. The man had put his hand through the garden fence towards me (aged 2). My dog was protecting me.

    1. My people had a cottage in Wales, and up there BC's were the dog of choice. I've had great relationships with them over the decades, but Billy is the first one we've owned.

  9. Yes. What a change for Billy! How delightful that he has adapted quickly to his new life in Brighton. Maybe he will fall in love with a pretty Yorkshire terrier and eat spaghetti with her under the moonlight.

    1. Whilst avoiding those pesky thieving Seagulls.

  10. I am glad Billy had a good journey.

  11. I'm so happy for Billy! And you too, of course. :) He's a beautiful boy and I'm not surprised everyone wants to pet him!

    1. He's surprisingly popular; it's non-stop petting when we're out.

  12. You can tell an owner by his dog. Full marks there, Cro and Lady M.

    As to Billy still being taken for a puppy, well, I do like enthusiasm. We (and dogs) are never too old to play, chase a ball, take an interest. When, a couple of days ago, I suggested to my father it'd do him good to build a sandcastle, and see it washed away by the tide, I probably took it too far. Not only because he doesn't live anywhere close to a beach. Neither does he play ball.

    Chiming in with Jennifer above, so happy for Billy,

    1. Your fellow countryman, Kant, wisely said that "You can tell a man's soul by the way he treats animals".

  13. Animals are generally very good at adapting.
    Whenever I have had a dog drink seawater it goes through them instantly. Very impressive it is. Talk about shit through the eye of a needle.
    I don't take my dogs to the beach in school holdays as Alf can't resist pissing on kids sandcastles.

    1. I think he just tasted it, and probably spat it out. However he was very interested in the waves; running back and forwards.

  14. Replies
    1. He is a nice little boy, but he does have his moments!

  15. I think Border Collies are adaptable - he certainly looks happy. We had them on the farm always and they fitted in immediately they arrived. So pleased he is enjoying his new life

    1. I've always liked BC's, they are so friendly and energetic.

  16. Your Billy looks gorgeous and I notice his nose has turned from pink to black, my Billy used to like the beach we could only take him when the tide had not long gone out so the sand was hard, he’s long haired and it’s a devil of a job brushing the sand out, one day we took him and he didn’t realise the pools by the groynes were deep, he went straight in and was covered in sand, seaweed and even a little crab ! He used to be fascinated by the waves and the sea foam. I’m pleased it’s going so well for you here in Blighty…

    1. Billy seemed fascinated by the tidal motion. It was like one big game, trying to avoid the incoming waves.

  17. Look at that smile on Billy's face! It seems the UK suits Billy very well.

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  19. That's so nice to read about Billy and his new life. Jean

  20. Border collies are the best. We miss our boy desperately.
